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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Protecting the World: Introducing Corrosion Science and Engineering by University of Manchester

918 ratings

About the Course

If you have ever encountered rusty car bodies, leaking pipes, tarnished silverware or the green patina of a copper roof then you have experienced corrosion in action. This course, from the Corrosion@Manchester team in collaboration with AkzoNobel, will teach you why metals corrode, what the environmental consequences are, how much corrosion costs and how corrosion can be controlled. It is designed for students, householders, teachers, professionals and anyone in-between. The aim of the course is to introduce the complex world of corrosion and corrosion control. While a full appreciation of corrosion science involves elements of materials science, electrochemistry and physics while corrosion engineering requires a practical knowledge of corrosion failures and engineering design this course does not need an extensive background knowledge. The course mirrors elements of the Corrosion Control Engineering teaching programme at The University of Manchester for final-year undergraduates and masters-level postgraduates and is used as a supplementary learning resource by our students....

Top reviews


Jun 19, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed this intellectually stimulating course. It was taught, explained, and presented exceptionally well by all the lecturers. I'm glad I took the opportunity to enroll in this course.


Jun 3, 2020

It was a very interesting course ,I enjoyed getting knowledge about our environment and how corrosion damages our environment.Also how to protect our environment from being damaged by corrosion.

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251 - 275 of 301 Reviews for Protecting the World: Introducing Corrosion Science and Engineering

By Akiojano K K A & D


Dec 6, 2020

Information was presented in a very detailed manner. The tests at various stages, were appropriate to check level of understanding.

However, am very surprised no certificates of course completion was given for the knowledge obtained.

Please provide directives, on how to obtain certificate.

By Steven C J


Apr 21, 2021

I really enjoyed this course. It was a basic foray in Corrosion Science and Engineering. A few of the instructors were a little hard to understand as an American, but I appreciated the diversity and wealth of experience that brought to the table.

By Vishal P


Jan 31, 2021

This course contains practial aspects of corrosion. Based on this course i learned alot about CP system, Corrosion in Upstream oil and Gas production system. i recommended this course to all oil and gas Peoples who are starting their carrier.

By Joao M A d C


Jul 23, 2023

This corrosion course comes highly recommended. With a straightforward and concise approach, it provides a substantial amount of crucial information to master essential concepts and learn effective prevention strategies.

By Naresh E


Sep 23, 2020

I am a CP Engineer by profession, This course gave good insights on various corrosion aspects, surface engineering, Cathodic Protection as well. Thanks To Coursera and Reliance for giving me this opportunity



Apr 21, 2022

Conocimiento obligatorio para todos los Inspectores de soldadura y procesos especiales que estan enm la fabricación de equipos para el uso humano, donde la seguridad del usuario es nuestra responsabilidad.

By Leonardo M


May 25, 2020

I had some difficulties following the Surface Engineering videos. I suggest they are broken in parts, to make them for digestible. The sections on corrosion in the oil and gas industry were excellent.



May 27, 2020

Un cours qui m'a vraiment aidé à comprendre beaucoup de choses. La seule chose qui m'a embêté c'est l'absence d'attestation de participation.

Vraiment j'en avais sérieusement besoin.

By Stalin J M C


Jun 28, 2021

No certificate on this course. Is really an injustice not giving the opportunity to recieve recognition for approving all tests and taking the time to watch all the videos.

By Troy A


Jun 5, 2020

I loved this course and I learned a lot about corrosion. I think the course should add another week or two to cover corrosion in fields other than the oilfield.

By Elena D F


Mar 14, 2024

Very informative and useful course. I would like to be able to download the slides and the actual texts (not the automatically generated subtitles).

By Abdullah A


May 10, 2020

The English of the Instructor was a bit tough to understand in week 1 and 2. Other than that the course was great, I learned a lot from this course.

By Nusayer A


Aug 29, 2020

The course involved a huge topics on corrosion & its prevention. I acquired a huge amount of information. Thank you very much.

By Praful m


Aug 31, 2020

The course is well planned and structured. Faculty have tried their best to cover up all corrosion related topics.

By Queku C


Jun 20, 2023

Inspiring course, good presentation done by the team to aid me understand the course well. Thank you all.

By gerard c


May 6, 2020

good course i wish lecturers would review the text to help with language / translation issues.


By orimaiye o


Aug 23, 2021

The lectures are well broken down making it very easy to understand. The quiz are also very tasking.

By Rajaram C


Aug 8, 2021

I really enjoyed the course. All the videos and slides were exceptionally good.

By Eugenia J


Jun 7, 2020

Me pareció bastante completo, sólo faltaron los principios de la electroquímica



Aug 10, 2020

Very good course for corrosion engineers who work in the areas of an oilfield.



Aug 28, 2020

This course Very useful to me about the corrosion in Environment

By Ahmed


Oct 1, 2020

For me as a geologist engineer it is very good course

By Archana D J


Jun 12, 2020

It's very nice course. To improve my future career

By Antonio G


Mar 27, 2022

Un curso muy útil en el área de materiales

By Adedeji D


Nov 1, 2020

I learnt a lot about corrosion and Oil and