Sep 16, 2017
very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..
Nov 27, 2019
Dear Maya, Thank you so much for being so humble and cooperative throughout the course. Your course was extra ordinary helpful in daily routine and belongs to every person belonging to any field.
By R. A
•Jul 31, 2020
It was so interesting topic. I have received many informations. Thank you for such a amazing topic. It was moreover useful.
By Dorcas P
•May 19, 2020
Great, the course is so interesting and I've learned so much about child nutrition and how to prepare meal, with less money
By Lucy G
•May 11, 2020
Excelente curso, realmente uno aprende muchísimas cosas que cree que ya sabe pero no es así. A parte la profe es un amor 💕
By Natasha J
•Sep 24, 2017
This Course is really easy to understanding and not boring at all. This course also can help your family with better dishes
By Veeresh C
•Jun 2, 2017
Very much helpful to understand children. I learnt about mistakes I use to make. Thanks for creating this wonderful course.
By Cansel Y
•Apr 8, 2016
It really is a pleasure to watch Mrs. Adams' videos. She is a very positive pearson. Can't wait for other courses by her!!!
By Ngoc T N
•Sep 9, 2023
What an informative course! The way of delivery is good and smooth with interestingly infographic presentation. Nice work!
By Paula R A
•Apr 22, 2023
Un curso realmente interesante no solo para los padres, sino para cualquier persona que quiera mejorar en su alimentación!
By gabriela g n a
•Aug 25, 2022
Bastante bueno, sobre todo como involucar a lso niños a comer sanamente y el que se les involucre a preparar los alimentos
By Elias M
•Jan 21, 2022
Thanks to this course I have learned to improve my knowledge skills and know how to meet the nutritional needs of children
By Kelly L
•Jan 6, 2021
Enjoyed taking the course. I make many stir frys with many veggies now. Made a stew with a broth. Eating fresher is fun.
By saniya g
•Aug 13, 2020
was a great informational course. a lot of the information was broken down pretty well. i like the structure of the course
By Awshanay C
•May 14, 2020
Great overview on general information about nutrition and how our body uses macromolecules/foods for energy and nutrients.
By Evg
•Jan 12, 2019
I am received new skills and knowledge : Norm of sugar, balansing food, best and simple receptes ! Thanks for your works !
By Simone A M
•Jun 26, 2018
Wonderful would recommend to expert or a novice. Either way material is relatable and manageable for anyone to understand.
By Urmi
•Feb 24, 2018
It feels like a repeat of the other course she made. But, I like the cooking videos. You could also find those on youtube.
By Кудряшова Т В
•Oct 20, 2021
Какие то новые знания не были приобретены. Однако, было пояснено почему те или иные тенденции сейчас есть. Очень полезно.
By Ucelta C
•Dec 21, 2020
Great course very well put together. I really enjoyed doing this course. Thanks to the facilitators and the Courses team!
By Kerem C
•Apr 28, 2020
A lot of vital information for a person working with children and cooking for them as well. I love all the great recipes!
By Veronica G
•Oct 17, 2019
The Child Nutrition and Cooking course was very informative. I look differently at the food I feed myself and my family.
By Sahira A C V
•Feb 9, 2019
El curso es muy educativo e interactivo, siento que no sólo refuerzas ciertos conocimientos, sino que aprendes mucho más.
By Emma B
•Jan 3, 2018
I really have learned a lot from this course. Plus, the recipes she taught me, I made them and they turned out delicious!
By Evrim D K
•Sep 1, 2016
I love this course, it is amazing. This course brought to my life a lots of inspiration. Thank you Dr. Adam and her team.
By Ottavia S
•Feb 29, 2016
Amazing teacher and amazing course, very clear and deep of ideas and education. I loved your drawings. Thank you so much!
By Johnson T U
•Dec 16, 2015
es un curso bastante bueno, que me esta ayudando a crecer mucho en mi estudio y como persona para ver mejor a la socieda.