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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications by University of Colorado System

637 ratings

About the Course

This is the fourth course in the Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence specialization. Ideally, the courses should be taken in sequence. Effectively and efficiently mining data is the very center of any modern business’s competitive strategy, and a data warehouse is a core component of this data mining. The ability to quickly look back at early trends and have the accurate data – properly formatted – is essential to good decision making. By enabling this historical overview, a data warehouse allows decision makers to learn from past trends and challenges. In essence, the benefit of a data warehouse is continuous improvement. By the end of the course, you will be able to enhance Conformity And Quality of Data by gaining the knowledge and skills for using data warehouses for business intelligence purposes and for working as a business intelligence developer. You’ll have the opportunity to work with large data sets in a data warehouse environment and will learn the use of MicroStrategy's Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and Visualization capabilities to create visualizations and dashboards. The course gives an overview of how business intelligence technologies can support decision making across any number of business sectors. These technologies have had a profound impact on corporate strategy, performance, and competitiveness and broadly encompass decision support systems, business intelligence systems, and visual analytics. Modules are organized around the business intelligence concepts, tools, and applications, and the use of data warehouse for business reporting and online analytical processing, for creating visualizations and dashboards, and for business performance management and descriptive analytics. This course is intended for business and computer science university students, IT professionals, program managers, business analysts and anyone with career interests in business intelligence. In order to be successful in this course, you should have either completed Course 3 of the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialization or have some prior experience with data visualization and document management....

Top reviews


Mar 24, 2016

The Course is well laid out with plenty of assignments that allow you master the BI by using Microstrategy. Thanks to professor Karimi, it was by far the best BI course that I have ever taken.


Jul 21, 2017

Very good course , with very explanatory and additional material. Deep diving with exercises and especially the last assignment where total understanding was required in order to fulfil it.

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76 - 100 of 118 Reviews for Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications

By Juan G

May 14, 2017



Apr 11, 2024


By Deleted A

Aug 10, 2018

Thank you

By Salil T

Aug 8, 2016

Loved it.

By Artem S A

Apr 14, 2016


By Jordi P L

Aug 12, 2016

cool! :

By Thadi N

Jun 13, 2016



Feb 19, 2017


By Akshay D

Jun 23, 2016


By Sapronov A

Oct 4, 2018



Nov 13, 2024


By Nguyen T

Jun 25, 2016

Concepts covered a slightly harder to comprehend than with the previous courses in the specialization. I found myself having to keep going back and forth through the lessons in an attempt to understand. You really do need to read up on other sources to plug in some gaps, but overall it is a good course that covers a lot.

By Borsali F

Aug 8, 2019

Great course

Some of the ressources (for reading) are not up-to-date or doesn't exist anymore !

For the exercice, it involves a lot of executing and less of analyzing, understanding and thinking, I would have loved to exercice more in these skilss required for BI projects

Thank you for this course

By Friso S

Nov 3, 2019

Content wise a very good and useful course. But the technical support on the installation and use of the software needed to complete the course is very limited, and the manuals are not up to date, as they refer to older versions of the proposed software.

By Denis M

Nov 12, 2019

If you are into MiroStrategy this is your course - otherwise i didnt gain much beside exposure to Microstrategy. I would suggest to creator of this course to make this course to be PowerBi or Tablaue friendly.

By M. C O

Feb 13, 2019

The content of this course is excellent as well as the optional material.

I would qualify as deficient the teacher's pronunciation and as boring the performance. It has been difficult for me to follow him.

By shashank n

Aug 31, 2016

If you want to learn BI basics and Deep insights into how BI works and you want BI as a career go for this course.


Jan 17, 2019

Thank you so much, it helps me to learn basic concepts of visualization and how to create report

By Jatin N

Apr 22, 2018

This course was great and learnt a lot from this. Lot of information with great examples.

By Sushant T

Jan 11, 2017

Good course! Although there was some grading issue for last assignment

By Matt L

Nov 2, 2017

Great exercises building interactive dashboards with MicroStrategy

By Dennys R D

Jun 26, 2016

Excellent content and references to additional materials.

By Yadder A

Jun 16, 2016

This course need Michael Manino.

By Paolo F

May 9, 2018

Actual high quality teaching

By Vaibhav B

Dec 25, 2016

The course was very helpful