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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

53 ratings

About the Course

An introductory yet trenchant exploration of select Chinese classic texts that cover the domains of classical literature, history, philosophy, and fine arts....

Top reviews


May 27, 2020

Excellent and educative course. Prof Ou Fan's lectures were impressive. However, I wish there was a way of interacting with faculty and asking them questions/ seeking guidance.


Jul 18, 2017

This was an extremely interesting course and the professor is great! He is very engaging and informs you well on the topics. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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1 - 24 of 24 Reviews for Classics of Chinese Humanities: Guided Readings

By Michael N

May 24, 2018

I'll grant you the texts are hard to find. But after you've found them, I think, you'll find that they are wonderful and by reading them and listening to the professor's lectures, you get a tremendous exposure to Chinese culture. I wondered how four texts could do this, but they are so well picked, that they do. Except for the difficulty getting the texts, this has been one of the most satisfying courses I've taken. I highly recommend it, but I also recommend that the mentors find the texts and make them easily available to students.

By mayday_OT7_OT9

Jun 3, 2020

This course was a great introduction to Chinese traditional literature. I feel as if I now have a stronger base of Chinese culture. The assignments were well-thought out (glad there aren't any quizzes), but the peer-review-grading was a little frustrating. But since I'm just auditing this course, I didn't really mind.

By David S

Aug 31, 2018

I'm only partially through the course, but I can tell you the lectures are excellent and the materials exceptionally well chosen. Just from doing the first readings and the first lecture my concept of Chinese history took a huge leap in depth and appreciation. Many here mention the difficulty of obtaining materials--true! But I've taken the time to point out where I've found everything in the discussion section (, so I hope more people will join this course.

By Karl T M

Oct 16, 2019

This was an enjoyable course and a good way to get familiar with these basic texts of Chinese thought.


Jan 16, 2017

great course and fun to be exposed to some new ideas

By Renee K

Jun 18, 2022

Thank you to the lecture and others that contributed to making this course what it is and thr course material, work and readings were interesting to read and I highly appreciate the time and effort you implaced to creating this wonderful course.

i would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in chinese literature and the humanities andI loved each and every second of the course.

By Brigid F

Jul 19, 2017

This was an extremely interesting course and the professor is great! He is very engaging and informs you well on the topics. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

By Tobias H

Jun 19, 2017

Very interesting topics, and huge insights offered by the professor.

By Mana B

Nov 13, 2016

Tareas dificilísimas, que lo llevan a uno a desafiarse cada vez más para mejorar. Muy exigente (en la mejor manera) Un problema sería que necesita una presentación diferente o más dinámica en los videos: a veces con sólo escuchar los audios era suficiente, no se aprovecha el multimedia. Gracias por esta experiencia.

By Joy S

Jan 23, 2017

Interesting: old Chinese professor speaks good English, class kind of short.

By Bernardine B

Jun 9, 2022

I enjoyed this course immensely. I had never heard about Han Yu, so this course gave me the orrortunity to study and learn more about him. Also, I was able to improve my writing skills and ennhance my writing style. In my research, I was able to learn a lot about Chinese culture.

I also enjoyed the lectures; they were clear and informative. However, I wish I were able to learn the meanings of some of the Chinese language that was used in some of the lectures.

Thank you so much for afording me the opportunity to participate in this course. It was very rewarding.

By Eliane M A T V

Dec 12, 2020

This is one of the best courses I have ever taken. The topic may be a bit niche, but Prof. Lee makes it delightful, and he's a fantastic educator: he managed to create rapport despite being an online asynchronous pre-recorded course. Thank you professor!

The topic is of great interest to me. It gave me an opportunity to give more structure to my previous learning on Chinese Classics, and I feel I have a better picture of it now thanks to this course.

By Ruth G

Aug 9, 2021

Un curso muy interesante y enriquecedor. Para los principiantes que visitamos este curso, pienso que nos brinda un panorama y contexto general sobre la literatura china que ayuda a comprender y conocer el panorama general. Además de brindar la posibilidad de generar contrastes y aportes (entre la misma literatura china y la literatura universal) a la hora de presentar las tareas de cada lección.

By Ben C

Oct 15, 2017

An interesting insight into Chinese literature that connects works over the several millennial. The professor emphasizes universal themes in Chinese literature and encourages further reading and research. .

By Marco T

May 11, 2024

Excellent course. The lectures gave a good introduction to the main chinese literature works in each generation. It is great resource for future research in this field of knowledge.

By Gopalakrishnan J

May 28, 2020

Excellent and educative course. Prof Ou Fan's lectures were impressive. However, I wish there was a way of interacting with faculty and asking them questions/ seeking guidance.

By Hans J

Mar 30, 2022

Thank you Prof Ou Fan Leo Lee! You opened for me a new world. I will reread Zhuang Zi and will better understands its deeper meaning.

By Patricia Y

Mar 2, 2017

Wise and humorous Professor. Charming and intriguing course which serves as a great introductory overview of Chinese literature.

By Erik J

Apr 19, 2019

This is a professional endeavour indeed.


Zhè quèshí shì yī xiàng zhuānyè de nǔlì.

Thank you. from the Netherlands.

By Brian B

Jan 18, 2021

An excellent survey of four distinct aspects of Chinese culture

By Paula m

Sep 14, 2020

Very completed! Wonderful!

By Martina R

Feb 23, 2025

Very Interesting. But I am dissatified because I finished the course, but couldn´t save it, so that it is listed under "in Progress"

By Nuria A

Jan 27, 2018

The course is very interesting, but it is very difficult to get the materials.

By YunLiang L

Nov 17, 2019

Interesting! But I felt unsatiable.