Oct 14, 2020
This course has been very helpful in learning about managing a brand and their products. It has given me free insights on techniques and strategies on how to become a better brand and product manager.
Sep 7, 2018
A very good course for those who are new or looking to refresh their knowledge of brand management. All the concepts are explained well, and provide a solid foundation for building up in this field.
By Nikhil K
•Dec 19, 2017
Great course with excellent anecdotes to understand Brand Management. Very interactice and cheerful professor. Could not understand product management in depth, as the course is more about branding only. The tests are good, but the questions don't change upon a retake, nor are answers visible from last submissions- an area that can be improved.
By Fabio M
•Nov 4, 2019
The information provided are simple and excellent. Everyone with a foundation of marketing can benefit from this course. The pace of the information along in the video is intense and a little bit too fast. I would have liked a slightly more relaxed rhythm. Anyway, thanks to IE business school for a great experience as first Mooc course.
By Simona T
•Apr 2, 2017
I find the course a very good summary of brand management with focusing on important concepts and definitions.
I would like if the professor elaborates more on the Lemonade business example. That would give me a better understanding of how to apply in practice the brand and product management concepts discovered throughout the course.
By Javier R I
•Mar 12, 2016
Muy buena introducción a la especialización en Marketing Mix de una escuela de negocios tan prestigiosa como el IE Business School. Los casos prácticos son de gran ayuda didáctica y lo único en que piensas al acabarlo, es en empezar el siguiente módulo de la especialización. Muy recomendable a aquellos interesados en la materia.
By Mohab H
•Jul 28, 2019
Some topics would have been more compelling if more examples were brought up. But Professor Luis Rodriguez Baptista was such a charismatic figure in their MOOC, so made very module interesting and understandable. Would have preferred a feedback section in the quiz we take to provide a better understanding of our answers
By Nicholas G
•Jul 28, 2020
As a practicing professional Product Manager this course was a great opportunity to grow my understanding of the subject and to continue on the path of continuous improvement.
Challenging and rewarding I have gained significant knowledge through this course and would recommend it any of my professional peers.
By Gyula W
•Mar 23, 2020
Great and informative course, but I would like to see better-implemented ppt's (behind the teacher they are really good). I think it would help further if we would get some more "task-based" questions in the tests - would help to make sure we not just memorized the lecture but understood it.
By Jeevan K M
•May 13, 2022
AMAZING! Thank you so much for this course i learned so much thing about brand and product management and yes some marketing tips too which defienetly help in my future. I just want add one thing that this type of course need some practical knowledge too like how its work in real life
By Eric N
•Jul 30, 2022
The course was quite in-depth and very explanatory for both individuals familiar with the concepts and complete beginners. I would've rated it 5 stars but the transcriptions not being accurate was really the only reasons why i gave it 4 stars. Nonetheless, loved it!
By Chris L
•Apr 20, 2022
im not a english-language native,i ve been learn english for years.and i can use it in life basicly ,but the course still difficult for me. i hope some chinese-english guys could tranlate it ,that would be kindful and helpful (the Chinese Tranditional is terrible)
By Bhavik M
•Mar 10, 2016
A very innovative course explained in simple lucid language with the help of lemonade business. Prof. Baptista has very amazing technique of conveying the concept with practical examples. A course worth doing if you aspire to get into the world of management.
By Dr. R R
•May 22, 2020
Respected Sir, the entire course and the content is designed in a wonderful way and the way the videos sessions and the examples by the instructor is really informative. I once again congratulate the entire course era team for giving me a chance of learning.
By Alyssa F
•Sep 22, 2022
I find some of the lectures to be a bit repetitive and via note taking i noted that the lecturere would stray from initial topic. Course was heavily example oriented rather than educational however, the information gianed trhoughout this was exceptional
By Anastasia D
•Mar 2, 2016
Thank you for the course, I like the examples and the quantity of the information very much. The thing I miss about this course is how to do the metrics that the professor recommends to do at most of the steps of most processes.
By Rutvij D
•May 18, 2020
I came to know much about Brand and Product Management just because I have recently joined a Start-up firm and gained much knowledge about how to market your brand and product along with management skills.
By Rishabh M
•May 3, 2020
The course was very informative and comprehensive.It is perfectly apt for both a student and a working individual.I wish there could have been a provision of seeing the solutions to quiz's questions.
By Andrea
•Apr 15, 2020
I definitely enjoyed it and the professor is really good. In some parts, possibly too much tailored to professionals who already work as brand managers.
Nevertheless, this course is really well done.
By Vemavarapu T P K
•Aug 19, 2020
Excellent pace of teaching and impeccable course content development i'm fully satisfied and learned with fantastic experience! thank you very much! it'll definitley help for my career.
By vikas b
•Apr 21, 2020
The course was really very engaging with lots of examples from the industry and live cases. Professor had an excellent way of teaching the course. I would highly recommend this course.
By Mohamad A
•Jan 29, 2022
the course included alot of know-how regarding building the product & brand architecture, gaving me a better understanding regarding the brand DNA & the building the brand portfolio.
By Ritesh G
•Apr 9, 2020
The course was very well explained and articulated by the professor. There may be few more real time examples to be added especial in the last chapter covering employee engagement.
By Ingrid P
•Mar 8, 2017
The course (videos and especially teacher) are very well done and I've enjoyed that however in my opinion the content is more for marketing beginners and doesn't go much in depth.
By Carlos V d l T
•Oct 26, 2024
Creo que el curso aporta conocimientos importantes para el desarrollo de marcas, aunque no entra demasiado profundamente en ellos sí aporta un resumen valioso a tener en cuenta.
By Sanket K
•Jul 28, 2018
Very Good Course to enhance your understanding regarding customer analysis to product analysis. Must for someone who is planing his career in Marketing of product and Brand.
By Jana Č
•Nov 3, 2022
The course would have been really great if all the reading materials and also those videos on vimeo or you tube was available. I really struggled with getting those open.