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Learner Reviews & Feedback for C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals by University of California, Santa Cruz

6,593 ratings

About the Course

This course is for everyone. In the new world we live in, coding is a universally valuable skill, whether you're a scientist, artist, or a humanist. Algorithms are everywhere, and we all have to understand how they work. The C language is particularly well suited as an introduction to coding: It's a tried-and-true language, and it allows you to understand computing processes at a deep level. No prior knowledge of coding is needed for this course. We'll start at the beginning. The time estimated time commitment for this course is five hours a week for five weeks....

Top reviews


Jun 21, 2020

I am really happy I did this course. The instructor is a really experienced teacher. This course gave a good start for learning the fundamentals and moving onto complex programming languages like C++.


Aug 19, 2020

Great course to gain a foundation in C programming! The video lectures, coding examples, and peer reviewing of assignments allows one to learn quick and in real time. Would definitely recommend it.

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151 - 175 of 1,830 Reviews for C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals

By Jolly J O


May 5, 2020

Great for beginners and great for reviewing what you have learned so far in college or at work. The teacher is great. Highly recommended!!!!



Sep 17, 2020

int main(void)

{ int repeat =3;

printf("\nI like the course");


{ printf("\nvery"); repeat--;

}; printf("much.\n\n);

return 0;


By Don E


Mar 19, 2021

Thanks, Professor Pohl. I am really glad I took this before diving into C++. Really, a great confidence booster. On to the other courses.

By Sebastian S


Apr 29, 2022

Very clear definitions on concepts, and very good explanations, all that can be revisited later when involved in more complex situations.



Aug 16, 2020

Well organized material, and conducted by experienced instructor. The course is smoothly started, and gone deep into important concepts.

By Shannon R E N


Apr 30, 2020

I loved the course! It explains a lot and it also encourages you to do some research and learn other concepts with the assignments given



Jan 8, 2021

The course is very well designed for the beginner . it was amazing experience to start the coding with this course. Thank you coursera.

By Manuel d J L M


Sep 9, 2020

Excellent course, the instructor know perfectly the C lenguage, I recommend it for people who are starting in the world of programmingI

By Deleted A


Dec 18, 2023

No soy personalmente un fan de la calificación por pares, sin embargo el contenido del curso fue lo suficientemente completo y claro.

By Rajesh k


Sep 22, 2022

These course is helping the studends across the world those who can't afford paid course.

its content is very clear and full content.

By Diego A C M


Aug 22, 2020

A great course to learn. I liked this course because I did not know much about programming, now I have a good base of the C language.

By Ayan S


Apr 19, 2020

this course is very good for those people are really learn some new things.i have learn in this course array,recursion,for,while,etc.

By Andrea T M F


May 10, 2024

Concrete course, made up of many short lessons so you can "chew the bite well and digest it". An excellent teaching strategy for me.

By Uday U


Jan 16, 2022

Excellent Course! Crisp and Lucid explanation in 5- 10 min videos, per topic format. And Dr. Ira Pohl's

explanation is just awesome.



Jun 27, 2020

thank you for your great guidness .specifally i like your english sir

and that valentine program i dedicate you sir

i love you sir

By Dibyanshu S D


May 21, 2020

It was great experience. It was also my first experience with programming. I have learnt many skills and look to hone more skills.



Jun 2, 2020

Happy for being part of this course.

Realy a great course who is aiming to build programming fundamentals....

Thanku for the course

By Harsh P


Jun 1, 2021

It's one of the best courses you can get to know the basics of C programming... Thank you Dr Ira Pohl for this wonderful course.

By Shubham J


May 3, 2020

It was great learning from you , sir.

Thank you for improving my skills.

Questions at the end of the video is really a great idea.

By Rifa F


May 30, 2022

its good choice for beginner. but, sometime can be hard for me as english not my native language to find meaning of some word.

By Argha M


Nov 18, 2022


By Sam E


Feb 10, 2022

Great self-pace course. Make sure to buy the book "A book on C" by the instructor and Steve Kelly. The reading is worth it.

By E S Y


May 30, 2020

i have learnt so many fundamentals in C programming it,s the good course offered by coursera for C programming fundamentals

By Dmitriy R


Apr 23, 2020

Handwritting is not understandable sometimes - it's better to print than write, but the course is perfect and very useful!

By Riemer G


Nov 25, 2021

Good intro in C programming, bit slow if you're familiar with programming but that's to be expected for a beginner course