Jun 23, 2020
I thought it was clear, the syntax problems were about the same topic and needed the solution talked about in the videos. The subject was completely covered. I already recommended it to like 5 people.
Sep 20, 2020
A great learning opportunity. Advanced content presented in a convincing and understandable manner. Simply amazing.
By Indunil M H
•Sep 20, 2020
A great learning opportunity. Advanced content presented in a convincing and understandable manner. Simply amazing.
•Sep 20, 2020
The importance of the SIR model is needs of an hour, due to COVID-19, HIV, Dengue, Hay-fewer and many more infectious diseases, in analysis and building of the Compartment model in which S-I-R; it stands for the Symptomatic-Infected-Recovered, When we need to build this model for our own country, we need to observed the PEAK prevalence (i.e. maximum number of symptomatic people during the epidemic), need to be considered, studied and analyzed. This course found to be helpful in order develop and build combination of paper-based and computer-based modelling, with the parameters their estimated values like R0 which is basic reproduction number, and so on.....thanks
By Rajendra A
•Jun 28, 2020
I have learnt a lot about infectious diesease modelling using SIR model, different modelling approach, its parameters/factors involved in the entire course/specialisation. All three courses in the specialization are really thoughtful for learners to progress further. Thanks to all mentors, discussion prompts, and co-learners on the discussion forum for the support. Special thanks to Imeprial College of London - Dr. Nim, Dr, Halder, Dr. Bowman and Ms. Nora Schmit for coming up with such a good course on Coursera platform.
By Adeeb N
•Jul 25, 2020
This course was both educational and entertaining. The quality of the peer grading assignments was impressive (both in terms of getting tested and the quality of the work I got to review). Thoroughly recommend this course (and the entire specialization, really) to anyone with interest in infectious disease epidemiology in general. Kudos to the Imperial College team for this excellent set of courses.
By gabriel a c
•Jun 24, 2020
I thought it was clear, the syntax problems were about the same topic and needed the solution talked about in the videos. The subject was completely covered. I already recommended it to like 5 people.
By Rajarshi B
•Jul 29, 2023
This course is really amazing .Excellent insight learning and gives room for nurturing the knowledge gained.
By Amarnath T
•Aug 13, 2020
I have found it useful for increasing my insights into infectious disease modelling.
By kk m
•Jul 2, 2023
The peer review grade is not working properly. It is not showing result.
By Angelo A P L
•Sep 7, 2020
Excellent course, good information. Excellent instructors.
By Nils K
•Jun 10, 2020
Overall one was given more variations on the SIR Model. While several models were talked about, I would have liked more info on the stochastic site. This course should be split up in two to go deeper into the modelling and maybe some other approaches than in R. Rating a paper in the end is good to give you basically the tools to model, but it should be also a bit deeper. But to get a quick overlook, it is definitely worthwhile.
By David G
•Jun 20, 2021
a great follow up to the R coding course and a good entree into the world of public health
By Debasish K
•Jul 8, 2020
Comprehensive. Notebooks were great
•Jun 4, 2023
the whole grading system is unfair
… you have to wait for others to review
your assignment which can take ages and may not happen at all