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Learner Reviews & Feedback for C++ For C Programmers, Part A by University of California, Santa Cruz

2,303 ratings

About the Course

This course is for experienced C programmers who want to program in C++. The examples and exercises require a basic understanding of algorithms and object-oriented software....

Top reviews


Jun 12, 2016

A very good courser, especially for people like me that have a lot experience in coding c program but want to learn something more to advance my career. I'll recommend this course to my friend.


Dec 19, 2019

I liked it, it costed me a little because I am not a C programmer with big experience, and this course I feel is focused on C programmers that want to know how to "translate" their code to C++

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26 - 50 of 649 Reviews for C++ For C Programmers, Part A

By Vishal C


Apr 22, 2019

Part A is not that interesting for me as I already have some C++ exp. But Part B seems promising. Plus most of the time in the video I have to see profession's face rather than C++ code.

By Aparajith S


Oct 20, 2020

peer reviewing system is pathetic and has no basic check to neglect one bad review among two good reviews. I received 3 reviews of my week 4 assignment which was graded >8/10 by two peers and one person graded me a 4 on 10 with a useless comment of "try again". this made my grade go below 50% for this assignment. There is no algorithm to remove reviews that do not lie in close proximity to the other two reviews. I literally am frustrated for almost a week to get fresh reviewers for this assignment. unfortunately, this would be my last coursera course.

By Davide G


Mar 3, 2021

This course is poorly designed, it feels like they could not decide if it is for programmers or not; the arguments are explained superficially, with many useless repetitions and wasting A LOT of time; actually the first week is decent (even if very simple), since it follows the idea of c++ as an extended c, but then everything just feels more like a collage of small lectures without any guideline. On the positive side, the arguments are fairly interesting, especially the graph theory algorithms . The second assignment is requested in such a confusing manner that it looks harder than it is, so it's not hard as some people in the comments say.

This course doesn't really include much of the modern c++, in the last week some features of c++ 11 are discussed.

The peer-review system is awful, often people will just give you random votes without even reading your code, furthermore it's common to encounter clearly plagiarized codes.

Honestly I would not recommend this course , you could learn way more on your own with the same amount of time.

By Florian M H


Feb 28, 2021

I am a professional C-Programmer and wanted to learn C++ fast and well. What I didn't like about tboth of these courses: 1. Whoever has too much time (unlike e.g. working parents like me!) can take this course. There's a lot of wasted time where the professor told about C++ history. The speaking speed is extremely slow btw. A lot of wasted time here. 2. Why only ppts? Why so lenghty and unclear explanations? Why don't you show live coding and explain the pitfalls? So much faster to get a good tutor from YOUTUBE. 3. All in all: You can save 50% of your time watching and re-coding a good YOUTUBE tutor, and maybe the last 10% or so you can add supplementary online courses. That's my recommendation!

By Stas M


Jan 29, 2021

Very bad.

First assignment is very easy, second assignment is very hard and it seems prerequisites are graph theory.

I enrolled for C++ on coursera to learn C++, not to have to spend 2 weeks on youtube and wikipedia to learn graph theory and algorithms, there are courses for that on corusera thank you very much!

Showing part of the code in each video doesn't help, because I don't write that code in a vacuum, understanding how all parts operate together is crucial too. You can find some more elaboration on that on wikipedia because it's out of the scope of this review..

By Arunava N


Aug 15, 2016

Instructor speaks too slow and sometimes hardly audible with my earphones plugged in with 100% sound. Incredibly slow paced. Coffee must!!! Too much of story and history and introduction. Much less material presented for concepts shown. Much of the lecture time is wasted on things which does not matter, for example Djikstra shortest path... I would be more interested to know about the algorithm than a huge lecture on who is Djikstra, and also would like to have some exercise to implement the same and realise. Very unsatisfied with the course. But there is no other courses offered for C++ programming language in English Language. Not worth the time.

By Austin T


Dec 11, 2019

No lecture slides are provided. The camera switches to the speaker too often not letting the video slides at least be viewed. No significant readings are provided at all. The instructor never runs code throughout the entire class on a machine, he just verbally goes through it.

I would not recommend taking this C++ class. There are plenty of others offered on this and other sites that I imagine have to be better than this one.

By Alperen S A


Oct 14, 2020

this course contains great futures, but ... If you are a newbie, please don't enroll, professor usually covers only the surface of the subject, Nevertheless it is good course if you have passion for searching, reading stackoverflow etc.

By Paul C


Mar 19, 2020

Lectures slow and vague. The second homework is much much harder than the other two. Lots on graph theory but not too much C++

By Coppini D


Dec 14, 2016

Peer to peer assignments are really slow and due time dependent.

By Varino A F


Apr 10, 2021

I didn't like it so sorry for your efforts but it didn't fit me

By Bipul M


Jun 14, 2019

Worst programming language teaching style ever.

By maor k


Aug 13, 2017

Explains very poorly ,Write unreadable

By Mohosina P 1


Jul 28, 2020

I want to unenroll this course

By Həcər Z


Feb 18, 2023

i dont understand anything.



Aug 19, 2020

more theory less practical

By Mohini S


Jan 15, 2023

Worst teaching skill

By Manepalli A S


Jul 31, 2020


By Thanh D D


Dec 4, 2020

feel sleep

By Deleted A


May 2, 2020


By Deleted A


May 11, 2020

not good

By mohamed m


May 31, 2020


By Laila K


Apr 24, 2016

I would like thank Prof. Ira Pohl for the excellent lectures in the course

C++ for C programmers Part A. The build up of C++ using C as a

background gave me a good understanding of the various features

of C++ and how one can make use of these features to write

programs in a good idiomatic programming style. The lectures

presented with a blend of data structures and algorithms provided

much insight into programming in C++. Looking forward to the Part

B of the course.

By Abhishek G


Sep 2, 2020

Good course ! I must advice this course for those students who are proficient in C and have accumulated a good experience regarding the same. I includes great assignments and tests which will help you in understanding the concepts in a much better way and the students can also refer discussion forums to know about most common doubts students make in their programs and can also help them for their respective issues.

By Iulian V


Jun 16, 2017

I was looking for a long time for a C++ online curs. Although there are quite a few availeble on different learning platforms, most of them start either from very begining or present only brieflly the modern features of the language. This one, presumming a certain level of knowledge in C programming, satisfy my need for information regarding C++ programing language.