Feb 4, 2022
Really learned a lot about the fundamentals of blockchain, being a software engineer looking into blockchain. It just got me up to speed with the underlying workflow of blockchain and more. loved it.
Nov 18, 2018
This is an introductory course to Blockchain. The supplemented material (in other words self-study) is excellent and in my opinion is the only way to master the concepts and details of this discipline
By Davis Y
•Jan 10, 2020
It's okay but not great. give you basic concept and guide you understand the fundamental
By Chakradhar T
•Sep 26, 2019
Its very helpful to learn the blockchain basics that cover bitcoin and ethereum as well.
By learn a
•Feb 22, 2019
i would like to thank ,to my instructor for providing good facility to learn blockchain
By Omar V G
•Sep 14, 2022
Bastante bueno y escencial para aprender lo básico de la materia. Me ayudó muchísimo.
By Manuel G S
•Nov 5, 2020
Nice, but confusing at the end due to the submission procedure and the lack of support
By Marc J L
•Aug 4, 2018
Good intro, but you might want to do some erading prior just to have more familiarity.
•May 27, 2020
Well explained but lack of tools of explanations such as animations and real exercise
By Raghavendra S G
•Jan 3, 2020
good course but use less complicated english words which are difficult to understand.
By Thanapong B
•Aug 4, 2018
This course gives a good foundation of blockchain. The explanation is pretty concise.
By Gokul G
•Apr 4, 2020
Basic Details are explained in a detailed manner and final assessment was also great
By Jose B R G
•Sep 26, 2020
Very clear to take a good foundations in terms of Blockchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum.
By Balamuralikrishna B
•Apr 25, 2022
The course is at very high level, needs more reading to keep pace with the course.
By Amrit P P
•Aug 23, 2020
awesome course .. only sugesstion i have is either VM or script need to be updated
By Dazhi W
•Jul 14, 2021
This course is an easy introduction. Could be finished within 2 or 3 days easily.
By Avinash S
•Feb 17, 2019
Explains the concepts in very efficient manner with Great Programming Assignment.
•Dec 9, 2018
Pretty decent for an introductory course! Hope it gets better in further modules!
By Abhishek T
•Jun 27, 2023
The course is nicely designed but i felt that the videos can be more informative
By Ragib H
•Aug 28, 2021
Instead of the main lecture resources the optional resources are more valuable.
By Timo K
•Mar 26, 2021
-Multiple links point to non-existing pages
+ The video lectures are very good.
By Rahul S
•Aug 12, 2018
Best course for learning basics about blockchain,ethereum and smart contracts.
By Aleksandar P
•Feb 25, 2019
It was to easy. CLI command should be included in the programming assignment.
•Oct 15, 2018
There should be also tutorial on how to use software .
SInce we are beginners.
By Anish K
•Feb 3, 2020
Content could be a bit more detailed and expressive. Overall a great course.
By Danilo M
•May 18, 2021
El contenido del curso estuvo bueno pero el proyecto final deja que desear.
By K G V
•May 28, 2020
learnt basics in block chain.frustrated while submitting the final project.