Mar 8, 2021
Very interesting course that enables any educator to obtain a great understanding of the Blended Learning approach. this is an approach that can bring a great difference to the teaching environment.
Apr 13, 2022
It's a great course. I realized that what I had dreamed of as my dream classroom was a station rotation classroom. Now I know that in other places they do it and I think I can do it.
By Erasmo E T V
•Mar 24, 2022
•Jun 20, 2021
By Galina T
•Aug 23, 2018
Курс раскрывает со всех сторон переход на смешанное обучение в школах. Мне понравилось, что описали и позицию ученика, преподавателя, директора школы, методиста, инженера по программному обеспечению. Будут всего два задания и сдать их можно в удобной для себя форме: от видео до текстового описания. Я за время учебы сделала реальный образовательный курс с принципами смешанного обучения и пересматривала видео по несколько раз. На форуме обсуждений мало, но в целом они и не пригодились. Этот курс действительно меняет отношение к процессу образования: почему учиться с утра? почему летние каникулы? почему один класс и один учитель? почему ученики не могут учиться сами и выбирать время и место?
By Kenia C
•Dec 15, 2020
The course was filled with excellent information that will help us to move from traditional classroom models to blended learning models. It summarizes the strategies necessary to personalize education for students to achieve mastery on all topics with the aid of technology and teachers evolving into new roles such as facilitators, assessors etc. Moreover, the course has given me the inspiration to create an environment that facilitates learning.
By Parikshit H
•Jul 4, 2021
My experience has been very enriching. The course is well-organised and paired with a lot of interviews which makes it credible and practical at the same time. Also, I must admit that I have grown in maturity, innovation and creativity by the end of this course.
By Miguel A B P
•Mar 13, 2022
Me parece el concepto de este método de aprendizaje es my interesante y muy funcional. Desafortunadamente las trraducciones al español no son tan buenas y se pierden algunos puntos importantes.
By Sarmishtha G
•Jun 29, 2022
There is no opportunity to connect with the facilitators in case one gets stuck up with something while writing the assignments
Rest very good
By Francisco J A R
•Apr 11, 2022
Me gusto mucho el curso porque los videos son muy buenos y las tareas un poco sencillo de hacer. Saludos.
•Apr 25, 2022
Es realmente innovador e interesante ojalá y tuvieramos los medios para llegar a concretar el plan
•Dec 23, 2024
I am still waiting for my final grade of my last final assignment to get the certificate. Please
By Русских Т В
•Apr 7, 2022
Интерсный курс, показывает технологию смешанного обучения для персонализированного образования
By Omar A
•Jan 28, 2019
good content to initiate and have some great ideas to improve blended learning method.
By Imamul H
•Sep 20, 2021
I would like to see more footage and interview from the protagonist schools.
By José L Á M
•Mar 24, 2022
Algo extensos los video, quizá un poco más concretos o sintetizados...
By Vladimir G H A
•Mar 3, 2022
Thanks for share us this course it was awesome and I learn it
By Dulce A M T
•Jan 2, 2023
Tardé más tiempo por la traducción, pero todo bien.
•Apr 26, 2022
Deberian especificar el tiempo que dura el curso,
•Oct 12, 2020
This will be one of the best practice in future
By Natalia Z C
•Apr 6, 2022
Me pareció un curso muy adecuado
By Juan R G
•Apr 25, 2022
Curso interesante.
By Alwielland B
•Jul 22, 2020
great course
By Marìa d G B R
•Apr 12, 2022
By Kerry M
•Apr 10, 2024
The presenters were great and the course was interesting but I did not enjoy the manner of assessment. Peer-reviewed assessments never work well and it took very long to get my assessment reviewed. Furthermore, half of the course was based on starting your own school and other expensive options that are not applicable for everyone. I thought it would consist of more achievable practices.
By Norma G P M
•Apr 2, 2022
No aplica tanto para la docencia en universitarios pero bien
By Will J
•Aug 27, 2022
The peer review process was very difficult to complete. That process alone led to the course being uncompleted.