Mar 10, 2021
I found the Course on "Budgeting Essentials and Development" very stimulating, inspiring and interesting, and the knowledge and skills acquired will be useful and applied in my office work.
Apr 18, 2022
dear corsera please send me a certificate that i have complete i havenot access finanacial payment to your org am living in ethiopia
By Kacie W
•Aug 14, 2019
I found the instructors nearly impossible to understand. Their scripts really needed a thorough editing from a native English speaker. Some of the quiz questions I managed to guess right but I still have no idea what the question was even asking.
Several of the quizzes tested me on material that hadn't yet been covered in the course. For example, there was a question about ROE, and I had no idea what that was. Turns out, the explanation was in the following chapter. I also remember the initial description of ZBB said "Here are the benefits and downsides of ZBB. We'll tell you what ZBB is in the next lesson." Why are you quizzing me on something before you explain it?
The course was also very vague in critical areas. For example, they mentioned "business segmenting" as a crucial step in the budgeting process several times but never explained how we were supposed to segment our business or what that even means.
I basically ended up Googling every technical term they used and teaching myself what that meant. This course would have saved me a lot of time if it just said, "Here is a list of 50 accounting terms and concepts you need to know. Google them and figure out how to use them by yourself."
By Marco B
•May 31, 2020
The course is comprehensive and gives an overview of budget planning processes in the case of a manufacturing company. However, I don't think this course is suited for people who have no business or economic background and learning material is of a generally low quality.
- Most modules are redundant and repeat the same concepts over and over again, adding little depth and even confusing them
- The course is a compendium of theoretical concepts with very few and always decontextualised examples; there are no case studies or practical examples to analyse
- Editorially, video and reading resources are poorly curated. Reading resources are almost always close to a simple transcription of video lessons, adding nothing to what the professor already said and providing no chances for further clarification
- Transcripts are filled with mistakes, sometimes sentence structure and meaning is unclear and at times even quiz questions are written in a confusing way. Grammar and sense checking would do good next time.
I finished the course because I had already invested so much time in it but I would not recommend it and I advise professors to revise teaching approach and content organization.
By Slobodan M
•Dec 19, 2017
The course gave me holistic view of budgeting process. Excellent course, highly recommended.
By Nader T ( O - S
•Sep 24, 2021
Poor English. Too long. More examples less theory.
By Iver R M
•Dec 23, 2019
The lectures are packed with high quality content and delivered with great dedication by the professors. I am privileged to be guided and educated by such renowned professors. The best I have ever learnt on budgeting. Thank you for making available the brilliant lectures and excellent course content. Iver Raphael Moss
By Prasad S
•Jan 2, 2019
Interesting course..! The work load for the course has been balanced efficiently over the weeks.However, the work load of Week 7 could have been more elaborated and spread over 2 weeks as it contains evolution of budgeting methods and their applicability. Overall it is a fabulous course with a lot of practical information about budgeting. Best wishes for future. Cheers..!
By Anna Z
•Feb 2, 2018
The course gives a good overview of the budgeting framework, strategic planning in relationship to budgeting, traditional budgeting steps and alternative ways of budgeting. It also provides an insight of budgeting relation to financial reports. The course materials could be improved though as there are many spelling mistakes (e.g. Week 5 and Week 7 materials), sometimes the videos are self-repetitive and too long, the lecturers' English pronunciation is not always easy to understand. Some test questions are vaguely formulated and are confusing. In my opinion, the introduction part could be shorter and the part of income statement (especially the calculations related to current assets) could be better explained.
By Orhan T
•Nov 30, 2019
I really learn a lot, but i have two complaints that make me unhappy during the course. First one was that I sometimes really had difficulties to understand instructors. Second was during the quizzes I have been asked the topics I haven't learnt yet. I wish to give 3.5 star to course, but no chance to do that.
•Mar 11, 2021
I found the Course on "Budgeting Essentials and Development" very stimulating, inspiring and interesting, and the knowledge and skills acquired will be useful and applied in my office work.
