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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 by Imperial College London

213 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to ‘Science Matters: Let's Talk about COVID-19’, from the Jameel Institute at Imperial College London. The outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is the most significant public health emergency of the 21st century so far. As the epidemic spreads, people around the world want to understand the science behind the most pressing questions: how many people have been infected? How dangerous is the virus? When will a vaccine be available? How can the epidemic be contained, and the damages mitigated? What is the economic impact? What’s the role of social media and local communities in the epidemic response? Researchers at the Jameel Institute and other research institutes at Imperial College London have been at the forefront of the response to the COVID-19 emergency, with clinical, epidemiological and social science analyses informing the outbreak response. They are generating robust empirical evidence that governments and international agencies are using around the world to plan their responses. On this course, you will hear directly from our world-class experts about the theory behind the analyses of COVID-19 and its spread, while learning how to interpret new information using core principles of public health, epidemiology, medicine, health economics, and social science. You will be able to watch regular situation reports about the state of the epidemic, provided by the researchers of J-IDEA and its director Professor Neil Ferguson. If you want to learn even more about these topics, a number of free MOOCs are available from Imperial College London. We also offer a fully online Global Master of Public Health for those of you who want to delve even deeper and join our professional community. Please note: This course was launched in February 2020 and we have continued to develop content as the COVID-19 situation progresses and new insights emerge. While we endeavour to include the most recent information, this is a fast-moving situation and information is constantly changing. This course is to be used for educational purposes only and is open to all and free of charge. The information in this course does not constitute clinical or other advice and must not be used for the purposes of providing any clinical or other advice. If you have any health concerns, please refer to your regional health authorities’ guidelines and consult a medical professional. Please note the views expressed by individuals in the course content do not necessarily reflect those of Imperial College London, the Jameel Institute and any other funding partners. Imperial College London, the Jameel Institute and any other funding partners shall not be liable, to the maximum extent permitted by law, for any loss suffered or for any other adverse or negative consequence arising directly or indirectly from your reliance on the information contained in this course....

Top reviews


Aug 27, 2020

It is very much knowledge oriented and target oriented specific learning.


Jul 9, 2020

Excellent course for awareness of Covid 19 during this pandemic period .

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1 - 25 of 68 Reviews for Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19

By dr.rama c b

Jul 9, 2021

I have not received the certificate for this course

By Dr. D P

May 16, 2020

No Certificate given to me ...time waste

By K. K

Jul 9, 2020

Excellent course for awareness of Covid 19 during this pandemic period .

By Norma G L A

Mar 24, 2020

Excellent! thank you for your effort, God Bless you.,

I will be so grateful if you inform me when the course begins again to sing up for a certificate by taking the quizes, on free mode. Thanks.

By Leopold

Mar 12, 2020

I would compare this course to eg the development of the alphabet system. Let's say lesson 1 would be on the development of the letter "A", lesson 2 "B" etc. Now imagine running this course now! how would you rate this course? Excellent or bad?

To be constructively critical, I would give a general introduction and then jump into what the Scientists know now, not go into old news which is already on TV, Radio etc.

I would surely commend the college on its attempt to enlighten the general public, only that they would be current.

Thank You



By Darleen P

Jun 26, 2020

I would have liked to rate this course higher but only 5 weeks of the promised 8 weeks were actually uploaded, and no further explanation from the leaders on how to proceed ever happened despite many inquiries from myself and others on the forum. However the 5 weeks that were uploaded were very informative and educational and the volunteers that were active in teaching the course are appreciated and did a good job. This course was the first course that I found offered on COVID-19 so it evolved and was updated as new facts were discovered. It was educational to get in on the first scientific studies and reports as new information was being revealed about COVID-19. This was a free course so no certificate was issued although my completion e-mail was received via e-mail and that can be exported to .pdf file for proof of completion for your records. The course had an assignment week 4 and with peer reviews that was interesting to participate in as I learned about what was happening in other countries by reading other student's personal experiences in regard to the title they chose.

