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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Combining Scrum with Other Agile Methodologies by LearnQuest

481 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to help Scrum beginners become more proficient with Agile Scrum. This course explores layering other Agile methodologies on top of Scrum. This is the fourth course in the Certified Scrum Master specialization. We recommend completing the first three courses before beginning this one....

Top reviews


May 31, 2023

This course explains different Agile Methodologies and the DevOps mindset development. The combination of Scrum with other methods like Lean, XP, Kanban, etc.. is well explained.


Oct 8, 2023

You get a better idea on how Scrum as the Base methodology can have other agile methodologies like XP, TDD, BDD, Lean, Devops

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76 - 90 of 90 Reviews for Combining Scrum with Other Agile Methodologies

By Frank A


Jun 20, 2024

Very disappointed in this course in many ways. First, many of the required external documents to be read will not open and provide an error code - page not available. Second, questions asked in the quiz are not very clear or described in the lecture or readings - ever wonder why MOST PEOPLE don't pass the test on the first try? It's because the material presented is not coordinated with questions asked. Third, Person presenting is boring, monotone, and hard to stay interested in what he is saying - thus learning suffers. Fourth and VERY IMPORTANT - there is no hands on or examples to try like in the Coursea Project Manager certification program. That was a really good experience. Here there is nothing, and questions on material you are not aware of. Fifth, when you take a quiz and get the wrong answer, there is no help. Just "Sorry, no" - not referal on where to look or how to find the right answer - need some referring back to where to find the right answer. AND - you often don't say "select all that apply" thus it looks like there is only one answer, and I choose the one that best fits only to find out I didn't select ALL OF THE RIGHT ANSWERS. You need to fix this.

By Jessica D


Jul 14, 2023

The first two courses were well done and enforced objectives I had already learned. However, Courses 3 and 4 were redundant, and the material was scattered.

By Damián V


May 2, 2024

Bueno. Faltaria mejorar la parte practica, algunos ejemplo y los archivos para descargar son muy basicos.

By Timothy B


Mar 1, 2022

Connecting the content to the roles of Scrum Master more often would have made this course much better.



Aug 26, 2022


By Billy R R J


May 19, 2022

Good introduction into the basic concepts of Scrum.

By Sagar D


Jun 19, 2023

Needed more practical exercises and assignments

By Adrien L B


Feb 3, 2025

Some provided options are incorrect for me. For example, story points are not directly tied to hours or tasks but represent relative effort considering complexity, risk, and unknowns. The estimation process involves team discussion and consensus. In addition, Once released, it is very important for the Ops team to continue tracking newly discovered threats and vulnerabilities or Monitoring using telemetry but one of this option is false in the quest.

By Steve R


Oct 25, 2024

This was the weakest for the 4 modules in the Scrum Master Specialization. Several quiz questions became marked wrong, even when the correct answer is chosen - answer marked red, but the feedback states "correct". Several of the additional reading links are broken. There are too many to specifically say which ones.

By Danuta E D


Jan 19, 2025

The first module was very good and interesting, the other 3 seem to be built to fill space. They are full of repetitions of content, there are many errors, some external links do not work, many others are completely useless. Beyond the first module, it is not a course that I recommend.

By David S


Mar 7, 2023

The course felt unstructured, several outdated links, distracting grammatical errors. The instructor red dot pointer was distracting and confusing at times.

By Dmytro P


Aug 29, 2021

Hi! This course will not help you if you plan to be prepared for PSM exam. Choose another course.

By Lakshmi R K


Jun 16, 2024

The same review as the previous ones. The trainer isn’t professional enough, it was very hard to follow and understand what he was saying. Someone without prior experience can’t understand this course.

By m c


Jan 5, 2022

poor presentation many typos Training materials are from commercials and Wikipedia not useful for Scrum certificate

By Wilman A


Dec 17, 2024

El certificado no me lo dejo descargar