Dec 13, 2022
I recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn about Computation Thinking in an effortless manner. I am delighted with this course. Thanks to UPenn and Coursera for giving me this opportunity.
Feb 3, 2019
The course is very well-designed and it helped me develop understand how to apply computational thinking in solving various types of problems as well as acquire basic skills of programming in Python.
By Laura M
•Apr 16, 2020
Muy interesante, especialmente para aquellos que estamos iniciandonos en entender este mundillo.
By Shalin M (
•Sep 23, 2019
The course is very well designed and taught, however the peer review system is a real pain.
By Alex g
•May 17, 2020
4.7 - an excellent class although be prepared for some challenging problems sets!
By Hsu E
•Sep 25, 2022
The course itself is great, but just too many peers review assignments.
By George W
•Aug 10, 2022
Auto grader is too sensitive to small changes in the correct output
By Tom F
•Jun 26, 2020
Great introduction to computational thinking and coding.
By Sun T
•Nov 4, 2019
The auto-grade assignment in Week 4 should be improved.
•Sep 4, 2021
Very good for good learners and beginers
By Nirvan
•May 11, 2020
The last assignment had a few bugs
By Praveen K
•Jul 7, 2020
The practice task is not enough.
By ank j
•Jul 28, 2020
Very educational. Thank you
By chao w
•Dec 25, 2019
great way to start with
By Kenny P
•Sep 15, 2020
it was interesting
•Sep 3, 2021
good experience
By Thắng T T
•Apr 29, 2022
so good
By Dinesh K
•May 23, 2023
•Sep 13, 2021
By Venkata S R T
•Sep 9, 2021
By Google C
•Nov 12, 2022
The knowledge and skills this course covers and presents learners are powerful and very useful, meaningful and valuable, however, understanding and progressing through the course take far longer then it should and the course material is excessively theoretical, abstract and difficult to grasp, in particular for learners whom are beginners in the python language.
Phenomenal and high standard and quality delivery, but the explanations for learners should be deeper, more detailed and greater to the extent that they can easily follow along. Chanllenges are crucial and helpful, but not if they cause students to lose their motivation and hope in the process.
The course should focus more on explaining the principles more clearly and in a beginner friendly manner. Theoty is vital for understanding the concepts from an abstract view, but then it should be illustrated in a easy method how to apply and implement it, otherwise if learners only know the theory, but can't apply it, it has no point in the real-world.
Good course lecturers and solid principles, but i wish they used an easier and more "friendly" approach to explaining the academic material.
By Uzair I
•Sep 7, 2022
Few courses teach computational thinking sub-skills as explicitly as this one does. That's the good part about this course, because any good computer scientist should have an understanding of the cognitive skills involved in doing their work.
Overall, the pace of the course was good, but I felt the assignments were either a little lackluster, or would drop information that you'd need more background knowledge to solve. For example, there were some questions in this course that I would not have been able to do well on, had I not already taken Calculus-2 and some proof-writing in university.
I appreciate that the instructors probably put that material in to expose students to the wonders of discrete mathematics. At the same time, I wonder if it might be too early for that material, and if students will be better served doing some moderately difficult algorithm design instead.
By Christy S
•Jun 10, 2022
This course was worth taking and I learn a lot. However, it was advertized for users of all levels. The python portion of the course moves at a pace that is extremely difficult to keep up with. I thought that I just wasn't getting the material but after using a python book recommended by a friend, I realized that this course moves at an extremely fast pace, and it seems that you need some kind of programming background to be able to complete it. I had to use a book, internet searches, and get tutoring in order to do some of the assignments. This course was way more difficult than I expected for an entry-level course.
By Jessica C
•Jul 8, 2021
The first three weeks were very well presented and instructed. It was challenging and interesting for me (I don't have a computer science background). However, the pace and level of difficulty are accelerated in Week 4. You're expected to go from having no Python knowledge to being able to solve multiple-step programming assignments which the videos give a cursory explanation to. The videos would probably be sufficient for someone who already has a strong Python or programming background.
By Alexander M
•Jun 19, 2021
The first 3 weeks of the course are very enlightening for someone new to computer science, but the fourth week of the course suffers from a significant difficulty spike when trying to answer questions involving python programming. Issues include expecting the learner to know concepts not mentioned in videos and a lack of help with python programming questions.
By Tatiana L
•Mar 6, 2025
This "course" is mostly advertising of Penn's online programmes. Very basic information, even automatic tests require upgrade. Actually it is not a course at all, just a teaser.
By Juancarlos D
•Apr 18, 2023
Assignment instructions are so convuluted that they cause more confusion than provide clear or understandable instructions. (must be revised)