(243 Reviews)
(1056 Reviews)
Apr 23, 2018
This course was a good intro especially in setting all the necessary software for future courses. I suggest to read the manuals, books and other readings the profs suggest. The resources are helpful.
Mar 11, 2020
I would like to thank Coursera and Johns Hopkins University for the course, I learned new things in the course which I think is the next step which can help me to accomplish my future goals.Thank you.
By Claude R
•Mar 5, 2017
A very big difficulty for me, French people who uses to speak english everyday for may work is that :
1) Teachers don't do any effort to speak slower and to articulate
2) As with all other courses I've attended in english, it's impossible to read a transcription, even in english, while reading slides.
Slides are not sufficient by themselves, i.e. without commentary beside. The workaround I've used is to print french translation or english transcription and read it, trying to guess which part suited with which slide ...
For a non-free course, it's not really professional ...
By Shannon P
•Mar 16, 2020
This was a very basic introduction to the concepts of Data Science and the software necessary for future courses. Overall it was fine, but I hated the robotic voiced over videos and ended up playing them on mute to get through them. Also, considering the explanation that doing the class content and videos this way allows the university to keep the courses up to date and correct errors faster, there was still several out of date sections of the course and a number of errors, so I really felt the automated setup as an annoyance not a benefit.
By H. M
•Jan 20, 2023
One of the most poorly done courses in Coursera. I am not impressed with the John Hopkins course content. I don't get any human to help or monitor my progress, no mentor, nothing. The slideshows are horrendous with the robotic voice, using the excuse of having a text to speech to deliver a poor quality content. Why I don't read a book instead? this is pretty much being self-taught. It gets super frustrating. The professors should create better slideshows and be less lazy and put a disjointed content. Very dissapointed.
By Amy-Louise S
•Sep 24, 2018
The lectures were very uninspiring for the most part and I felt that my practical understanding was poor. The forums were also not particularly helpful as I saw Moderators mocking students for asking valid questions based on their inexperience with Data Science. I spent most of my time finding better tutorials on YouTube, so really.... I have a certificate but don't owe much of that to the course in question. It only becomes worse as the complexity increases with the rest of the Courses in this Specialization.
By Sem O
•May 11, 2016
The course is well structured and provides a good introduction, however, I expected a bit more from a course that costs 20 pounds than just a few clips on how to install and set-up software/create a github account etc. This information is available for free online on the websites of the respective software.
I understand that such an introduction is needed for the course, but then do not offer it as a separate 20 pound module. Instead include it for free with any other 'specialization' you can buy.
By Dan M
•Jan 3, 2023
This is a beginner level course that covers only setting up an R development environment, and does not include any statistical programming with R. The fact that it was beginner level was not stated on the course, and it wasn't clear to me when selecting this course that it was intended as the introduction for a 10 week specialisation. I was introduced to R Markdown and to the existence of IDEs that automatically sync with git repositories, so I still gained something from this course.
By Pradeep M V
•Jun 30, 2020
It shouldn't have been a stand alone course. Just a series of "how-to" instructions on installing RStudio, linking it with and using Github, which one can find easily with more detailed examples on the internet. This one can be combined with the next course (R Programming) in the specialization.
That monotonous bot voice is a serious drawback. Having an instructor is very important for a course especially when you are charging for the course.
By Emma G
•Jan 7, 2025
I'm sorry for leaving such a negative review, but the use of voice-to-text rather than recorded lectures makes the videos absolutely awful to listen to. There is a video at the beginning of the course which tries to rationalize why they made this change, but in my opinion they do not provide a reasonable excuse for why they did this. The monotone, robotic voice might be an acceptable substitute for some people, but it isn't for me.
By Tarik G
•Apr 28, 2018
I can see that the lecturer's intention was giving an overview by mentioning all different topics, however, it just got me confused. I wish it was more into a solo topic. It would be great if it was given only git/github lectures, so we, the students, can be more comfortable when it comes to uploading files in the following courses. I see in the discussion forums that github is a problem for most of the students in the forums.
