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Learner Reviews & Feedback for A Crash Course in Data Science by Johns Hopkins University

8,226 ratings

About the Course

By now you have definitely heard about data science and big data. In this one-week class, we will provide a crash course in what these terms mean and how they play a role in successful organizations. This class is for anyone who wants to learn what all the data science action is about, including those who will eventually need to manage data scientists. The goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible on data science without all the fluff. We've designed this course to be as convenient as possible without sacrificing any of the essentials. This is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the field of data science. Our goal was to make this as convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential content. We've left the technical information aside so that you can focus on managing your team and moving it forward. After completing this course you will know. 1. How to describe the role data science plays in various contexts 2. How statistics, machine learning, and software engineering play a role in data science 3. How to describe the structure of a data science project 4. Know the key terms and tools used by data scientists 5. How to identify a successful and an unsuccessful data science project 3. The role of a data science manager Course cover image by r2hox. Creative Commons BY-SA:
Basic course

(76 Reviews)

Well taught

(48 Reviews)

Top reviews


Dec 24, 2015

Highly Enlightening for those who just beginning to learn data science,The courses are very detailed and well organized,All the aspects of the data science are introduced in intriguing mannerThank you


Sep 9, 2017

This is a great starter course for data science. My learning assessment is usually how well I can teach it to someone else. I know I have a better understanding now, than I did when I started.

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176 - 200 of 1,510 Reviews for A Crash Course in Data Science

By Paul G

Feb 28, 2016

Great overview! Passing and internalizing are different goals - take the time to read & watch not only the mandatory items but the links to Wired etc.

By Auburn S

Apr 12, 2018

Great introduction to data science workflows, really helps me understand where within the data science project lifecycle a product can provide value.

By Haozhi N

Aug 13, 2017

Good examples and notes. I have learned a lot from this course.

But it is a pitty that I can not get the grade of the test because I don't pay for it.

By Srinivasan K

Jun 14, 2017

It has given me a business perspective of what data science is and the hype around it and the right questions we need to ask when starting a project

By Deleted A

Aug 11, 2020

Amazing! Even though I am new to this field I was able to understand everything, very useful. It helps understand a bit more about Machine Learning.

By Alejandro S

Oct 12, 2018

Quick and good introduction to data science. Lectures are quick and reading is also, and the value you get out of it is worth it for a week of work.

By Sunil K P

Jun 22, 2016

A wonderful course for getting exposed with the fundamentals of Data Science. A must for those who wish to understand what exactly the Data Science.

By Cecilia M R C

Nov 4, 2020

El curso me pareció muy bueno, es la primera vez que hago un curso sobre Data Science y aún así pude comprender los conceptos y captar la esencia.

By Carlos J

Sep 19, 2017

Esta serie de cursos, es recomendable para iniciar en la carrera de Ciencia de Datos, conceptos claros, expuestos por catedráticos de primer nivel

By James S

Jul 5, 2021

Great overview course! Provides foundational material for data science and a good refresher for a manager that does not work the area frequently.

By Ashutosh N J

Apr 7, 2020

It is a good overview to know about data science. What I am considering it needs to have what are next steps to help out a beginner in this area.

By Sentanu R

Aug 11, 2016

Good crash course. Not really sure if a certificate is really needed here though, since it's basically an overview/introduction in data science.

By Mohammad

Sep 5, 2020

This course offers almost all the basics of Data Science within a couple of hours. Thanks to the instructors and those who helped to make this.

By Thanikachalam S

Nov 24, 2017

Very concise and fast track to get an intro into the Data Science. It clearly distinguishes the differences and lays out an outline for the DS.

By Vincent S

Sep 28, 2018

Great course alternative to the expense and commitment of the University syndrome. Great for enhancing the modern workforce in the modern era.

By Brent J

May 23, 2019

Excellent , simple and concise introduction to a topic that can be complicated but yet can deliver value to you and your business endeavours.

By Michael S T

Jan 7, 2018

A good introduction for management types who wish to learn abut DS or for those in related fields who want a more gradual intro to the field.

By Хазов Н С

Feb 18, 2020

Отличный курс для получения базовых знаний по DATA Science.

Развернутые ответы и конкретные примеры дают отличное понимание сложных вещей.

By Erwin D

Sep 9, 2019

It provides practical knowledge and principles in starting a data science project before going through the tedious part of 5 step process.

By Redi R R F

Aug 19, 2018

Es un curso introductorio, sin embargo, el tema puede ser demandante cuando eres nuevo. Tanto el curso, como los profesores, son geniales.

By Kumar R R

May 4, 2018

Great introduction to Data science. The way of giving notes and then explaining in videos I personally found it very helpful. Thanks a ton.

By Kenane M

Feb 26, 2021

I had such refreshing moments studying the course. It needs understanding and some time to study. It was worth it. Thanks Johns Hopkins!!

By Wael O

Jun 9, 2018

Very good course for data science beginners to get a good grasp of data science and to differentiate between data science value and hype.

By Oliver H

Jun 3, 2020

Great, thank you very much! A great crash course! I recommend this course for all information scientists and non information scientists.

By Mrudula M

Jun 26, 2017

Found the course comprehensive, easy to following. Everything I was hoping to get out of the course.

Great introduction to Data Science.