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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Channel Management and Retailing by IE Business School

1,110 ratings

About the Course

Nowadays, a distribution strategy is part of the DNA of many companies and a correct channel management is key for the success of your product. Distribution plans need to be prepared for the long run, combining the following main areas: company profile, portfolio structure and price positioning, go-to-market policy, trade and retail marketing, e-commerce and global retail management. In the last decade, there have been two main revolutions that have affected industries, increasing the importance of Distribution Channel Management. Profesor Maria Teresa Aranzabal guides you through: - The IT revolution: considering developments in CRM, supply chain, planning tools, merchandise and reallocation systems, amongst others. - The retail focus: how a clear retail strategy can be a differentiator for companies and a strong weapon of competitiveness. In this course you will learn how to stay up-to-date on how companies are adding these aspects to their main strategic guidelines and making them key points in their managerial decision-making process. The main goal of this course is that you understand how channel management and retailing can improve performance in your business. We use interviews with industry experts and give real-life examples of how to ensure your business makes the most of this vital area of marketing....

Top reviews


Oct 12, 2020

Very important knowledge though not easy to absorb, I will revisit this course from time to time. I learned a lot from this course. Thank you and appreciate it.


Jun 18, 2020

an apt articulated piece.very structured and real time examples are very good.geat reads too.curated time very comfortable.actually enjoyed doing it.

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176 - 200 of 202 Reviews for Channel Management and Retailing

By patricia c z


Jan 25, 2017

Teresa is great! she seems very friendly and kind but some contents are a little bit borried and difficult.

By Prabhav M


Aug 6, 2020

Poor communication & voice accent, difficult to understand, not so much interesting as previous courses

By Steve K


Jun 27, 2016

good but sometimes cannot hear clearly what the tutor says whenever they have strong Spanish accent.

By Maaz S


Dec 29, 2018

Professor could give more examples rather than defining and making as study the book knowledge

By Rahul B


Mar 24, 2017

A very informative course that will definitely help you to excel in your professional field.

By Manuel R O


Oct 27, 2020

Very difficult to follow. Many unorganised thoughts and bad pronunciation in English.

By Devesh R


Mar 16, 2020

The accent was a major barrier as it was hard to understand what she was saying.

By Aman R


Feb 28, 2018

Very generic . Not specific like other courses of Marketing Mix.

By Hnin N H


Jan 9, 2021

Good Teacher but for me, difficult to learn her pronunciation.

By Hanoch K


Sep 3, 2021

real business case study should be included not interviews

By Dhruv A


Apr 10, 2020

Most of the words in the videos were not clear.

By Cristina T


Jun 27, 2017

The course offered great material to read.

By Suryasree R


Nov 6, 2016

More case studies perhaps?

By Gagan K


May 23, 2020

Basic Course for Bignerrs

By Newman O O


Jan 9, 2018

Very difficult for me.

By Yasser H M


Apr 11, 2018


By Supanut J


Oct 3, 2017

Only suitable for those who want to learn very board concept. No specific insightful information could be taken from this class.

By Bhavik M


Feb 7, 2017

Didnt find it very interesting because of language interpretation issues. The content was good though!

By Aseem G


Jul 12, 2021

Outdated material, and professor's spoken English is a little tough to understand for untrained ears



Aug 19, 2020

The professor’s English is so bad and the course is too easy

By Lorenz B


Sep 14, 2023

crisp but outdated

By Mira V


Dec 9, 2020

Unfortunately I am far away from being satisfied with Channel Management and Retailing course.

Language barrier is a huge issue – at times it was extremely difficult for me to understand what actually the lecturer meant, as the way she structures her sentences doesn't make much sense in English, plus some words were inaudible and even subtitles didn't help.

Second big issue is the structure of the material – very chaotic and unstructured. It was difficult to catch her drift.

And lastly, big part of the material is outdated – citing articles and researches from 2009, 2010 and 2015 from nowadays perspective seems a bit irrelevant – for example the whole part about online retailing.

I do not recommend this course as I barely found any use of it. As, I said, I am very disappointed.

By Elzbieta Z


Apr 13, 2020

This is so far the weakest part in the specialization and I am seriously disappointed. First, it needs update. A respected company should not publicly claim in 2020 that Apps are a myth and present online retailing as if it was a concept from Back to the Future films. Besides, the course was pure theory and zero practice. With so many possibilities of practical assignments, the only one offered consists of copy and paste from an article. Shameful.

By Willy P B


Oct 25, 2016

Siento que este curso ha sido el más flojo de toda la especialización. La profesora cometía errores gramaticales mientras hablaba y su acento tan marcado hacía recordar el "Un Café con Leche in la Plaza Mayor" de hace unos años. No pongo en duda sus conocimientos pero he tardado mucho más en completarlo debido a esos puntos.

By Tongçž³


May 8, 2016

the quality of this course is very low, and the content are not interesting and useful at all.