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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Critical Perspectives on Management by IE Business School

310 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed for students of all backgrounds who have an interest in how firms are governed, the forces that have helped define modern management practice, and the outcomes of that practice not only for the firm itself, but also for the societies in which they operate. For students who are thinking of a career in management, it may also prove useful as a basic introduction to some of the conceptual vocabulary and ideas behind modern theories of management. Using a wide disciplinary approach - from economics and history to social theory and even a smattering of biblical criticism - the course will invite students to consider several core management strategies and priorities from often unexpected perspectives in order to judge their success or failure. The key objective of the course is to bring into critical focus how we think about the function and culture of management, how managers understand their role within a firm, how they take decisions, set priorities and benchmark success and failure. Topics include: the function of the firm; the role of incentive; the ways in which narrative forces shape decision making, and how market relationships define the managerial culture in ways that can lead to sub-optimal outcomes....
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1 - 25 of 94 Reviews for Critical Perspectives on Management

By Mike Y W


Nov 4, 2018

I really enjoyed this class! Despite the class being a few years old now (is this originally a class from 2013?), the topics discussed are still relevant today. The quizzes are challenging in that some change the questions when you take it a second time, some do not provide answers, and some you can only take once a day, forcing you to really know the topics students are being quizzed on. I really liked the in-class format of the video lectures as I could see the students and professor interact. I think if the lectures included more in-video quizzes and polls that would increase the students' understanding of the topics while allowing them to see what other people think as the lecture progresses. The required readings were quite detailed, and the videos actually went over them during the lecture. I'd definitely be interested in taking a Part II of this course!

By Giulia F


Aug 24, 2021

I think this course should be taken at least once in a lifetime by anyone (whatever their field of interest). It is a course that, as the name suggests, tries to show the results of a "critical" approach to problems and to provide a guide to develop this approach. It is also able to propose with extraordinary "novelty" many interesting management topics. The use of business cases or simply sotric facts (from ancient Greece to the present day) as starting points from which to derive important business lessons makes the hours of these lectures extremely stimulating. Rolf Strom Olsen is a true magician in using Socratic maieutics to create in the interlocutor doubts and questions necessary for critical analysis and perhaps a less slavish view of the reality that surrounds us. I really recommend this course

By Huynh L D


Jun 25, 2016

Amazing! The course, with the instructor's charismatic and powerful delivery, lives up to its name. It truly presents management perspectives critically and with great impact!

The delivery style is unique because the lectures are filmed at real lectures, with the instructor speaking to students and students contributing their voices. It feels like you're part of the real lecture when listening to the instructor's teaching.

Beside exceptional delivery style, the course structure is very engaging with business lessons that draw from history all over the world. The assignments are thought-provoking and make students think critically about management through practical scenarios that were discussed during the lectures.

This is really great! One of the best courses from IE Business School.

By Hamid a


Nov 5, 2019

A different way of handling management problems where the professor provoke students to think critically in answering beyond the reason by asking why what and how. abstract ideas are honed into vivid statements where any interested learner can grasp the fruits of the sessions.

The professors style is very interactive as if you want be setting there and participate with your thoughts. It stimulates your intellect and widen your understanding about real-world cases from different spectrum of management and economics.

By Trevor W


Jun 21, 2016

Fantastic course with a great professor. I loved the way Prof Rolf weaved the different practical perspectives into the story line while relating to the relevant aspects of management theory. The choice of topics, the different stories used to illustrate the concepts and the story line all make a fascinating course well worth my time.

If you want to experience a different perspective of some of the traditional management theories, have a go at this and you really won't be dissapointed.

By Javier R I


Feb 26, 2016

Una perspectiva de Management y negocios distinta por parte del Profesor Strom-Olsen, un hombre , a la vista está, muy competente y cuya formación principal en historia aporta matices muy diferenciadores y enriquecedores. El enfoque del curso te hace sentir en mitad de las clases, lo que favorece mucho al alumno a la hora de integrarse como si efectivamente, también estuviera allí mismo. Una gran experiencia, curso muy recomendado para todos.

By Bradley J


Apr 18, 2020

Excellent. I really enjoyed the course. Very well structured, thoughtful and even entertaining. Professor Strom-Olsen clearly has a passion for the subject matter. My one suggestion would be to make the class more accessible by speaking with a simpler vocabulary. If you lose people along the way, so that they end up not getting your great message, I believe it would trump your intended outcome of teaching a course in the first place.

