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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers by University of Colorado System

149 ratings

About the Course

This course is a stand-alone course that builds on the knowledge included in the C# Programming for Unity Game Development Specialization, so the course assumes you have the prerequisite knowledge from that Specialization. You should make sure you have that knowledge, either by taking those courses or from personal experience, before tackling this course. Throughout this course you'll build on your foundational C# and Unity knowledge by developing more robust games with better object-oriented designs using various data structures and design patterns. Data structures and design patterns are both general programming and software architecture topics that span all software, not just games. Although we'll discuss these ideas in the game domain, they also apply if you're writing a web app in ASP.NET, building a tool using WinForms, or any other software you decide to build. Module 1: Explore a Dynamic Array data structure and learn the basics of algorithm analysis Module 2: Learn about and use the common Linked List and Graph data structures Module 3: Learn about and use several additional data structures: Stacks, Queues, and Trees Module 4: Learn why design patterns are so useful and discover a number of design patterns useful in game development “Unity” is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. This course is an independent work and is not sponsored by, authorized by, or affiliated with Unity Technologies or its affiliates...

Top reviews


Jun 28, 2018

Some concepts were really challenging and the course was much more demanding than any other course in the specialization. In any case, it was extremely rewarding to get to the end! Thanks, Dr. T!


Nov 24, 2023

Challenging course, but well worth it to gain an understanding of data structures and good game design patterns.

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26 - 37 of 37 Reviews for Data Structures and Design Patterns for Game Developers

By truth t

Jul 14, 2018

this course contains well illustrated knowledge of coding with good depth

By Sergey K

Sep 27, 2020

Great! Thank you! It was very interesting and useful!

By Alfonso E S P

Jul 3, 2019

Super intense and interesting course

By Gabriel C G

Jun 14, 2020

Very interesting class!

By amadou d

Aug 2, 2021

Excellent! Thank You.

By Waseem y

Jun 22, 2021

nice curse

By Pep S M

Sep 20, 2018


By Omid

Feb 27, 2020

This was another great course by Dr.T. Studying design patterns and data structures on you own can be a little tricky so it was a great opportunity to learn about those topics in this course of the specialization. My main problem with this course (and the reason for giving it 4 stars out 5), was the lack of enough exercises. More exercises could really help with grasping the concepts. Also I think theory-based contents can be tested by exams only, so while I appreciate the weekly assignments I think a final exam could help determining if students have properly absorbed the course materials. Cheers.

By Kaushal J

Oct 29, 2020

Learnt a lot about data structures. The only thing I would improve on is giving additional instruction on the last assignment. Very good course though.

By Twinkal R

Apr 14, 2019

useful lacture

By Samarth K

Dec 8, 2021


By Hiroki N

Feb 25, 2019

The lecturer's code can induce a bug.