Mar 3, 2016
This is a great introduction to some of the many ways to present your data. It's probably the easiest course in the specialisation but shows off an impressive array of widgets and gadgets.
Nov 18, 2018
This course was amazing, it could definetly be more deep in each of the subjects, but gives you so much practice in tools that are very useful in the day by day of a data scientist
By Shubham K
•Jul 31, 2019
It is a good course provide neccessary stuffs for data science.
You can skip week 4 as it is done previously in other courses . Small and good course.
By Thomas A
•Feb 17, 2020
I appreciated the wholistic approach of presenting the information via GIT, R shiney server and making the slides.... all very useful going forward.
By Bolaji A
•Jan 4, 2020
It another great lecture in this specialization course. Simplified, understandable, and highly impactful. You'd learn A-Z of shiny app development.
By Aravindan K
•Sep 11, 2018
The content is good and exposes to various tools and formats for building data products. Exercises for week 2 and week 3 were very simple though.
By Simon
•Jan 17, 2019
A lot of useful parts for visualization here! plotly and shiny are super useful in a business context. swirl and leaflet a bit niche perhaps.
By Massimo M
•May 9, 2018
One of the best course in the Specialization in my opinion. The assignment are extremely hands-on and leave you a lot of room for creativity.
By Radu T
•Jan 19, 2023
This course was very interesting since teach you how to develop very fast an application or web site.
I hardly recommend this specialization
By 李俊宏
•Oct 26, 2017
I have learned a lot about how to work interactively with R. Using shiny and plotly, I found it very easy to work with data for freshers
By Carlos M
•Jul 17, 2017
R/Shiny was worth it by itself. Leaflet, R packages, Plotly and GoogleVis were just bonuses. A great introduction to some great tools.
By Omar V
•Apr 28, 2018
This course was excelent, I learn many skills to better explain my new discoveries. Thanks professors for sharing this great course.
By Nigel M
•Oct 10, 2017
good introduction to developing R presentations and shiny apps. very useful to know for deploying data products to business users
By Anna-Lea L
•Apr 7, 2020
A step up in data visualization, and data interaction. I enjoyed the course, and have the feeling I learned quite nice things!
By Mertz
•Apr 27, 2018
Good course. Just the right dose to understand how to work with well known product for building and sharing data science works
By Premkumar S
•Apr 9, 2019
Great course!! Was very excited with the whole process of learning to write an app and create something useful!! Thank You!
By Luis A
•May 3, 2018
Excellent course very useful material. A little bit of HTML and CSS would have been useful to make better presentations.
By Kevin S
•Mar 2, 2016
This one's a keeper -- learning to do both Shiny apps and Slidify/RPres will be quite useful in the near future. Thanks.
By Michael M
•Feb 19, 2018
I especially enjoyed learning how to use the Shiny package. Being able to turn my r code into a webpage is really cool.
By Yohann B
•Mar 1, 2016
Very interesting class. Need to watch all external (shiny+slidify) recommended tutorial to fully masterize the subject.
By Javier A D
•Jun 22, 2018
Quiz was good and challenge.I was near a frustation trying to built the presentaiton interactive for html at GitHub.
By Jim B
•Jul 3, 2017
Great overview of powerful visualization tools! Section on creating R packages will be invaluable for collaboration!
By César A C
•Feb 18, 2019
Demanding if you are not used to do this kind of things, but, worth It if you give yourself a time to get into it.
By Grigory S
•Sep 1, 2018
nice aand easy. I do not know why you focus on creation of custom libraries withou any practical assignemens on it
By Marcus S S
•Feb 26, 2017
Really nice course! It extends our vision of what is possible to build as a data scientist. Strongly recommended!
By Julien N
•Dec 24, 2018
discovery of amazing tools and possible applications of rstudio and additional packages.
good pace of the course
By Deleted A
•Jan 3, 2020
Excellent course! To learn how to build of App in R by using Shiny is differential for a Data Science Analyst.