Jul 19, 2022
Fantastic Entrepreneurship course!It has completely changed the way i thought of it.I wish i should have met Prof Buck GOldstein & Prof Holden THorp to study this topic 10 years ago
Jul 15, 2021
I really enjoyed this course and would highly recommend it! I like the layout and the topics of each week! The only tricky part was the quiz! :D
By Glen J
•Jun 17, 2017
This course is one of those gems that can be life changing. It was for me. In their gentle, but candid way, the instructors guide and challenge you through the life-cycle of a startup. You’ll understand and apply powerful management concepts in strategy, marketing, business modeling, team dynamics and funding. Learn how the wisdom of the Greats: Porter, Drucker and Levitt, is still relevant and useful today. And why new philosophies such as Lean Startup, are so effective. You'll learn from people who have been there and done it, successfully (including the impressive instructors) about the MVP and it's a call to action (try-test-fail, cheaply/quickly, learn from your mistakes, try again) together with essential skills such as “looking in the mirror”, hiring people who compliment your skills and “seeing” opportunity. Practical knowledge, useful skills and wonderfully motivational. I emerged with down-to-earth advice which I use every day. Thank you so much UNC and Coursera.
By Santiago P P
•Aug 7, 2017
Abarca todos los aspectos a tener en cuenta al momento de emprender algo.
By John T B
•Mar 10, 2022
A very useful and inspiring course. Excellent presenters and highly successful interviewees who shared some important lessons they had learned from their start-ups. The course has given me some very clear ideas the processes involved in starting a successful venture from peaple who have been there and done it.
By Galo V
•Aug 20, 2015
Es un curso excelente: práctico, encadenado con su objetivo, de contenidos de altísima calidad.En todo sentido cinco estrellas.
La única dificultad para mí ha sido el idioma, no tiene subtítulos en español. Pero aún eso me ha ayudado con el Inglés.
Galo Valencia
By Eugenia A d V
•Oct 24, 2020
Considero que es un excelente curso para empresarios y emprendedores, con una mirada completa y realista del mundo de los negocios. Hice muchos cursos de emprendedurismo, sin dudas, este fue el mejor, tiene una metodología innovadora con conceptos probados.
By Lye Z X
•Jul 19, 2022
Fantastic Entrepreneurship course!
It has completely changed the way i thought of it.
I wish i should have met Prof Buck GOldstein & Prof Holden THorp to study this topic 10 years ago
By andres c
•Sep 7, 2015
It is a wonderful opportunity which offers Coursera to take this course to form an idea and more training about entrepreneurship, I recommend this course 100%, it is excellent
By Paola E G
•Apr 11, 2018
Very practical course with clear information to go from the idea to the launch of the business or project. Thanks for all that you gave us, it was very useful.
By Michelle S
•Jul 16, 2021
I really enjoyed this course and would highly recommend it! I like the layout and the topics of each week! The only tricky part was the quiz! :D
By Johannes P v N
•Feb 25, 2017
Anybody that has a big idea or wants to start a business, would benefit from this course.
It's well presented and the content is spot on.
By Faraz K
•Jul 27, 2022
This has been an excellent course. Instructors made the process of learning easy. Now I now what it means to start a business.
By Ayodeji A O
•Jul 20, 2022
It was an eye opener for me and it has broaden my mind on Entrepreneurship and what it entails.
By Karthik s
•Aug 30, 2015
I really enjoyed taking up this course. I could recommend this to all budding entrepreneur.
By Xiaojie L
•Feb 27, 2016
I think i learn a lot and can't wait to begin my journey! Absolutely excellent course!
By Dirk v V
•Sep 10, 2017
An excellent guideline and overview of the key topics of the entrepreneurial cycle.
By Patrick H
•Aug 14, 2015
Very lucid introduction to the topic.I found it extremely useful.
By Aude R
•Sep 9, 2015
Good quality. Very instructive and inspirational. Thank you!
By Constantino F
•Jan 1, 2018
Interesante pero falta uno poco mas de casos practicios
By julio
•Apr 12, 2016
verdaderamente útil , muchas gracias por compartirlo.
By Грысь Е Н
•Jun 16, 2016
I like the course and I found it useful. Thanks.
By Deleted A
•Feb 24, 2019
I already love what I saw in this first video.
By Fabiola R
•Oct 11, 2015
Excelente toda la información suministrada
By Gnanavelu
•Mar 22, 2016
it is fantastic to learn your big idea
By Jorge C
•Nov 5, 2016
Good insight about entrepreneurship¡
By Cláudio E C L
•Nov 6, 2020
That is a great course!