By Ignacio S U
•May 23, 2017
The course is extremely introductory and even though it may lead you to references you may use to self-teach yourself, it is not worth taking a four weeks course for a one week content. At the end of the week you will have about three new programs installed in your computer and no idea on how to use them for practical situations. Although it's intended as introductory, it surpasses that barrier to mere spectacle.
By Daniel P
•Sep 9, 2019
In my opinion, the content of this course is too basic and little bit of topic for the data scientist specialization. Of course it is useful to be able to use git, shell etc. but I believe that most of the people already know those and the rest of the students can be redirected to relevant study material. All in all, there was about 90 minutes of relevant study in this course.
By Ben V
•Sep 13, 2016
Very very introductory. I didn't find the tooling aspects of this course particularly helpful, but I'm not in the target audience. It's length was misleading -- I completed the work in two days easily, but I am a technologist, and already had the tools installed. If you use GitHub and RStudio, the meat of the course is only about an hour of the lecture.
By Daniel J R
•Jun 19, 2018
Not very engaging videos. Superficial introduction to the mechanics of some tools without providing much context. Final submission did not work per video explanation. Need a more engaging presenter. Not quite at the level of Prof. Ng's Machine Learning course which I realy enjoyed and learned a lot from.
By Heather G
•Mar 20, 2016
This should not be its own course, as it would be pretty useless if you were doing it on its own without doing any of the other courses. The end of course project literally being just to make a Github account and download R-studio could be quickly covered in the first week of the other courses.
By Raj K P
•Nov 13, 2017
showing - doing things live in the video would have been great .. it seemed like explaining a PPT by an instructor. You could have taken one data set and have done all shorts of things and then in the midst thrown some quizzes to student instead of going though all the discussion in one go
By Lyn S
•Aug 10, 2017
Not bad, but certainly not good. I cannot believe there is a style of teaching where you never get to see the best way to do something. I can slog thru the programming, but I doubt it's the best way to do something, but I never get to see how something should have been done.
By Eric J S
•Aug 6, 2019
Very basic course. Poorly motivated, material presented without an effort to demonstrate why. This is not entirely out of place in this intro course, but it permeates the entire program. Difficulty poorly controlled, projects and quizzes much more advanced than lectures.
By George C
•Jan 13, 2018
I personally think that this course should be better interwoven into the other modules of the data science specialization. It's a quick primer, but aside from that, not very valuable in terms of the information that it's providing. I wouldn't pay $49 to take this course.
By Thiên P T N
•Jan 30, 2016
It is generally good course, but I feel it is just a combination of very little tools, skills and ideas. I believe it is quite complicate for me to understand, esspecial git and github. I think it is better to combine this course in other courses where you need it.
By valentine
•Aug 27, 2016
Would like to have seen more material using git and git bash commands. More repetition here would be helpful. Seems like a lot of this information will be lost or forgotten when it comes time to use it, especially as it relates to the Data Science Specialization.
By Filip J
•Nov 29, 2021
Good content, but course conducted by a machine is way worse then course conducted by a human being. Unfortunately it looses a lot of quality. I can understand that it is easier and more convince to update and change content but it is worse for a student.
By Desabandhu P
•Sep 19, 2021
Course content is good. But the way of teaching is worst. It is because of the computer generated voice i.e text is converted to audio and we listen to that. It is extremely horrible and feeling bad without any interest. Natural way of teaching is best.
By Roy H
•Jan 17, 2016
Dry videos. Most classes are someone showing how they do something their way, rather than guiding or teaching with the intent to have the student absorb and re-apply principles.
Very difficult for a student to absorb material from this video series
By Derek P
•Jan 6, 2016
Hard to follow with a lot of technical intructions right off the bat with inadequate explanation, a lot of "read more about this at <insert URL>." Videos were boring and the instructor was invisible just reading off the slides. Not very engaging.
By Alexandre B S
•Feb 11, 2020
This course should not be the first module of the specialization. Also, it lacks exercises and the content's explanation is not that deep and interactive, making the first course of the specialization boring and not caught student attention.