Feb 3, 2021
It is advanced TF specialization and the way contents are presented in the course are very systematically. Definitely recommended for developers already familiar with TF and wanted to explore further.
Nov 24, 2020
Really great course, it teaches you all about the TF API and how to customize it for your needs, i thought only pytorch can make that as it's really pythonic, but i am a nieve noob what can i say.
•May 14, 2024
Exceptional resources, nice content and lectures, good explanation with hands on labs and assignments. I have learnt good advanced techniques regarding tensorflow and eager to apply in real time scenarios. Thank you once again coursera, DeepLearning.AI Special thanks to infosys springboard on grant of the subscription.
By Marco Z
•Feb 21, 2021
The course is built really step by step with many clear examples and repetitions not only about tensor flow but also to improve the way one writes code, efficiently and clean. Quiz and Programming Tasks are not difficult as all is very well formulated and the clear. Check capabilities reduce debugging stress ...
By Akshay K
•Jan 13, 2021
I enjoyed this course thoroughly. The video explanations were simple and easy to understand. I really liked the part where a video is dedicated to go through the code. Along with having hands-on access to the code which is taught in the videos, the assignments were also of great help for getting our hands dirty.
By Homayoun
•Apr 23, 2021
My favorite part of this course and other courses in this and other TensorFlow specializations offer by Laurence and Deep learnign.AI is the recaps at the beginning of every video; He connects all the videos and concepts together and makes the learner understand where they are and where they're going and why.
By Andrea G
•Sep 3, 2021
The lessons and examples are clear and entertaining. The overall content is interesting. The only flaws are the extremely detailed instructions and large code chunks provided in the practical tests. These help to concentrate on the topic, but tests result a little straightforward.
By Abd-elrahman S
•Feb 1, 2022
overall great course if you have solid foundation in tensorflow ,Don't be fooled by the easy assignments in week 1 ,because from there the course gets into object oriented programming with customization of a lot of things and you will encounter building the complex architectures
By Zaky A R
•Jan 31, 2021
Excellent introduction to customizing your neural network. its an eye opener for people who wants to have more customizable layers, loss function, callbacks and even the architecture itself. Also the instructor themself are amazing. I really recommend the course! definitely 5/5
By Florian C
•Aug 4, 2021
Excellent course! Thank you to the instructors and everyone which contributed to it!
The theory is very well explained and I also had the opportunity to practice meaningful hands-on coding. It gives a boost to anyone wanting to work with more complex machine learning models.
By Mohamed M
•Jan 14, 2021
Great course with a well structured plan and flow between topics. I really enjoyed the way the programming assignments were delivered. Completing this course has made me eager to apply my new knowledge of the TensorFlow 2 Functional API to my data science pipelines!
By Ozan G
•Feb 15, 2021
If you are going to be doing research with Tensorflow, you will most likely need this course. Functional API and custom layers, loss functions and models are essential for going above and beyond training MNIST classifiers and building something novel.
By Pranjal J
•Dec 22, 2021
The Course provides easy understanding to explore tensorflow layers and APIs to create complex models. The Custom Loss and Custom Callback features along with model subclassing will help students to build powerful models very efficiently.
By Ayobami A
•May 26, 2022
Great course with great contents. This course gave me a deep understanding of how things work under the hood in Tensorflow. I'll recommend this course for anyone trying to build deep learning models from scratch in TensorFlow
By giuseppe i
•Jan 16, 2023
Great course, precise and concise. I love the way and the clearness, Laurence Moroney explains things (I found the short videos formulas to be very effective). I will definitively follow his other courses. Thanks Laurence!
By Петр В
•Feb 11, 2021
Lots of very valuable TensorFlow materials to launch an advanced project and have more control over the models, layers, loss functions and callbacks. Exactly what you need to improve your skills in a short period of time.
By Boels M
•Apr 15, 2021
Very well explained and structured course. You will learn to write advanced and object-oriented programming code using the latest TensorFlow techniques for building flexible neural networks architectures.
By Nileshchandra P
•Feb 4, 2021
It is advanced TF specialization and the way contents are presented in the course are very systematically. Definitely recommended for developers already familiar with TF and wanted to explore further.
By Andrii S
•Nov 6, 2022
Great explanation of functional API and using classes to make complex models like residual or with repeatable parts. And a lot of other things which lead you to a better understanding of NNs, CNNs.
By Ferran P G
•Nov 11, 2022
Very interesting and well-explained course. Laurence is an amazing instructor and makes everything easier to understand and master. I definitely will be recommending this course to my colleagues!
By Diego A F S
•Mar 29, 2021
I was looking for a course about this specific topics. Previous NN courses were cool, but I think they kep short on making more complex Architechtures, which is perfectly addressed in this course.
By Magda
•Aug 10, 2021
This course consists of good explanations and coding exercises. followed by not overly demanding practical assignments. It is informative and opens the world of Tensorflow models customization.
By Muhammad N S
•Aug 23, 2023
Very interesting course! Here, I learned a lot of new things related to TensorFlow. The explanation of the material is easy to understand, and the exercises are also quite challenging.
By Alireza M
•Jul 30, 2022
It was a very useful course. Now I can build deep learning models with my desired architecture. I am also able to understand the implementation method of famous models like VGG-16.
By Jonas K
•Feb 3, 2021
It would be very nice if you were able to go from one fullscreen video to the next.
As it is right now it requires 3 clicks to just resume, that could easily be done with one click.
By Sadaf
•Feb 14, 2022
1. Course labs are well designed
2. Material covers real world problems
3. Course is well designed
4. Instructors are very good in the subject
5. Teaching method is good
By quyet t
•Aug 29, 2021
extremely detailed course on how to use API functions, I found that the weeks in which week 1 is the most difficult with homework the following weeks they are too simple