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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Copyright for Multimedia by Duke University

416 ratings

About the Course

Copyright questions about different formats (data, images, music and video) can be especially difficult. Sometimes the law specifically distinguishes between these different formats, and in most cases there are media-specific considerations that impact a copyright analysis. In this course we will look at four different media, paying special attention to the unique issues for each one and the kinds of information that is important when making copyright decisions for each type of material. We will work through fair use issues for each multimedia format, look at format-specific exceptions in the law, and consider unique issues for seeking permission for film, music, images and data. At the end of this course, participants will have a deeper understanding of how to apply our framework for making copyright decisions, and will be more comfortable with assessing multimedia issues. They will have gained more and more diverse experience for considering fair use....

Top reviews


Jul 31, 2021

Awesome informational class if you're interested in Intellectual Property or just Law in general. Totally suitable for a 14 year old like me so you should be able to do it too!


Jun 14, 2017

Easy to follow and with great teachers commenting on the pragmatic issues of licensing and fair use, which is invaluable for the foreign student, no matter his degree.

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1 - 25 of 107 Reviews for Copyright for Multimedia

By Georgia A B

Aug 23, 2017

A very good introduction to copyright, fair use, and licensing for all types of multimedia. The 5-step framework is particularly helpful.

By Mateus M

Jun 15, 2017

Easy to follow and with great teachers commenting on the pragmatic issues of licensing and fair use, which is invaluable for the foreign student, no matter his degree.

By Beth

Jan 6, 2019

I don't know how you did it; you made the subject of copyright law fascinating. And you clearly and presented very important and useful information. Thank you.

By Bethany A C

Jun 30, 2016

Excellent course. The tests and quizzes were challenging. I look forward to taking the copyright for Librarians course as well.

By Irina K

Jun 5, 2017

Great course! Good introduction ti US copyright law, very interesting and clear. I strongly recommend this course!

By Presita S

Jul 12, 2017

This was a really great course and has increased my interest and knowledge in intellectual property law.

By Yahaya, I L

Mar 8, 2018

I loved every bit of the lectures. It served as a refresher course for me. Thank you once again

By Qid L

Jul 8, 2016

While I enjoyed this course and learned quite a bit, I think the strong leaning of the content toward use of materials for educational purposes should be made much clearer in the class title and description. Another primary complaint is that many of the quiz questions are are poorly written, requiring assumptions to be made outside of the information presented with the question. On a positive note, the wealth of supplementary content is very helpful.

By Anthony C v

Feb 16, 2019

Then information is applicable but the delivery is substantially weak. The quiz questions are far too long and should be heavily revised and re-edited. Overall, I rate it three stars because more effort should have been put into it's creation. As is, it feels amateurish at best, tedious at its worst.

By Lina K

Oct 20, 2019

Even though I had prior knowledge about the subject, I found the material confusing and lacking coherency. I thank the professors for all of their work and time in this.

By Janna L

Jan 29, 2021

Bad course presentation, teachers talking among themselves. No visual aid, not structured, too many examples without concrete rules and theory. There are courses that are done in a better way, when a teacher/ professor directly to the student (camera), these people barely look at the camera. Not a good course, not much way learnt, just waste of time. Sorry for negative review.

By Vanessa G

Apr 29, 2020

The first lesson about images is very interesting and helpful. However as we start to hear about the music and audio copyright, it goes worse and worse. There is no insight on music copyright and this is clearly not the course or the mentors to learn music copyright with. I was not impressed by the videos/teaching procedures, although it was helpful to have the links to the laws we were dealing with. I have given up on this course half-way through as I was unsure how knowledgeable the teachers were on the matter of the different rights within the music copyright, which would help understand the law and how it works for fair use. I do not recommend this course.

By Susan A

Feb 18, 2020

Very useful information, but the lack of notes, slides or anything to supplement the dialogue on the screen makes this difficult to follow, and quite frankly, incredibly boring. The instructors do not do justice to the potential of online video learning by just having conversations with themselves, and barely even looking at the camera. Extremely disappointing, would not recommend.

