Jan 19, 2021
Amazing and I have learned a lot. I am a Bilingual myself and it really sheds light on how the brain works in terms of learning and being proficient in two languages or more for others.
Nov 6, 2024
Superbly done. The Professor was entertaining, easy to follow, and the information was brilliantly chosen and presented. One of the best courses I've done on this platform so far.
By Paulina A O d Z
•Mar 13, 2019
Este curso es genial! No sólo aprendes del cerebro bilingüe, sino de cómo funciona el cerebro en general. Es la segunda vez que lo hago porque es realmente fascinante, muy recomendado!
By Raquel C
•Aug 26, 2021
Really interesting, it helps understand how a bilingual functions (like me) and when someone isn't bilingual or has doubts about their functioning it helps have another point of view
By katia f
•Nov 6, 2024
Superbly done. The Professor was entertaining, easy to follow, and the information was brilliantly chosen and presented. One of the best courses I've done on this platform so far.
By Yinmei W
•Dec 25, 2024
It was a meaningful course with lots of current research sharing. As a language teacher, I would like to share what I learned here with my colleagues to guide our curriculum.
By Jussara O
•Sep 25, 2024
I was able to watch classes over and over, since Professor Arturo's insight on the topics are deep and complex Science. It made learning a great enterprise!
By mubarak m
•Oct 9, 2020
This course provide us with various aspects of how brain and mind works and how we can use these knowledge for studying different languages
By Vike
•Jul 13, 2023
I really like this course. It really gives me a new knowledge about how the brain works when people learning or using more than language.
By Shabnam A
•Dec 20, 2021
This course was indeed one of the best that was offered by Coursera. Thanks to Dr. Hernandez for his profound knowledge. I learned a lot.
By Yuri T
•Aug 16, 2020
It led me to a whole new world to see bilingualism from different point of view. It explained ideas that I had before scientifically.
By Carme L
•Dec 12, 2019
I learned so much through this course... not only academic literature, but also a new way of reasoning and approaching languages.
By Linor T
•Jan 23, 2021
Amazing course! Notice that it focuses on the bilingual brain and the way it works, and not mainly on bilingualism as I thought.
By Daria R
•Oct 14, 2019
This course provides lost of data and valuable information for those who are interested in bilingualism and how the brain works.
•Sep 19, 2019
Happy Learning 👊🏻🤩👊🏻
Very Informative 👍🏻😄👍🏻
Very Interesting 👏🏻😀👏🏻
Thank you, DR. George Hernandez🙏🏻🏆🙏🏻
By Carolyn S
•Jan 29, 2019
This class covered many different aspects of bilingualism (and multiligualism) and included evidence from research.
By Charles E
•Jun 14, 2023
Dr. Hernandez is a very good professor, his lessons are focused and connect well or chain to the next lesson.
By Manaf S
•Jun 13, 2020
It really solidified parts of what I already know about bilingualism. I'm really excited to read the book.
By Alexandre C d S
•Feb 20, 2020
I don't think there's an English word exactly suitable for this course. This course is amazing, fantastic.
By Kam L
•Aug 23, 2021
I learned how languages are acquired, lost, and maintained and the myths associated with those topics.
By Fanny L
•Jul 13, 2020
Great course, which provided valuable information. Coursera offers the best way to continue learning.
By Mahkam Y
•Jan 28, 2022
this course was really informative and I learned a lot. moreover, it broaden my in bilingualisim
By Simone I
•Oct 30, 2022
Excelente curso. Era extamente o que eu porcurava para atualizar e aprimorar meu conhecimento.
By Renata A L
•Aug 25, 2019
Excelente curso. Recomendo em especial aqueles que trabalham em ambientes de múltiplos idiomas.
By Nguyen L
•May 16, 2021
Very informative and useful. I have acquired much new knowledge pertinent to neurolinguistics
By Cil G L
•Oct 5, 2024
Great course! This shares how language acquisition manifests from environment and learning.
By Aggie H
•May 20, 2021
I learned so much in this course. This makes me understand the leaners, including me, more.