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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cybersecurity Policy for Water and Electricity Infrastructures by University of Colorado System

180 ratings

About the Course

This course will examine the drinking water and electricity infrastructures, and various policies that have been developed to help guide and strengthen their cybersecurity programs. The drinking water and electricity infrastructures are two of fourteen subsectors comprising what are known as "lifeline infrastructure". The 2013 National Infrastructure Protection Plan identifies four lifeline infrastructure sectors: 1) water, 2) energy, 3) transportation, and 4) communications. These sectors are designated "lifeline" because many other infrastructures depend upon them. The drinking water subsector is part of the water sector, and the electricity subsector is part of the energy sector. Both subsectors are overseen by the Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate which manages the DHS National Infrastructure Protection Program. The NIPP employs a five-step continuous improvement program called the Risk Management Framework. NIPP implementation is overseen by DHS-designated Sector-Specific Agencies staffed by various Federal departments. The Sector-Specific Agencies work in voluntary cooperation with industry representatives to apply the Risk Management Framework and document results in corresponding Sector-Specific Plans. The program began in 2007 and the most recent Sector-Specific Plans were published in 2016. In February 2013, President Obama issued Executive 13636 directing the National Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a voluntary set of recommendations for strengthening infrastructure cybersecurity measures. EO13636 also asked Federal agencies with regulating authority to make a recommendation whether the NIST Cybersecurity Framework should be made mandatory. The Environmental Protection Agency who is both the SSA and regulatory authority for the drinking water subsector recommended voluntary application of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The Department of Energy who is both the SSA and regulatory authority for the electricity subsector replied that it was already implementing the Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model, which indeed was what the NIST Cybersecurity Framework was based on. The Department of Energy, though, recommended voluntary application of the ES-C2M2. This module will examine both the drinking water and electricity lifeline infrastructure subsectors, and elements and application of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and ES-C2M2....

Top reviews


Nov 23, 2017

This course was very instructive. Teaching materials was good and very understanding for any one who is ready to learn . Never regretted taking this course . Am grateful


Sep 6, 2020

Great and in depth overview of the cyber security challenges and best practices to minimize any attack by threat actors.

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26 - 46 of 46 Reviews for Cybersecurity Policy for Water and Electricity Infrastructures

By Iqbal U K

Sep 26, 2020

Very Informative...!!

By Sjir B

Apr 25, 2018

Great information!

By Alejandro M R

Sep 4, 2017

Un excelente curso

By L. B

Jul 10, 2018

Excellent course!

By Km H

Feb 6, 2022

Great course

By Kenneth D

Oct 22, 2020

Great course.

By Amit R P

Sep 12, 2020


By Ankit G

May 23, 2020


By Daniel A D

May 25, 2020

Excellent course.

The only "but" is that the estimated time required to complete each section is not correct in a number of cases. E.g. when there is a 90 pages optional reference document which in theory should take 10 minutes to review. It is a minor thing if you have the time to do it properly.

By Ronnie P

Oct 30, 2019

The course and instructor was great. However, I am still a little confuses on the concept of ES-C2M2. There was not either charts available to explain the situation. The charts in the final exam was more clear.

By f f

Feb 12, 2023

Material could have been easier with move specific reading assgnments. Questions 1 and 2 within the project provided general information which made it hard to determine the answers.

By Aaron F

Mar 23, 2020

The instructor is very knowledgeable on subject matter. Only issue is the course is somewhat abbreviated, because of the large content of information regarding cybersecurity.

By Maria S P

Jan 1, 2018

Great course, very informative and engaging with good optional material. I think there could be more content and more practice questions for a deeper learning experience.


Sep 30, 2017


By Carlos E M A

Dec 3, 2017

An introductory course on Cyber Security Policies for Water and Electricity Infrastructures

By Alan M D

Jun 10, 2021

Pretty darn interesting! I enjoyed the course!

By Bryan C

Apr 17, 2018

The last quiz was confusing to me. It seemed to test assumptions about what met or didn't meet a given description of a maturity level rather than the concept of maturity levels. Other than that as with most UCCS classes it was decent.

By Jim F

Jul 27, 2017

This material was really, really dry and the quizzes/exams were not really helpful in retention.

By Arnon

Sep 19, 2019

I think it is better to upload specific textbook

By Inayat H

Dec 19, 2020

There is a glitch in the project question 2 answer please correct and advise

By Manuel C

Sep 7, 2020
