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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Customising your models with TensorFlow 2 by Imperial College London

191 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to this course on Customising your models with TensorFlow 2! In this course you will deepen your knowledge and skills with TensorFlow, in order to develop fully customised deep learning models and workflows for any application. You will use lower level APIs in TensorFlow to develop complex model architectures, fully customised layers, and a flexible data workflow. You will also expand your knowledge of the TensorFlow APIs to include sequence models. You will put concepts that you learn about into practice straight away in practical, hands-on coding tutorials, which you will be guided through by a graduate teaching assistant. In addition there is a series of automatically graded programming assignments for you to consolidate your skills. At the end of the course, you will bring many of the concepts together in a Capstone Project, where you will develop a custom neural translation model from scratch. TensorFlow is an open source machine library, and is one of the most widely used frameworks for deep learning. The release of TensorFlow 2 marks a step change in the product development, with a central focus on ease of use for all users, from beginner to advanced level. This course follows on directly from the previous course Getting Started with TensorFlow 2. The additional prerequisite knowledge required in order to be successful in this course is proficiency in the python programming language, (this course uses python 3), knowledge of general machine learning concepts (such as overfitting/underfitting, supervised learning tasks, validation, regularisation and model selection), and a working knowledge of the field of deep learning, including typical model architectures (MLP, CNN, RNN, ResNet), and concepts such as transfer learning, data augmentation and word embeddings....

Top reviews


Mar 7, 2024

Capstone Project was surprisingly difficult, but your hard work on it is a real confidence builder. Incredibly well-made course that gets you working "hands on" w/o time spent on hours of theory.


Jul 23, 2022

I love the way the course is constructed. Every concept is tested in a lab and you have a well organized assignment in the end of each week. Great course. I learned a lot.

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1 - 25 of 74 Reviews for Customising your models with TensorFlow 2

By Sanjay P


Sep 4, 2020

This is honestly one of the best courses I've ever done. I had completed the Tensorflow in Practise specialization by a couple of months back and took up this course as a refresher but this ended up being so much more! The lecture videos are top quality and explain the basics really well and the coding tutorial videos helped me get some much-needed practice. This course stays true to its name and covers important topics like designing custom models using the Model Subclassing API and using custom training loops. The assignments are very relevant to the course content and the capstone project, when finished, leaves you with a real sense of accomplishment and pride!

By Dat N


Aug 5, 2020

The lectures are clear and the coding assignments are very relevant and practical. The final project is complex but it is very rewarding once you complete it.

By Kanji O


Aug 18, 2020

This is the best TF course in Coursera. The 4th week for Model subclassing and custom training loops is really informative and fantastic, which gives us full flexibility on TF model construction and training process.

By Patrick H


Sep 2, 2020

Very well organized tour through Tensorflow 2 API, I learned a lot and enjoyed the course

By Jon S


Jul 6, 2021

The gap between the programming assignments and the cap stone projects is to wide

By Harshwardhan P


Sep 15, 2020

In short, take this course if you want a challenging course where you can learn TensorFlow 2 in depth.

I will add to my review on the first course of the specialization.Kevin and the GTAs do a brilliant job at mainting the assignments and autograders and the learning community is really helpful too in case you get stuck in some part of the assignment or the capstone project. Highly recommended!

By Chaowalit B


Jul 16, 2020

great course

By LiangTian


Jun 26, 2020

This class is very good , I learned enough knowledge of tensorflow ,such as how to use ,how to embedding, how to do tokenlization, also I learned how to build customized tensorflow models

By Zhongtian Y


Oct 21, 2020

It just the last assignment of making a translation model, I had no idea where to start. It would be nicer to include a video to explaining the encoder and decoder mechanism

By Borja G P


Sep 13, 2020

Excellent course! 100% recommended for anyone looking for more advanced TensorFlow knowledge.

By Maximilian


Sep 12, 2020

Excellent course!

