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Learner Reviews & Feedback for BIM Fundamentals for Engineers by National Taiwan University

1,865 ratings

About the Course

​The course is designed for students to learn the essential concepts of BIM, and the basic technical skills to create and manipulate a BIM model. Those skills include how to retrieve information from a BIM model and how to use common modeling tools....

Top reviews


Mar 26, 2020

I've managed just in several days (approximately 3-4 hours daily) to learn basics of Revit and I'm ready to upgrade my knowledge in some of the next courses and I'm feeling ready for those challenges!


May 20, 2020

A very good overview for beginners to BIM. Enjoyed it a lot, yes some people might find his English a bit difficult to understand, but overall it is great. Totally satisfied and highly recommended.

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351 - 375 of 454 Reviews for BIM Fundamentals for Engineers

By Joren M

Feb 9, 2021



Aug 31, 2020


By Abdelbasset T

Jul 16, 2020



Jul 5, 2020


By Victor S P

Feb 1, 2025


By Antônio L d R F

Feb 18, 2023



May 28, 2021


By Santiago A

Nov 23, 2020



Apr 7, 2020


By Mohammed A S A A

Mar 19, 2022

By Kenya D

Jan 9, 2023

Un excelente curso para aquellas personas que desean iniciar en el mundo de BIM. El contenido esta bien dividido y es un curso bastante dinámico, donde no solo tienes videos y asignaciones, si no que tambien tienes practicas para poder ir poniendo a prueba el contenido que te van enseñando. Lo único que no me gusto, fue que en el ultimo bloque, el profesor esta explicando el modelado de elementos estructurales y menciona abrir un archivo revit el cual no lo cargaron en la plataforma, lo cual hizo dificil practicar lo que el profesor estaba explicando.

By Durjoy A

Jun 29, 2020

Well designed course material for acquiring basic knowledge of audesk revit. But some parts of the videos are not detailed enough and grading is mostly based on peer review system, which I think very faulty. More focus should given on quizzes and review by professionals or verified peers. Again, some assignments were needed to be submitted in .rvt file format. This is also confusing, as not all would have the same version. It should have been in jpg format.

By Héctor T

Jan 16, 2019

Great course for begginers, gives the essentials and allow the students to get a grip with Revit.

Pros: it's easy to follow and really strait foward. The assignments aren't really all that difficult.

Cons: The skills developed are minimal, the course doesn't complete more than 1 week of work from a proffessional course, it's really only for the real begginers.

By Lucas E

Oct 15, 2020

Curso básico para quem quer entender o que é BIM (Modelagem da Informação da Construção) e como funciona dentro do Programa Autodesk Revit. As explicações e demonstrações são eficazes, mas senti falta de algumas explicações sobre as famílias utilizadas pelo curso, podiam ter sido disponibilizadas para que o estudante pudesse treinar junto da explicação.

By Gabriel D

Feb 29, 2020

Course is good, the teacher know his subject well and the key aspects of BIM fundamentals are explained. However, I think some improvements can be done: submit only a screenshot can be enough for the assignments, and the explanations of Revit use could go futher 9sometimes you just have to take for granted what is said by the teacher...

By Martina P

Mar 26, 2020

The course was really good to enter in the world of BIM and doing practice. However, I found difficulty sometime in selecting the appropriate file REVIT in accordance with the videos. This part was not clear. I think you should organise better which files are associated with each lesson and assignment.

By Salman M

Feb 27, 2023

I am going to rate this 4 stars, I could have given it 5 stars, because there were somethings in lectures needed to be cleared as beginner I had to go to you tube a lot. But if you are a beginner and have no clue where to start over your career I would surely suggest this course.

By Andrew L D

Sep 6, 2019

Thoroughly enjoyed the course, i have definitely improved in using Revit.

i see from the next course (BIM Application for Engineers)

that the files given to download are the ones that were referred to in this course, so it would have been helpful to have them for the first course.

By Ahmed S

Jan 18, 2024

it was a great course and great opportunity to learn about the BIM. I would if some of the complex projects you are working at the videos like Creating Ramp have their file project attached to the video because it was hard to reach this 3D model through the CAD files attached.

By Mohamed A R

Mar 4, 2023

It is one of the most prestigious online educational platforms out there offering courses on Data Science, Business, Health and much more. Coursera offers different learning programs from courses to specializations and degrees.

By Mohammed A

Jul 18, 2019

Good course but I feel it should be more details and harder quizzes.

also, the instructor tune too slow made me sleep.

after all the good effort of the instructor and the university and of course thanks to the couresra website.

By arivu 1

May 22, 2020

BIM Fundamentals for Engineers course is very useful. The teaching method is very nice & the lecturer's pronunciation for teaching is very good. Assignment time was helpful & I welcome here assignment review method

By Juan C S C

Apr 30, 2020

Is easier to grade de assignments if we just use screenshots because the version of the Revit can deny the access if you don't have the same version or upper. Also I think some files of the activities are missing.

By Juan F

Nov 1, 2020

Some things that are done in the video are not clear how he does it. For example the beam for rampla only takes it out of a file he had. But it is not explained how to do or where to download it