By Jessie A

Oct 23, 2018

This was a great course! I would suggest a few edits:


1) During the video from week 3, 1955 was initially noted as the year that limited performance rights were granted over transmission via digital network such as online radio. I circled that with a big question mark because I thought that was a bit ahead of time. Then later it was clarified as 1995. Also, I believe there was a date mix up somewhere around the Feb. 15, 1972 date. It would be nice to add more information on that, I only saw that each state has different regulated laws on this during the quiz. I don't remember hearing about it in lecture.

2) some of the quiz questions were too long and more like riddles rather than just asking important and relevant questions about copyright.

User experience:

1) The week 3 deadline said 10/22 at midnight. Then when I went to take the course it said it was due at 10/21 by midnight.

2) it would be nice to see the answers to the quiz. Both what you got wrong and the correct answer to the question. I understand that you can retake the quiz, so you don't want to release the answer too soon, but it would be helpful to review and check.

3) it would be helpful to have all the course material accessible in one place so we could review it later.

Overall, the professors put together a great presentation and did a great job simplifying some very complex laws that everyone with a smartphone should be aware of! Thank you.

By Christopher B

May 9, 2020

This course was fantastic. It provided a solid foundation for copyright in multimedia and I honestly learned way more than I thought I would! The teachers were very knowledgeable and did a great job of presenting the material in a way that someone with no knowledge whatsoever could easily digest the information. As a video producer and graphic designer, I can say this course has substantially increased my knowledge and I will certainly feel more confident than ever during my creation process.

By Silviya D

May 26, 2016

I loved the course. The information was presented in a very easy-to-understand way. It has been curated very carefully with the needs of anyone who would take such course in mind. No matter if you are working on a school project, blogging or running a website it would be extremely helpful to clarify the legal issues related to your artistic work.

I am a musician and found it extremely helpful in many areas of my development.

By Jhenne T

Jul 31, 2016

Very informative and well organized (with a ton of resources, references, and optional further readings). The instructors were clearly passionate about the subject matter, and excited to share their knowledge with the viewers. The videos were informative, full of helpful case studies, and oftentimes, funny. Definitely learned quite a bit from this course. I would take other offerings from them, if possible!

By Shailendree D

May 16, 2021

It is a very strategically defined and explained course with lots of reading material and quizzes that really test the learners knowledge as they go through the course each week. The deadlines for the quiz submissions really helps to make the learner to keep a constant learning pace. The material is well explained with relevant case laws making it even more exhaustive.

By Sergio R

Mar 29, 2020

Algunas veces las conversaciones entre los profesores se tornaba algo incómoda, pero me pareció algo normal no debe ser muy fácil grabar estos cursos. Aparte de esto que me pareció gracioso, es un curso muy informativo, logra en muy poco tiempo enmarcar muchos temas en muchas modalidades, quiero agradecer a los docentes y a todo el equipo que hizo posible este curso.

By Benedick B

Oct 3, 2020

I learned a lot from the course about different copyrights for multimedia specially I am not familiar with all copyrights classifications. Now, I know even in this short course what step I would take if there will be some cases or problems that i would encounter in copyright. Thanks! A very good course for those who want learn copyright!

By Maria A T

Oct 17, 2024

Underrated copyright courses. I really liked the pace of the teachers and how well they know the topic and how well they convey it in an easier and more understandable way for anyone interested in the topic. I recommend doing the first one, Copyright for Librarians, before diving into this one. There is very useful information in both.

By Nomita R

Aug 23, 2020

The course instructors really did compile a great course. I've done two copyright courses before and still this one highlighted numerous unique points and situations. It is also up-to-date and talks about various things that we tend to miss.

By Maureen S

Jun 11, 2016

Do not be taken in by the simplicity of the lectures: this course is designed to make you think about and apply (very carefully) the principles of Copyright Law. I recommend it to anyone who requires a functional knowledge of the law.

By Daniela Č

Jan 12, 2017

The course is very interesting and includes a big number of practical cases and examples. Also lecturers seem to be so nice I wish I would have an opportunity being educated by them face - to - face.

By Joshua P

Aug 1, 2021

Awesome informational class if you're interested in Intellectual Property or just Law in general. Totally suitable for a 14 year old like me so you should be able to do it too!