May 7, 2020
A great, detailed and informative course that I enjoyed learning about. Lund University you can do no wrong, from my semester spent on exchange in Lund to engaging with this fantastic MOOC! Thank you!
Jul 29, 2023
As an Environmental engineer I recommend this course, this course was help me well for my job in mining and steel industry . Also this course changed my vision about waste management strategies.
By Jasmin R
•May 5, 2020
Very interesting course and a great way to learn about the basics of circular economy! I learned a lot but for me, the course was a bit more business-oriented than I had hoped, both in terms of the content and the assignments. I also felt like it could have discussed some topics, such as the social and environmental impacts of material extraction, more critically and more in detail. I 'd recommend it for people who're interested in the business and economic side of the circular economy rather than those interested in the climate and social justice.
By Patrick W
•Dec 5, 2020
Excellent introduction to the ideas of the circular economy and why it is is desirable. Hurdles to its achievement are discussed and examples of people and organisations that are working towards it.
By Jesus J S G
•Jul 17, 2020
This course is an excellent opportunity to understand the key concepts of the Circular Economy, the new trends in achieving change, and the actions that are being taken worldwide to achieve it.
By Pawel M
•Jan 4, 2021
Great content, especially Week 2 - Circular Business Models. And great business case studies.
I also liked that there are many different lecturers.
I tried to do the course quickly (1-2 weeks) but the assignments were locked for about 3 weeks since I started. I waited but on the day the assignments were supposed to be unlocked I was informed that I missed the deadline and I have to switch to another session. Moreover waiting for 3 weeks lowered my motivation and forced me to repeat Week 1&2 before taking the test. I tried to address this problem, but I could not find any easy way to contact either Coursera helpdesk or authors of the course.
By Chanelle B
•Dec 6, 2020
Overall a decent course. It would be best targeted to those interested in sustainable development and those without a background in business. Having studied business myself, week 2 felt very redundant as it is very low level business info but is necessary for application later in the course. I think this course is a good starting block before taking other more advanced courses. Quizzes were a bit difficult and I would encourage taking good notes.
By Marta S B
•Oct 16, 2020
Very comprehensive course. It bocomes more and more interesting as it develops. The case studies are very significative. If you have no idea of Circular Economy, this is your course.
By Nicolas W
•Jul 10, 2019
Enjoyed the broad range of topics and stimulating ideas to create a society that takes care of our finite resources, pollute less while aiming to keep our living standard
By Anna B
•Dec 31, 2019
This course gave so much food for thought, a multitude of ideas and a great perspective on the subject. I can't believe how brilliantly high the quality of the material, up to date and detailed information, how the course has been written, ease of understandability, skills and time of the high profile educators and diversity of speakers featured in the videos. You really made me feel that this area of knowledge was for me! Congratulations on a world-class short course. I enjoyed it immensely!
By José I M E
•Apr 20, 2020
Great course!
Super interesting and very accessible language. It's a good entrance door to keep learning about this really important topics.
Thanks for giving us the chance to have it for free.
By Christiane F
•May 7, 2019
As an introduction course to sustainable material management the course was valuable. It leaves the student broad high-level understanding of elements to consider when addressing sustainable material management. Even more importantly, the course introduces several tools, sources to deep dive further as well as numerous examples for existing (and very different) players within circular material management.
By Aurora G
•Feb 16, 2019
Very high quality information, well structured, with a lot of concrete examples. Overall, a very good course, fully recommend it!
By Uzi K
•Sep 5, 2020
even though dealing with circular economy for few years now. This course gave additional views and deep digging into specific branches, different from the one I am used to deal with.
Understanding that the key to circular economy in practice, must be based on collaboration along the whole value chain of a product or service. One how looks to lead CE in any certain sector, must be familiar with cross sectors and cross borders, view. This is the main importance of this course to me.
On the other hand, it cleared the understanding that CE alone can not and will not make the change, we all look for. As long as we will not deal with population and consumption.
By Arnaud L
•Mar 14, 2019
Fantastic course starting from the very beginning and source of the problem.
It combines all key aspects and ask the right questions while proposing innovative solutions : technical/technological, economics, social, political and individual.
I recommend it to everyone, not only the "sustainable geeks".
I open my mind to think, act and speak circular. Its critical for our future on this beautiful planet!
By Peyman H R
•Feb 9, 2020
I really enjoyed and learned during my study time. The course was high in quality and transferredthe important aspects in CE and the sustainability of materials.
I specially enjoyed the case studies and interviews with industrial attended in the course, their motives, innovations and models for a CE was really interesting and helpful.
Many thanks to the instructors and managing partners of the course.
By Anant D
•May 5, 2019
This course is a must for anyone looking at a global view in terms of survival. Materials are becoming scarce, but we are consuming more. Soon, there won't be anything left to consume. Industries, governments, academia- everyone should be planning to implement respective stages of circular economy within their fields. This is the future. Else, there won't be a future left to thrive in.
By Julia S
•Dec 27, 2019
This course was very well structured and very up to date when it comes to the materials and information used. I especially liked the fact that the course materials where coming from diverse and multidisciplinary actors but also appreciated the case study insights and analysis, the possibility of peer-assessed-assignments and participating in the discussion forums.
By Sandra C G
•Feb 7, 2020
Fantastic course! Loved the different topics and subjects and how everything in this world is intimately related. Very useful for my professional and personal life because it deepened my understanding and knowledge about circularity and how to implement it. Thanks Lund University!
By Anastasia
•Feb 17, 2019
I really enjoyed the composition of the course. Multiple sides of Circular Economy are touched in a very attractive and informative manner. The tasks are moderately demanding that makes the course more interesting.
Very well structured course and great knowledge shared! Thank you.
By Adrian L V
•Aug 22, 2019
It was a great eye opener and inspiration to many strategies to move out economy towards circular models. This course will teach you how your professional background (eg. engineering, sociology, arts, any other) can be used to transition current systems into circular modules.
By Giulia P
•Feb 18, 2019
This course is really interesting and well structured. It provides the attendants with useful skills, specific knowledge and help them to reason and deduce new solution about resources management, in order to support the transition to a global circular economy.
By Niina P
•Feb 24, 2020
Great way of learning, great teachers. Next to insights and knowledge, the course gave me a lot of energy and hope to see these academics from diverse backgrounds AND my 6000+ co-learners from all parts of the world be passionate about the Circular Economy.
By Sabine V
•Mar 31, 2019
I enjoyed this course very much. Competent, professional, lovely teachers, useful extra materials - I will surely get back to it sometime in the future. Thank you for creating this course, I am looking forward to trying other courses from Lund University.
By Kate R
•Jul 12, 2019
Great course, definitey recommended. Goes into quite a detail on circular economy. Must admit, the begining was not easy as it gets quite technical about the raw materials. But later classes tie everything together very well.
By Mahdi T
•Feb 8, 2020
Excellent course! To the point and informative lectures with lots of practical examples. I also liked the content diversity and format (i.e. educational lectures, follow your phone, case studies, etc.).
By Michelle B
•May 8, 2020
A great, detailed and informative course that I enjoyed learning about. Lund University you can do no wrong, from my semester spent on exchange in Lund to engaging with this fantastic MOOC! Thank you!