Sep 16, 2017
very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..
May 25, 2023
Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.
By Gretchen O
•Jan 18, 2016
Amazingly simple yet full of information! This course on nutrition, including organic/holistic options, gives practical, easy-to-use ideas on healthy and enjoyable eating options not only for children but also adults. Recipes given are easy to use or adapt, and tasty as well! I highly recommend this course for anyone who wishes to have a well-rounded understanding of real, traditional (organic, grandma's kind of cooking) nutrition.
By Raghunandan H J
•Oct 7, 2015
The pace of the course :) and the speed of narration was very good. In deed it makes anyone understand what is being conveyed. The graphics and animated narrations are fantastic and they talk more effectively.
The demonstrations are crisp, complete and very clear and the push towards organic farming is very timely.
The course also conveys a very clear message towards the family bonding which is lacking now a days.
Many thanks Maya.
By Yuya F
•Jun 4, 2017
It's informative, fun, and easy to learn as the courses are subdivided into small sections and you can take the course in a pace that fits your availability within the deadline. The drawings and videos and the helpful tips for preparing nutritious meals all contributed well to the fun learning. I will definitely recommend to everyone who wants to know more about how and why we should prepare nutritious meals for our loving kids.
By Nashiva A S M
•Oct 1, 2020
Cooking was and still is my passion. And I cook for myself and my family and friends. This course helped me broaden my knowledge. There are a little bit of everything that involves cooking. Like psychology, economics, agriculture, nutrition and many more. Definitely recommend this for literally anyone and everyone. Many thanks to this course and to Maya Adam for the lovely explaination and presentation and everything. <3<3<3
By Juli W
•Jan 1, 2016
This particular curse is an amazing reminder of what we all need from our childhood. My mum always cooked for me, and taught me to feed myself in the best way since I was 5 years old, after leaving home when I was 19 to live the adult life I let the easy fast food rule my life until I was a mother myself and had to go back to the healthy habits. So I adore this curse specially the way it's made! So real and simple. Love it!
By Rebecca R
•Oct 7, 2015
This course helped me understand more about the science behind foods. A lot of the content I already knew but it was nice to have a refresher. A lot of the recipes were great ideas (I have already made most of them before being introduced to this course). The videos that involved making the meals were a bit "dumbed down" for people who are not used to cooking but I like the cheerful attitude of everybody who came on screen.
By Kelli L
•Aug 28, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this course. Maya passes along her knowledge in a way that is clear and easy to understand. This was actually my first ever Coursera class and because it was so enjoyable, I've already signed up for two more classes. I appreciate the effort put into the class and the variety of topics covered really opened my eyes to how much nutrition impacts our children's lives in so many ways. Highly recommend!!
By Larry W
•Sep 16, 2017
Great Course,
I have shared it with my friends that have younger children as well as others with grown children, the info is important to everyone.
I appreciated the tips on buying local, proper shopping, and the difference between organic and healthy.
Maya, the instructor, has a knack of making you feel like you are talking to a friend who happens to be a doctor who loves sharing info on healthy eating.
Thank you So much.
By Yolanda S D
•Sep 20, 2015
This is surprisingly a very great presentation of a course. Even though I am an adult, I really want to make healthy dishes for myself, and Dr Maya Adam is a really great lecturer and a mom. I hope that Meditation course from University of Virginia learn from this course on how to present an interesting online course. Thank you again Coursera for making my knowledge broader, and possibly change my life in the future.
By Lidia M , A A
•Apr 4, 2022
Muchas gracias por la capacitacio'n,estoy agradecida por aprender nuevos conocimientos en una Universidad muy importante.
Yo asisti al curso en forma gratuita.Quisiera saber si puedo pagar para que me den certificado del curso pero ya no quiero llevar por segunda vez el mismo curso por que se necesita tiempo.
Actualmente trabajo y estudio y no tengo mucho tiempo.
Les agradecere si me dan una respuesta.Muchas gracias
By MarÃa M
•Apr 11, 2020
Un curso corto pero con información valiosa y compacta en pocos minutos. Adicionalmente ofrecen ideas para cocinar de forma saludable, dando a conocer los beneficios de cocinar y alimentarnos como lo hacemos. Hace énfasis en el impacto que tiene cada decisión que tomamos para nosotros, nuestros hijos y el planeta. Tanto a nivel de nutrición fÃsica como el desarrollo emocional implÃcito en el acto de alimentarnos.
