Jul 20, 2022
This course was well put together. I used to feel so intimidated by finances. The interactive videos and practice exercises do a fantastic job of explaining concepts learned throughout this course.
Nov 28, 2022
Wow! I was really impressed with the videos and information that was presented in this course. I learned alot and I have been doing bookkeeping for awhile. It was a great refresher course for me.
By Shannon S P
•Sep 11, 2022
I found this course very helpful and I was impressed with how the course material was taught. It was clear and well organized.
By Nick K
•Mar 1, 2024
Covered all the basics I would have expected. Looking forward to the next course to expand on what was learned in this course.
By Mary G B
•Apr 14, 2023
Excellent learning material. Would recommend for beginners and refreshers in Bookkeeping. Great help for aspiring bookkeepers.
By Michelle A
•Mar 31, 2023
A variety of learning tools to reinforce learning objectives makes this course more interesting than just reading and testing.
By Ricky R
•Nov 8, 2022
Great intro to bookkeeping and accounting for anyone interested in these subjects for personal and/or professional development
By Guillermo U
•Mar 10, 2023
Excelent! Easy way to learn the basics in a short period of time! It took me around three weeks to complete the first course.
By venggadasamy
•Jun 18, 2022
I enjoy this course. I have better understanding to manage my small enterprise company account. Would like to pursue further.
By Arash H
•Jan 10, 2023
There is no single word in a dictionary that can describe this course - highly recommended for my fellows checking it out!!!
By Muhammad A
•Apr 6, 2024
It covers all aspects of Bookkeeping and keeps the learner's involvement in the learning of the concepts very appropriately
By Shirmiel D
•Feb 20, 2024
Very Great course for those who are looking to understand the basics of their books. It can save you a little bit of money.
By Carrie K
•Mar 7, 2022
Extremely helpful to learn the basics of bookkeeping. Or in my case as a refresher of the fundamentals of basic accounting.
•Sep 15, 2022
The instructor is indeed a professioanl in this course. All learning materials were very easy to understand and on point.
By Shani N
•Aug 28, 2022
Although I have previous bookkeeping experience, this course was very helpful as a skill refresher and confidence builder.
By Tracy L
•Feb 22, 2022
Really refreshed my basic accounting knowledge and increased my confidence to dive in to another level. Thank you so much.
By Adrian C
•May 8, 2022
A thourough bookkeeping course that will teach and guide you from analyzing transactions to the rest of accounting cycle.
By janete c
•Feb 23, 2022
great course and I recommend to those who are interesting in bookkeeping. Thank you Intuit for providing this training.
By Toussaint K
•Sep 7, 2021
Very interesting Bookkeeping course. It's well-prepared and elaborated from theorical concepts to the practical aspects.
By Brad a
•Nov 17, 2021
This entire course was incredibly helpful! Based on my background, it helped me to begin thinking like an accountant!
By Ulises M G
•Feb 15, 2023
¡Excelente curso! Es exactamente lo que estaba buscando y no encontré en otros cursos de contabilidad. Recomendado 100%
By Roz B
•Jul 30, 2022
easy to follow /easy listening...the example were simple for those whose not too familiar with the basics of accounting
•Mar 19, 2022
Easy format to follow and it kept my interest. Periodic quizes and option to provide/read feedback I found very helpful
By Denise M R
•Jan 9, 2022
I am glad because I could finish this part in only one week and I am very excited about the another parts. Here we go!!
By Shahbaz R
•Oct 30, 2021
The course design is excellent and the experience is immersive and very informative. Story narration is also excellent.
By Dr a
•Oct 10, 2021
i gain knowledge how to maintain books of accounts and how to record business daily transactions and how to manage it .
By Kenton G
•Nov 20, 2023
Intuit Bookkeeping Basics is relatively straight forward. The concepts are easy easy to grasp. The Case study was fun!