By Thomas W Q

Jun 26, 2020

The course material is alright if not a bit repetitive and the regressing to previous modules as things develop is a bit frustrating. I do appreciate that material is being developed in real time and thus the course is attempting to respond to latest developments, but as a learner you can't really plan your work if you are being referred back to previous modules.

The online technology is also not very good. Module 5 for example on community participation, is resetting all the videos that I have watched (and taken notes on ) as to be watched, yet again! It is also impossible to access the assignment and the link refers you back to the original course details, which is not at all helpful. The online note claims the submission deadline has expired and it is not possible to resubmit (I haven't even submitted it once let alone resubmit). I am getting increasingly frustrated (not by the content, but by the technology platform running this course). And I have found it virtually impossible to contact those people managing and overseeing the course to make these points (there are only online forums where similar views are being expressed). If you are intending to run a course entirely online (and other organisations manage this successfully) then you need to get the basics right and make sure the technology will enable and not frustrate learning.

By Erin G

Jun 15, 2020

Unfortunately the content was severely delayed in being put onto the webpages. The course was set to end on 6/2 and at that time there was nothing available past week 4 (out of an 8 week course). Seems overall to be extremely disorganized.

By Manuel

Mar 21, 2020

I found it outdated... Actual situation has changed a lot

By Mai

Apr 16, 2020

Thank you so much for this nice course ..

I just felt it was a bit unorganized in terms of topics ...

The course was mainly focused on the spread of COVID-19 and its statistics.

But nothing about how it works inside the infected body .. I wish the course included the life cycle of COVID-19, how long does it live outside a host, how does it replicate and mutate on the DNA level, how does it travel through the infected body ...

If these information are not yet available, then at least about similar Coronavirus, like SARS or MERS, or even anything about the Corona Viruses in general ... or at least about the behavior of any virus in general ...

And ... I completed the whole course, every item and every week is marked completed in green, it still shows that the course is "in progress"!!

So, I'm not sure why it doesn't show that I have completed it!!

By Manuel H R

Jul 29, 2020

Very good. Very complete. Universal and integral vision of the pandemics

By Ramona S

Jul 28, 2020

I am not in the medical field, In fact I only have a high school diploma. I found this class easy to follow, and I even sent thru email from week 7 to my sister in law who is a nurse. I highly recommend this class if you want to learn more about who this virus came to be and the science behind what the Dr's are doing.

By Zia M

Mar 25, 2020

I want to thank Imperial College London & Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease Emergency Analytics for their efforts. This course is Good to know an overview of what is happening in the world.

I recommend you include, how to stop this according to available research and what is the effect of temperature on it? Will, it propagates as fast in hot countries and how to counter this?

how China became corona free and what is their strategy to fight against it? What lesson we can learn from china to counter this? Importantly it does not spread in entire china and the rest of the world has multiple cases?

Last but not least, Why china is buying company shares which are facing degradation and facing low market values? how can china defend this thing completely while other developed countries are struggling for it? (A recent survey showed that china bought 30% of shares for US-based companies).

By Sarah P

Mar 24, 2021

I only got partially through this course and chose to withdraw, because the information provided is very outdated! In a pandemic where things are changing daily, if not more often, I feel more up to date information would behoove me.

By Samir G

Feb 20, 2022

كما ناقش الدكتور مايك سكينر ، فإن دورة تكرار فيروسات كورونا معقدة للغاية وهناك العديد من الخطوات التي لم يتم تضمينها في هذا الفيديو للتوضيح. ومع ذلك ، فإن الأمر يستحق أن نتوقف لحظة للتعرف على ما يُعرف بالعقيدة المركزية للبيولوجيا الجزيئية ، والتي تفسر تدفق المعلومات من الحمض النووي إلى الحمض النووي الريبي إلى منتج بروتيني.

