May 22, 2021
Thanks to the instructors for bringing forth such an amazing course. The way the course is strucured makes it very interesting and easy to learn. Loved and enjoyed the course and learnt a lot from it
Sep 4, 2022
Profs Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan are amazing instructors. This course was so fun and I have learned a huge deal about how computers work under the hood. Looking forward to taking on Part 2 now!
By P S K P
•May 28, 2020
One of the best course available in Internet. Changed my life thank you so much.
By Aditya D
•Jul 12, 2023
Wonderful course. Am honored that I can take this without attending university.
By Abhijeet D S
•Apr 10, 2019
Excellent, a bit time taking. Should be a part of introduction to digital logic
By Anupam S
•Nov 8, 2017
Very nice course. You get to learn a lot that goes under the hood, so to speak.
By Vincent M
•Apr 30, 2017
Great, very satisfying to understand what's going under the hood of a computer.
By André F
•Dec 3, 2016
It was really enlightening to build a simple architecture from scratch! Thanks!
•Aug 10, 2020
It was a really tough and exciting course .Thank you very much for this course
By Colin K
•Apr 9, 2020
Incredible course. It's rare to have all these topics linked together so well.
By Viet L L N
•Jun 19, 2018
A very useful and friendly introduction to computer hardware and architecture!
By Michiel Q
•Oct 18, 2020
Very interesting course which teach you the principles in a good and fun way!
•Jul 17, 2020
Excellent course. In a very simple way we can understand how a computer works
By Abhijith S
•Jun 28, 2022
I was craving to know how computers work and this course fed me deliciously.
By Jan K
•Feb 8, 2022
An absolute classic. Didactically right up there among the best I have seen.
By Liang Q
•Nov 25, 2018
absolutely brilliant course! highly recommended to anyone interested in tech
•May 2, 2021
Very good course.
Well explained, interesting and done by good instructors.
By Jayasankar N J
•Jul 28, 2020
This course is taught exactly how any programming courses should be taught.
By John J V
•Jun 20, 2020
By far the best course I've done not just in Coursera, but in my whole life
By Ricardo M B N
•Aug 5, 2019
Exceptional course, I wish I had that course back when I was in university.
By Lódri P
•Feb 15, 2019
Best course I've ever taken online so far. Thanks for this amazing journey!
By Hossein E
•Jun 29, 2018
fantastic course! a very helpful course to understand how a computer works.
By 刘宴先
•Aug 20, 2017
Building ALU, RAM based on Nand from scratch is a very educational process.
By Ravindra V
•Jul 16, 2017
Highly recommended course for anyone interested in understanding computers.
By Γιάννης Γ
•Jan 30, 2017
Amazing course. It helps very much to get an idea of the computer hardware.
By João J
•Feb 9, 2024
I wish my CS education was more like these. Thanks for the awesome course!
By Satvik G
•Oct 5, 2020
This was my first guided project and it crossed above all my expectations.