Feb 14, 2020
Good introduction and overview of the field of data engineering, data lakes and modern data warehouses and a hands-on walkthrough of all the technologies related to solving these problems on GCP.
Apr 25, 2022
This is an excellent course to understand about Data Lakes and Data Warehouses, and how to implement them with GCP. It takes you from zero to a level where you can move confidently in GCP.
By Tony G
•Feb 5, 2020
Course material spends a little too much time promoting the benefits of GCP when it could be focusing on the technical aspects of using GCP
By Polla T
•Jan 30, 2020
The labs were awesome! The trainers in the video and in the demo were well prepared. The quizes however were short and not well thoughtful.
•May 1, 2020
Bom curso para ter uma visão inicial sobre Data Lakes e Data Warehouses. Poderia ter um pouco mais de Labs para masterizar melhor o tema.
By Anna L
•Oct 26, 2022
Really enjoyed this course - lots of useful demos and useful labs. The discussion around schema design was really interesting.
By Denys B
•Oct 6, 2020
Pretty good. I wish they dig a little deeper into streaming versus batch ingestion, and also talked about BigQuery BI.
By Rutt S D
•Jul 24, 2020
There were few times when it was a bit confusing and took me some time to catch-up but overall it was a great course!!
By Namooro
•Jul 14, 2020
Not really much practice. A lot of In-depth details about Data Engineer job specifics and how it relates to GCP.
By Krishna B S
•May 9, 2020
This course lays the foundation of data engineering through the hands-on exercises on GCP services. Niceone!
By Vinita S
•Apr 2, 2020
Some of the labs were repetition from the first course, but one had to go thru it, to get completion status
By Brad K
•Aug 16, 2020
Great course. I would have liked a bit more exploration into CLI through the console and console commands.
By Alonso M G
•Mar 1, 2020
Muy bueno, creo que el se puede mejorar los laboratorios, aveces parecen no tener relación con el tema.
By Deepa R
•May 18, 2020
lab practice are good and expalination with example during lab practice are really well explained
By Harish K
•Jan 15, 2020
Excellent presentation, demos and labs. The last lab needs to have a little more time allocated.
By Ivan v
•Apr 16, 2021
O professor que fazia as Demo era um pouco chato de ouvir e ele embolava na fala algumas vezes.
By Javier J L M
•Jul 12, 2020
Bueno, enseña mucho de bigquery. Me gustarÃa profundizar mas en el clustering y el partitioner
By Gaurav S
•May 12, 2020
Over All, It was really great!! I learned a lot of new concepts!!! Thanks, Coursera Team!!!
By Gaurav M
•Jun 3, 2020
It was good course with hands on, The only thing you could add on is case study at the end
By Jaroslav L
•Mar 4, 2024
A great course, I liked hand on labs. Please fix audio quality in some videos. Thank you!
By René S
•Jan 7, 2025
was very good. the labs could be shorter and with a little more active query writing
By Yogesh D
•Apr 23, 2020
This course is a good intro to Data Lakes, DW concepts. Week 2 content is the best!!
By Nicolas B
•Jul 11, 2021
The video are clear, the labs are well though. But the exams don't make sense
By Marcos F
•Jun 14, 2020
Very good to understand how to structure data lakes and data warehouse on GCP.
By Hanna S
•Feb 1, 2022
Very good theoretical knowledge but the assignments are not too challenging.
By Abhishek t
•May 20, 2020
now i have a clear knowledge how data lakes and data warehouse managed in GCP
By Xinchao Z
•Oct 8, 2020
The last part in week 2: monitor and reservation is kind of not that clear.