Nov 2, 2022
One of the most useful courses for me. I have gathered soo much knowledge from this course. The work and assignments might seem a bit cumbersome, but trust me when you do those you will learn a lot.
Feb 12, 2022
Very complete and step by step course.The pace is well thought and allows you to work a little everyday and to make progress every day. This makes it motivating to continue and not break the streak.
By Emily R
•Dec 4, 2022
I enjoyed this course more than I thought I would, to be honest! Doing the research didn't sound that appealing to me but looking back at all the work I've done is very satisfying to see how it all came together for the benefit of the user experience.
The most challenging part of the course was navigating assignments that were vague. When I was completing the peer reviews, I am not convinced that myself or anyone else completed the assignment how Google wanted us to.
Sometimes it feels a little ironic that we're taking a course on User Experience but Google themselves haven't thoroughly researched the usability of this course. 🤷🏻
By Tricia B
•Sep 17, 2021
This course was probably my least favorite so far. The material is generally pretty good, but like someone else's review said, it repeats content quite a bit. They've also been rearranging and adding material recently, but haven't removed some of the old content that's the exact same, so that added to the repeatability. I also think that if you don't get started on Week 2 basically when you start Week 1, you'll be behind since you have to accommodate people's schedules for interviews, which is not ideal for a course based on a monthly subscription service.
By Amanda G
•Aug 23, 2021
While I feel like I did learn very good concepts in this course, I struggled with peer reviewing because so many other students did not read the assignment properly so their work was not comparable to the exemplar. Often times they did not set the permissions correctly so I could not even get to their work to see and review it. However, in Coursera there is no easy way to tell them this and move on to a new peer to review. I left notes saying their work was not accurate according to the assigment but I was never sure if they actually saw those notes.
By Joshua O
•Aug 9, 2021
i found the course fairly easy to complete but i do think it's a bit overwhelming with the amount of tasks a beginner might have to undertake. compared to the other courses in the certificate program, i would say this felt the most cramped up; it might have been served in smaller does and divided up into the prior and next course perhaps.
By Max K
•Mar 13, 2024
Way more DEI than DEsIgn. This entire series was unfortunately hijacked by UX researchers and design principles are not covered in any detail, nore in any of the preceding modules. The Google UX Design series should be renamed to UX Research, as design is clearly an afterthought and covered only as an aspect of Figma.
By John A
•Nov 22, 2021
The Person teaching in this course is pretty boring compared to the other courses, his manner of speaking and expressions has a very sleepy vibe
By Cassandra S
•Oct 5, 2022
Some of the information was repetitive as well as hard to understand, which I guess is why it was repetitive.
By Al-noor H
•Feb 27, 2023
The pacing of this course is a bit boring. It could have been taught in just one week.
By Mai
•Jul 14, 2022
Wasting of time and money. The whole entire course can be samarized in ONE week MAXIMUM instead of 6 Months.
By Rajesh K
•Nov 29, 2024
This course was a great guide to planning UX research studies! Learning to create detailed research plans with elements like project background, goals, and questions was super useful. Plus, building participant scripts was spot-on. The practical insights into defining KPIs and understanding research methods were really helpful.
By designeraj
•Mar 20, 2022
Absolutely loved this course. It was a great experience. The speakers were good designers who shared their vision from beginning to end. I do it just for a few weeks, and I am happy to receive my certificate. I will recommend those who want to learn UI UX Design from scratch. Thank you, Googlers!
By Seyi A
•Jul 29, 2022
This part of the Google UX Design professional certification is actually the core of the training, if you miss any part here, you missed everything. It's indeed a participatory design technique
By Kanchan J
•Oct 28, 2022
This course has so many interesting topics which help me to polish my skills as a UX designer and make me feel like a good UX designer. Thanks for providing me with such descriptive topics.
By Rohit R C
•Sep 4, 2021
Great experience, forget UX Research for a second - this course made me aware of my own biases & taught about how to fix them.😇 leaned properly how to empathize with users.
By Amir H B M
•Apr 1, 2021
Great Course I learned lots of information around UX research and how to do research and then analyze and synthesize!
By Hoi D
•Mar 24, 2021
Very engaging course! I enjoy learning about data, research, and testing and the methods UX design uses.
By Biswajit M
•Apr 2, 2021
It's a great way of learning, especially from the people from google.
By Russell L
•Nov 1, 2021
Good step by step approach in planning, conducting, analyze and then present findings of UX Research. Personally, I had to delay my progress due to difficulty scheduling my usability studies during the second week. Perhaps, give students more time to organize usability studies with participants (tell students at the start of the week that they will need to recruit participants).
By Remy J
•Aug 24, 2021
Unfortunately in Week 2 and Week 4 the provided templates for the peer review assignments didn't match the previous videos nor the grading criteria.
By Jiajie Z
•Nov 15, 2024
I really don't like Jason's teaching style; it makes me feel very tired.
By Oguz O
•Jul 27, 2021
Useful information but it was repetitive and monotonous.
By Matthew D
•Apr 26, 2021
Course seemed poorly put together compared to the others in this certificate, it also seemed unnecessary to include this as an entire course.
By Cassidy Y
•Apr 6, 2022
This class was tough. It was important but it was very detailed for someone who probably will not start out at this level.
By John F
•Apr 15, 2022
It was a challenge. Sometimes it's hard to get up to 5 people to commit to doing the user research part of the course.
By Alexis G
•May 24, 2022
The course is made up of peer-graded assignments which wouldn't be that bad, but you get marked as past due even though you have submitted the assignment and you are just waiting on peers to actually grade it. My final assignment for this class was submitted 5 days before it was due, they recommend at least 2 days early to allow time for grading, but it wasn't fully graded until 6 days later. Almost a full week went by before it was finally graded. My subscription to Coursera is monthly so I can't move on to turn in my new course assignments until my last course is completed fully which slows me down. I am already not a huge fan of peer-graded anything as most people don't actually give you a proper grade. A lot of people will either not read all the way through what you have submitted and mark you down for missing things that were there they just didn't bother to look for. Or they go the other way and they will grade it well in the hopes you do the same for them. Peer-graded work is just extremely flawed and it should at the very least have moderators to help out when people have been waiting on grades for almost a week, but also so we really can learn and improve our work. It's hard to feel like you are getting graded correctly when people are just wanting to go by a 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours' moto. I do understand that some of this stuff is hard to grade with the way the courses are set up. I do not, however, think that we should have our completion time counted against us simply because our peers haven't graded it yet. If it was turned in to a regular class the teacher wouldn't scold you because they took longer to grade it and hand it back.