By Raul C
•Jan 5, 2017
I signed up over a year ago. the first time around I got through the first week and life got in the way. The second time around I finished it but due to the app I had to take the quizes again. It was a great reminder. Overall the course is great in helping you change the way we approach cooking at home holistically not only for the kids. I enjoyed it tremendously and would sign up for another course by Dr. Adam
By Dominika F
•Oct 31, 2016
Very well explained and videos are easy to understand, however, I recommend this only to parents who are really not giving any thought to their child°s nutrition. Recipes are really basic, though professor is providing good hints on how to "sell" healthy food to our children. In the country, I come from, it is very common to cook for children and we do not have to face to such amount of processed food...yet..
By Adrian B
•Oct 1, 2015
This was a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging course that highlighted some pertinent aspects of child nutrition, which will in turn I believe help your child foster a positive relationship with the food they consume as youngsters into adulthood. Some highly practical cooking techniques were explored and as a new father I feel more confident in the food we buy, prepare and feed our son. A very valuable course.
By Biianova M
•Aug 13, 2020
Maya, thanks a lot for a wonderful course!! It was such a great pleasure to learn about nutrition, sustainable eating (these two were my favorite parts) gardening and healthy cooking in a very kind and friendly atmosphere that you've created! Lots of thanks for a very clear and engaging presentation of the material! I am very sad that the course is over but looking forward to attend other courses with you!
By Liliana B
•Sep 13, 2020
Estoy muy satisfecha con el curso, me pareció muy didáctico. Las explicaciones y videos muy claros y las sugerencias sobre cómo despertar el interés de los niños para incorporar vegetales y frutas colaborando con las compras, ayudando en la elaboración de las comidas y el cuidado de una pequeña huerta, son de gran importancia para que ellos continúen optando por una alimentación completa y saludable.
By sebastian a s o
•Apr 5, 2017
Es un gran material informativo, trae consigo una variedad de argumentos que hace convincente dicho material y ademas de eso hace reflexionar a la comunidad porque se toma un objeto fundamental para la sociedad y sobretodo para los padres, los niños. Que bueno que aun hoy en dia hayan personas que se preocupan por la salud y por la buena alimentaciòn. Saludos de un distribuidor independiente de herbalife.
By Meg B
•Sep 1, 2016
Although I am now a grandmother, I really enjoyed the course and was able to confirm my home's "good eating habits" and detect some bad ones, like sometimes eating with the televison on. I learned more about the environment and effects of eating processed foods or meats. I revel in seeing today's encouragement of having children particpate in healthy food : shopping, preparation and cooking.
Thank You !!
By Cinthya F Z R
•May 9, 2023
Me ayudó a enseñar a mis hijos a ser conscientes del cuidado que deben tener de su dieta diaria a fin de que elijan con prudencia sus porciones y cuidemos juntos que sea una alimentación lo más saludable según nuestra posibilidad económica. Excelente curso, súper práctico y me animo a llevar el curso de Health Coaching en mà paÃs, carrera que actualmente desempeño en un emprendimiento personal.
By Olga G
•Apr 28, 2021
It was very interesting and easy to get new information. Cooking demonstration are the best) I think, it is so simply to do the same. I'll necessary try these reciepes. Oh, another things that I liked so much are paintings and visualisation of info. It was very nice. So easy and so colourful. It helped me to remember more info.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this course. You are THE BEST!!! )))
By Tatiana S
•Feb 19, 2018
Es excelente este curso! no se alcanzan a imaginar todo lo que ignoramos a veces, todos los errores que cometemos por no conocer la importancia de una buena nutrición, realmente la información que aquà te brindan es fundamental para comenzar una vida saludable. lo recomiendo totalmente, aprendà demasiado y espero replicar todo lo aprendido con mi familia y amigos! Gracias Coursera!
By Sabinna
•Jan 7, 2017
It's a great course. The teacher is very friendly. I can even feel her energy through videos. I love the way she taught. She will draw a beautiful and clear picture explain those important knowledge. It’s very helpful to understand those difficult terms. And the children are lovely and cute. I am glad that I have chosen this course, it’s useful and interesting. I highly recommend.
By Elizabeth M P
•May 6, 2020
La estructura del curso es muy buena, flexible y te permite visualizar qué temas se abordarán, el número de vÃdeos de cada tema, los cuestionarios requeridos y el avance que cada uno tiene. La coordinadora del curso tiene un gran manejo del tema, facilidad de palabra, dinámica, empatica y vincula muy bien los temas con la vida real y el contexto en el que vivimos. Muchas gracias.
By Thanpicha D B
•Apr 17, 2020
Hi, I am a new mother with a little baby girl. Because of love I joined this course I hope it can help me to provide one of the best thing for my child. Unsurprisingly, this course help me to understand more about nutrition for child and also adult. I learned how to choose most healthy ingredients to how to cook them perfectly without losing nutrition. I love this course so much!