By Andrew H N


Jul 16, 2021

Overall, an exceptional and highly relevant course. I would have given it five stars, however some instructions on the capstone project were too vague, causing the project to take much more time to complete than is really necessary. Also, it appears that correctly completed neural network translators don't appear to produce very good translations, at least in the form we were asked to design, and I think there should be some comment about that from the instructor. Is it because the embeddings we were given were not that great? Was it because the network we designed was not deep enough to be effective, or was our custom training loop not well conceived? Thank you for developing and presenting this course. I especially appreciated Dr. Webster's clear and concise lecture videos. Overall, I thought the course nicely dovetailed with the two Andrew Ng courses I previously completed on Machine Learning and Deep Learning (with TensorFlow 1). This course helped me become a better programmer and was worth the effort I had to invest in it. Hopefully I will complete the final course in the specialization very soon, and launch my new career in AI software engineering!

By Sacha v W


Aug 8, 2020

I really like the course. It is repeated what I already knew but gave a lot of insight in customization. The high level course video are great they show the essence in a very clear and consice manner. I hope there are more courses like this coming. For me this was one of the best online courses I have done!!

By Yuping Y


Jul 8, 2021

Overall, not bad. But Capstone contains too much knowledge points that were taught in the previous labs and video lectures. A little stretch from the taught material is training and exercising, too much stretch is kind of waste of time. I took 4 weeks part timely to complete the Capstone project, which supposed to take an hour. And in general, I know my progress in other courses. So, I know this is out of the norm

By p.w.ouwehand


Jun 27, 2021

Best (and also hardest) coursera course I've completed so far. I particularly appreciate how the course let one get to grips with the TF documentation: when I started this course, that documentation was pretty opaque and incomprehensible to me, but now I find it a very valuable resource. The forums were great for clearing up problems, though sometimes I had to look very hard. The capstone project took me about twice as long as the suggested time, but then, my python skills ain't the best, as yet.

By Ch'ng H Z


Nov 4, 2020

This course is very challenging, as require concrete understanding on tensorflow to conduct the whole project

By Artem K


Sep 30, 2020

Very useful course!!! Thanks!

By Ranjan R C


Sep 25, 2020

Scope for improvement, for the RNN, LSTM, and Bi Directional layers.

By Nela B


Jan 2, 2023

Learnt so much doing this course. It had the right level of challenge if you have background knowledge of basic TensorFlow and ML. The assignments followed on logically from the weekly exercises and tutorials and the capstone project for RNN encoder-decoder required additional problem solving (I recommend reading this additional resource

Kevin Webster and the programming tutorials teachers were clear and brilliant as usual. Only point to improve is that the text on the programming tutorial videos was very small to read.

I was concerned that noone would review my capstone project as I am doing this course 2 years after it was released but it was reviewed within 5 days -- thank you so much fellow learners.

By Juan C S S


Jun 27, 2022

Such a great course! The content of the videos is concise and relevant. That said, it is always nice to take a look at the core of some topics if you want to have a better comprehension of them. I had to dedicate quite some time reading about RNNs to understand and not just imitate. Some labs, especially on week 3 might be better if they include some extra explanation of some of the code.

The capstone project is somewhat challenging but doable, and it's very rewarding once you complete it!

By Maxim V


Apr 6, 2021

Initially I wanted to do only Probabilistic DL (3rd course) because this material is not taught anywhere else as far as I am aware, but I learned quite a bit from other two courses as well even though I thought I knew the material. The entire specialisation is highly recommended, very good quality and very relevant content. The best of 2020 on Coursera, in my estimation.

By AustinQi


Jun 20, 2022

Great course. Fairly speaking, this is not a easy one, since there is only a relatively small number of babysitting codes in the CapStone project. But, it worth every second spent after filling the knowledge gap between Capstone project and weekly excercises.

Thanks a lot, and hope to see you guys in the Probabilitic Course3.

By Danail S


Jan 21, 2023

The course is great. It does not go deep into the modeling part, but it helps with the syntax of TensorFlow. It also has some great exercises and projects that are at just the right level of difficulty to help you progress. Especially the Capstone Project.

By John S


Dec 14, 2020

Absolutely fantastic. The material is presented in a wonderfully concise and lucid way. The difficulty level also ramps up in a way that you really end up testing your understanding of what you've learned. Highly recommended.

By J F


Mar 8, 2024

Capstone Project was surprisingly difficult, but your hard work on it is a real confidence builder. Incredibly well-made course that gets you working "hands on" w/o time spent on hours of theory.