By Mesfin M A
•Apr 18, 2022
dear corsera please send me a certificate that i have complete i havenot access finanacial payment to your org am living in ethiopia
By Mai A V
•Mar 4, 2020
Really thoughtful and the instructors break hard dry economic terms into pieces of cake.
By Josi L
•Feb 23, 2022
This could be a great course but the videos are hard to follow, and the transcripts full of typos, which makes that hard to read as well. I mostly focused on doing the reading portions, but week 5 did not have any - only references to books one could read. Finally, this course focuses solely on production based companies, and I would have liked to see some sections on how businesses int he service industry or non-profits would go about budgeting. Because of that this course wasn't super useful for me.
By Saeed M S A S ( D - M
•Oct 13, 2020
Teachers seem like reading from slides and no examples was given to support the learning. Video lectures are short but does not give enough info. I would recommend reading about the subject rather than attending the course
By Gontla N M P
•Feb 28, 2021
This Course focuses more on theoritical aspects and the required practical part is missing in this course which I am expected before enrolling
By Fore P C G
•Jan 15, 2021
The course was very difficult to understand as the standard of English was terrible. Questions on tests weren't made with proper sentences and frequently used the wrong words, diagrams were wrong and misleading. Some of the lecturers had such bad English or heavy accents you had to focus in understanding them rather than what they were trying to teach. Almost all lecturers except the for week 6 over complicated things rather than simplify them for ease of understanding. Overall this was not a particularly good course, when you have (inaudible) in your own transcript because the word used was unintelligible something is seriously wrong.
By Alexandre R d M P S
•Jan 6, 2020
Beginner or not, this course is incredibly helpful to get more insight in a very crucial process. The process is greatly intuitive, and the teachers do a great job on listing several steps that are worth taking as many notes as possible. It is a process guide, they'll help you some day. I learned a lot, and I cannot recommend this course enough.
My only complaint is that most of the reading material in the first weeks is basically a transcript of the work, and spreadsheets could have been made available. Otherwise, it was a great joy to learn from, especially week 5 where you take a step back from processes and focus on how to keep a business alive.
I'm planning on buying this course and am looking forward from taking more classes from those teachers, I'm very grateful to what they taught me.
By Aureliano S d O
•Sep 27, 2022
In my opinion, this course allowed me to learn more techniques and fundamentals related to budget management. This is a very important discipline in the management of companies, because good cost management is essential for the company to be profitable. I was very happy to improve my knowledge, let´s go the next.
Best Regards.,
By Maycon P
•Jan 12, 2025
Extremely executive course with reflections and provocations for the real environment of the business world. Extremely qualified teachers in both theory and practice! Course developed with excellence and completeness! It was the inspiration for the creation of our finance startup, Turbinefy Navi ExA from the company Turbineduca.
By su n
•Aug 30, 2022
This course touches the fundamental knowledge of budgeting including processes, types of budgets, classfication of budgets, planning and so on. It doesn't go very deep but gives you an overall knolwedge required to implement a budget. The lecutueres have heavy accents but not to a level that impacts understandability.
By Jasper C
•Jul 20, 2020
The professors speaking is somehow too fast through these new stuffs for students, also looking forward to hear from the professors extra examples or details to the course instead of just the same words on the reading material.
By Alexandre S
•Feb 11, 2020
The course exceeded my expectations. With cohesive content, real examples and perfect didactics, the Teachers were able to pass on their knowledge clearly and precisely.
By Tural I
•Jan 4, 2021
Very clear explanation, good presentation, and readings easily accessible, thank you very much for your hard work.
By Shwetank
•Jun 21, 2024
Thank you for this course. Very well structured and presented. An exhaustive course, i must say.
By Manuel B
•Jan 6, 2018
Highly recommended, also to the upper-intermediate of economics matter and students
By gresia n
•Nov 13, 2021
Interesting courses that can lead to other jobs or for personal development