Jun 1, 2021
Awesome! In this course you can use SQL to create ML model and also predict something guys! Must try this course if you have interest in machine learning. :)
Jan 21, 2019
Enjoyed. I would add more in-depth ML part for BigQuery and different scenario. it also good to explain metric how and how to choose right features etc
By Ananya J
•Aug 19, 2021
Increase up the volume of video, content is best
By Lance C
•Aug 14, 2022
Lots of Copy and Paste
By Mursyied Q
•Apr 26, 2020
Very difficult and fun
By Ruiz S S
•Sep 24, 2022
Da lo que promete
By Raden R
•Aug 25, 2019
Almost perfect
By Hernán D R S
•Jun 1, 2019
Nice Course.
•Nov 1, 2022
very good
•Apr 17, 2020
By Andrew P B
•Jan 28, 2018
This is a very uneven course. There is some good material in the latter stages, but the initial coverage is very superficial. Some of the labs appear to have been lifted from Google's standard demos that you can find on the web. The qwiklabs tool is very tiresome, timing out your session after 90 mins, which means that on the more interesting lab there isn't time for proper exploration before your datalab session is reset (and lost). This seems unnecessary and mars what could have been very interesting.
By Loris G G
•Jun 12, 2023
It was overall good but with a few missing opportunities.
1. on average, the level was really too beginner.
2.in many cases instructions on the labs were outdated resulting in a waste of time.
By vincent p
•Jul 2, 2018
Need more about the benefits of using Cloud Engine or DataFlow. The lab only shows that using those services is 100 times slower than local, which I think should not be the case.
By Carlos R
•Nov 16, 2022
Good but it is more intended to show capabilities than to teach properly
By Santhosh L P
•Nov 21, 2018
Not much detail and course would have been little more detailed
By Kaushik D
•Jun 3, 2018
It is too high level
By xin h
•Jun 23, 2019
too easy for me!
By Joslin F
•Mar 18, 2020
By Guilherme M N
•May 3, 2022
Acredito que tem umas redundancias em alguns assuntos e labs, que ao serem tocados no curso, ser reaproveitado nos demais.
By Ivelize R B
•Jan 28, 2018
Very weak