بشكل عام ، في الخلايا البشرية ، يتم تخزين معظم المعلومات الجينية على أنها DNA جيني. يمر الحمض النووي الجينومي بعملية تعرف باسم النسخ حيث يتم استخدام أجزاء صغيرة منه كقالب لإنتاج الحمض النووي الريبي. يمر RNA ، والذي يُعرف في هذه المرحلة باسم messenger RNA (أو mRNA) بعد ذلك بعملية ترجمة حيث يستخدم الريبوسوم تسلسل الحمض النووي الريبي لإنتاج بروتين (يُعرف هذا أيضًا باسم تعبير البروتين ). الريبوسوم نفسه هو أيضًا مركب بروتيني نتاج عملية النسخ والترجمة

عملية أخرى تُعرف باسم النسخ المتماثل هي عملية يتم فيها إنشاء نسخة جديدة من الحمض النووي الجيني البشري باستخدام الحمض النووي الجيني الحالي كقالب. على الرغم من أن هذه العملية تشبه من حيث المبدأ النسخ ، إلا أنها ليست جزءًا من عملية جيل من البروتين. يعد تكرار الحمض النووي الجيني جزءًا من عملية انقسام الخلايا.

ستلاحظ من الفيديو الذي شاهدته للتو أن هذا ليس هو الحال تمامًا بالنسبة لفيروس كورونا. الاختلافان الأساسيان هما أن (1) المادة الجينية في فيروس كورونا مخزنة في الحمض النووي الريبي وليس الحمض النووي (2) وأن الفيروس التاجي (2) ، مثله مثل جميع الفيروسات ، يعتمد على عمليات الخلايا الحالية لتكون قادرة على تكرار جينومها والتعبير عن البروتينات الخاصة بها. يدخل الدكتور سكينر في قدر كبير من التفاصيل حول هذه العمليات - هل يمكنك تحديد العملية التي يعبر بها الفيروس التاجي عن البروتينات الخاصة به ، والعملية التي يكرر فيها الفيروس التاجي الحمض النووي الريبي الخاص به ، من أجل التمكن من تجميع فيروسات النسل؟

By Wafaa F

Jun 2, 2020

As the coronavirus impacts the world, we recognize the need to share the latest information outside of Bing. This widget will allow any site to easily add an outbreak map, the latest case counts, and a chart displaying the spread over time. These elements are modular, giving sites the ability to customize the experience. The widget is also responsive, adjusting automatically to desktop and mobile form factors. Learn more on how to embed and customize the widget for your needs below.

By using the widget, you agree to be subject to the terms of use listed here.

Example code:

<div class="bingwidget" data-type="covid19" data-market="en-us" data-language="en-us"></div>

<script src="//" async=""></script>

Example experience: See it live here.

By Gerald S

Aug 4, 2020

This is a very academic course. There was quite a long gap before the release of the virology module of the course. I was hoping there would be a module on the current status of vaccine development. I learnt a lot and enjoyed the course, particularly the short video interviews. I received dubious feedback from the first assessment with just "yes" or "no" answers. However, the second assessment was more objective giving feedback with marks.

By Zachary B

Jan 23, 2021

The up-to-date nature of the course stood out. The awful coronavirus has prompted awesome scientific and teaching behavior. I'm not a public health person but I'm almost ready to sign up for your online masters even though I already have a PhD! Still, I wish this course offered a certificate.


May 13, 2021

This is a good course for those who wants to know what is going in the world of science on Covid-19. There are lots of resources of materials that you can draw on from this course to further your understanding of the Covid-19.


Sep 8, 2021

This is a great guide for anyone, (scientists and members of the public), interested to have a deep understanding about the current pandemic and the science behind government decisions in the U.K. and abroad.

By gregorio V g

May 11, 2024

mi opinion este magnifico trabajo pro no puedo contactarlos y obtener mi certificado por fabor apoyenme me siento triste por que me esforce mucho. Bendiciones

By Sami S S N

Dec 25, 2024

Covid-19 It is a very good course, and I advise everyone to benefit from it. We must also protect our family, our society, and our people from epidemics.

By Cindy H m m

Jun 5, 2020

Un curso que nos enseña a entender mejor el COVID 19 y investigan como va la pandemia a nivel mundial

By Rigel Q L

Dec 27, 2020

Excellent program, I learned a lot. It is very complete and easy to learn

By Dr. M Y H

Aug 28, 2020

It is very much knowledge oriented and target oriented specific learning.