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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,748 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Apr 13, 2020

I like that I get to learn new things that I haven't learned before like this new knowledge that I'm add to my learning skills. Including the understanding of how a computer function and operates.


Apr 18, 2020

the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course

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1576 - 1600 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking


Jun 14, 2020

one of the best courses i have done. the instructor was very clear and i can easily understand the concept he was trying to teach.thank you :)

By Fraser P

Jun 7, 2020

An excellent exploration of essential IT concepts and processes that improve tech skills and understanding for beginner to intermediate users.

By Surendra M

May 3, 2020

Amazing instructor. Very useful course, although I was familiar with 60% of topics. But I never had any idea about how all they work together.

By Rona S H

Mar 31, 2020

Great course! I learned a lot! I have 0 knowledge about networking, now I know the basics and how data travels along every network connection.

By Ethan R

Mar 12, 2020

Networking is my steeze. Although subnetworking could use an easier explanation, I thought most of the course was informative and interesting.

By Talker S

Sep 23, 2018

its ok but i will like if praticals where done, like showing me how to run a DHCP, how to configure a router to a switch and many other things

By Steven B

Apr 21, 2018

I learned some new stuff that I had only known peripherally before, I feel like it was a good in-depth course on networking! It was very good!

By Jami H

Feb 19, 2018

Fantastic course. Pay attention and you will learn more than you think. This course and certificate program really does teach you quite a bit.

By Michael Z

Feb 19, 2018

Exceptional detail provided for the simplest of networking functions to lay the foundation for understanding more complex and dynamic systems.

By Brian D S

Nov 21, 2024

Got IT. Thanks, got it and using it. IT is just getting started, said after starting with IBM 360 and the RS TRS-80 Model I. Come a long way.

By Med M M V

Sep 23, 2023

un contenu extrmement riche et utile. j'ai vraiment pris du plaisir en parcourant les differents cours sur les "bits and bytes of networking"

By Jose C

Aug 10, 2023

It was a difficult course but i learned a lot and was able to get a lot out of it. I cant wait to read more about it on my own and just grow.

By Usama

Nov 27, 2022

A very well-structured course. It covers all the essentials which an IT support professional required. Thank you, instructor and Google team.

By Gade V S L

Sep 12, 2022

This course is very interesting to learn the concepts .I enjoyed a lot while doing this course.Thankyou courseera offering this valid course


Jun 2, 2022

It was very tasking. The graded tests were quite challenging, but more graded plug-ins would enable students have more hands-on experiences.

By Ali A K

Sep 2, 2021

Some of these was very difficult for me to understand, but i had to work hard and then i will most probably remember it better in the future.


Jun 2, 2021

This course was filled with valuable information and was super fun. Practice and quiz questions were on point and really tested my knowledge.

By Saaya M

Apr 29, 2021

The course really breakdown the computer networks from scratch to advance and giving me a solid understanding of how computers communicates

By Christian V

Dec 1, 2020

Be prepared to take notes. Lots and lots of notes because this course is not as easy as what it sounds like. In the end, it will be worth it!

By Todd S

Jul 5, 2020

Very in depth and helpful with the mini quizzes. There were plenty of very technical terms but was described in a very clear and concise way.

By Atishchandra M

May 29, 2020

It was easy to understand, and many topics were discussed that might not be useful in modern networking but are imp.. Glad I took this course

By Mario “ A

Mar 15, 2020

I am an avid learner. If I am learning something new, especially an interest, I get ecstatic as I progress. I loved this course completely.

By Joe O R

Jan 9, 2020

It's been a very technical and difficult course with lots of concepts, but is also very rewarding to get to know how the networks are build.

By rtalmon87

Nov 5, 2018

Outstanding course. I was really intimidated by the details of networking but this course really helped break it down into manageable bites.

By Bruno A G

Sep 16, 2018

This course is very well balanced for people with not so much time to invest on a full course.

It's a bit challenging and awesomely explained.