By Dorothy L M


Feb 22, 2016

This course will really make you think on the "hows and whys" of management decisions, and how they can destroy a business if not thought out carefully. The instructor's use of humor in a traditional classroom setting was also quite refreshing, as the interaction with the students is something that isn't present in most of the MOOCs that I've taken. I would like to see a second course offered on this topic by the same professor.

By L M


Feb 13, 2016

Top class. Very useful indeed for my job as a mining manager, especially on FDRS which I've found never works well as people become yes-men to the boss. And having a bit of a passion for late antiquity history, I was fascinated by the Roman grain trade and its lesson for us today. But wasn't something a bit similar set up between Constantinople and Egypt which ran successfully until the Persian invasions in the 7th century?

By Elar K


Mar 20, 2016

Interesting course - good topics and novel angles used in approaching the topics. Plus intellectually engaging way of discussing over management issues.

However - really annoying quiz questions. And good portion of the right and wrong answers were highly debatable - you had to know exactly what was the angle during this specific course. I still graded with 5 stars, hoping they will make some changes in grading.

By Vladimir


Feb 16, 2017

A brilliant course! I could not expect it would be so interesting. Not only the content, but the way it is presented by professor Rolf Strom-Olsen was thrilling, funny, sometimes unexpected. It is really impressive how he made huge complicated ideas comprehensible for students, so that we could freely examine and play it during the class. Highly recommend.

By Puja A


Mar 2, 2016

Rolf Strom-Olsen is one of the best instructors available in Coursera. He is a very unique way of presenting Management Ideas and Concepts using history as his channel, something I haven't certainly come across yet. Anybody who wants to pursue a career in management should definitely take this course before going through any books or even courses.

By Jonna T


Aug 8, 2018

Very enriching and interesting course. Great lectures in terms of content and delivery with a bit of light-hearted humor on the side. It was easy to follow the lecturer in his thoughts and the approaches taken were intriguing, provoking further thought on the topics. I definitely recommend this to anyone with an interest in business!

By Pedro F


Jun 1, 2016

Great, actual and interesting content.

Excellent professor.

It really gives you another insight, perspectives and different ways of thinking about the traditional management practice.

Never keep questioning, is one (in many) of the most important lessons that you can take from this course.


By Ulisses T


Jun 4, 2016

Great course, extremely pragmatic and the teacher is engaging and brings interesting views on both past and present firms. I learned much from these short 6 weeks and greatly appreciated the extra reading assignments that were optional.

By Ambika K


Apr 1, 2018

Excellent course material. The Professor has his way of keeping a student's interest and his deep understanding and analytical ability w.r.t. subject matter is inspirational. A must do, especially as a precursor to a management degree.

By Ribu T


Apr 14, 2016

Undoubtedly one of the best if not the best MOOCs. Period. Has set a very high bench mark as it what a management course should be and how the pedagogy for the development of MOOCs in general. Ofcourse the quality of some of the vi

By Rick P


Mar 13, 2016

Should be a required course for all C-level execs of medium and large public companies and the leaders of their stakeholders at the institutional investors. Essential insight that I did not get earning an MBA in 1985.

By Jose G


Jan 19, 2018

This is such a great course, with lots of food for though and a completely necessary different point of view for what is hugely accepted without questioning that it should be mandatory on every management training.

By Hugo M d F


Jan 28, 2018

Truly critical, this course gave me an in depth/insight anyone related to a firm or its management should enjoy. The examples given, the teaching method and the quality of the quizzes bring it to another level.

By Tam N


Mar 13, 2019

An incredible class. I learned so much from this, and the lessons are not just applicable in business but in life too. And of course, the instructor is an remarkable speaker and scholar as far as I know of.

By Allen Y


Mar 2, 2016

In modern people's wisdom, wisdom of the ancients, a critical perspective in the discard the dross and select the essential understanding of the history, divergent thinking, to seize the core,excellent!

By Esteban G


Jan 28, 2017

Superb Professor!!! Best intelectual time I ah in a while.

Very refreshing to have a critical point of view that adresses some of the actual business paradigms.

Light and clarity needed in Business Ed.

By Oluwatola A F


Mar 21, 2017

Course was very much to my satisfaction and requirement at the time. Opened my imagination to a lot of different narratives. I'm glad I took the course and will recimmend it highly to others

By Karen C O


May 3, 2020

Excelente curso, excelente profesor ... cada clase te dan ganas de tener otra más.

Y cuando termina el curso quisieras que hubiesen otros cursos dictados por este mismo profesor.