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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cyber Attack Countermeasures by New York University

696 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces the basics of cyber defense starting with foundational models such as Bell-LaPadula and information flow frameworks. These underlying policy enforcements mechanisms help introduce basic functional protections, starting with authentication methods. Learners will be introduced to a series of different authentication solutions and protocols, including RSA SecureID and Kerberos, in the context of a canonical schema.   The basics of cryptography are also introduced with attention to conventional block ciphers as well as public key cryptography. Important cryptographic techniques such as cipher block chaining and triple-DES are explained. Modern certification authority-based cryptographic support is also discussed and shown to provide basis for secure e-commerce using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) schemes....

Top reviews


Aug 25, 2019

Really good content especially in explaining public key cryptography. Not sure why there is peer review for the final (it's a short multiple choice quiz), but it worked out ok since I finished early.


Mar 1, 2020

This course is exactly what I was looking for. Dr. Edward is absolutely phenomenal at explaining every single point with great detail and his unique style of teaching makes him one of a kind!

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1 - 25 of 155 Reviews for Cyber Attack Countermeasures

By Syed H


Apr 25, 2020

Fantastic Experience i have with Dr.Ed..

The Only issue that i faced is the volume of videos... volume is too low when i switch on my study room fan... Kindly work on this.

By Andrew Z


Dec 22, 2017

I would describe this course as a broad stroked introduction to not just cryptography but how it actually fits into the modern world. Concepts covered are technical by nature but the delivery method is very conversational. Professor Amoroso is a fun lecturer. He creates a sense of there being a cybersecurity community and is very encouraging. I will definitely check out the next two courses in this series. Overall I think the series is helpful in expanding opportunities in my career to security related roles.

By Isabelle B


Mar 7, 2021

The videos are very clear in explaining the module content, but the follow-up reading could be difficult to understand, especially for someone who would be completely new to computer networks. Also, many of the links to papers and videos don't work anymore. Sometimes other classmates would help provide working links in the class discussion forums, but most of the time we just can't find the required reading material.

By Derek E


Aug 26, 2019

Really good content especially in explaining public key cryptography. Not sure why there is peer review for the final (it's a short multiple choice quiz), but it worked out ok since I finished early.

By Karan


Nov 30, 2018

Thank's a lot for making this course and series. Dr. Edward Amoroso is now my favorite lecturer.

By Wolfgang G


Jun 6, 2018

Entertaining lecturer, but stays on the surface. There is a pointless peer-reviews multiple choice quiz at the end that could easily have been automated and leaves one wondering whether its only purpose is to prevent students from finishing this relatively easy course early and paying less.

By Emiliano M D


Aug 25, 2022

El curso es excelente, pero dependo de que un compañero me corrija el proyecto para que me otorgue el certificado, cosa que veo casi imposible teniendo en cuenta que corregí proyectos de Marzo 2021... en fin.

By Eric H


Feb 27, 2020

Peer reviewing assignments is absolutely atrocious.

By Steve N


Jan 6, 2022

It is a great overall course and start to getting into information regarding the field of Cyber Security. Where I would recommend improvements are to the quiz sections. Knowing why you got something wrong can be just as helpful as why you got something right. Just having an incorrect mark on a choice made it harder to learn why that answer was wrong, or for some of the questions why it was the least correct.

By Steven P M


Apr 23, 2018

Edward Amoroso and his team have put together a great class. His enthusiasm is contagious, his experience and those of his guest speakers runs deep, and his ability to explain complex concepts is refreshingly clear. This is probably the best series of courses I've taken at Coursera (and I've taken dozens). I'm looking forward to taking the next two of Amoroso's courses in this series. Thank you!

By Horacio M


Oct 9, 2018

good, well balanced course, covering theoretical models, key concepts such as authentication, RSA etc.

for me the value of the whole course is how from small pieces and individual approaches and solutions, Ed Amoroso turns to a global view and analysis on Cyber Attacks and how to make these more difficult to happen.

By Nikola A


Aug 7, 2018

Well done course1 Perhaps a little bit too much of historical focus and too less on current technology or assignments that help to develop practical skills. But everything is very well done, lectures are very nicely to follow.

By Yash D


Mar 2, 2020

This course is exactly what I was looking for. Dr. Edward is absolutely phenomenal at explaining every single point with great detail and his unique style of teaching makes him one of a kind!

By Elisabeth S


Dec 31, 2019

The course is called Cyber Attacks Countermeasures, but really only focuses on Authentication and Encryption. Great class on those topics for someone new to cyber security!

By Aneesh S


Dec 10, 2018

Awesome course. Easy to understand and provides lots of useful reference materials.

By ernie


Nov 19, 2018

Excellent intro - great explanations and additional readings!

By Carlos A C S


Nov 6, 2018

Excellent professor and interesting course!!!

By Maiquel A G R


Dec 26, 2019

Very good! learn a lot about cryptography.

By James C


Feb 9, 2020

Great Instruction. Good videos

By Akshay S


Apr 7, 2019

Good course for beginners

By Joel A C


Jan 30, 2020

Above average high quality! The Prof is charming an knowledgeable, which makes up for some of the poorly written exam questions. I learned a lot, and things I already "knew" were framed in a way that i now 'understand' them. So thats pretty good teaching.

By Michael B


Aug 17, 2018

Great introduction to some common mechanisms, such as cryptography, which can be used to thwart cyber attacks.

By Swaraj S D


Jul 1, 2018


By Nguyen T


Jun 19, 2020

Another great course from Dr. Amoroso. The quizzes have answers that are phrased strangely but I like it, it gets you thinking more because some of them carry some truth but only one of them matches the criteria best so you have to stress that grey matter. Good stuff! Did you know Dr. Amoroso has over 30 years of experience in this field? You will now!