By Richard S
•May 14, 2023
the final project peer-review section is completely broken and has been for some time. it appears that no effort is being made to fix this (despite it being flagged to tech support, and on the discussion forums. It means that great project submissions are being failed and really bad ones are being passed!
By Daniel P
•Dec 25, 2023
Course full of mistakes, waste of time and money. Shame on you !!!
By Navraj S K
•Jul 14, 2023
no data files provided and the student is expected to work on the data which is not provided.
It is stated everywhere to use the file provided, but there aren't any.
I had to insert my own data
By Dawid W
•Aug 19, 2023
Unclear instructions, no data provided for exercises, broken grading gives you 0 points for correct solutions and 5 points when you didn't do anything
By Unuruu V
•Apr 21, 2023
The capstone project lacks clarity and instruction and it definitely needs improvement.
By Jon A
•May 11, 2023
Overall the course was okay, but the instructions were very disorganized. It was very confusing following the exercises, and the most challenging part of the project was inputting mock data, and trying to make the schema match the instructions. The instructions were always different, especially when the required procedures didn't check the earlier exercises.
By Momoko P
•Apr 12, 2024
I continue to be appalled by the poor quality of this Meta certificate program. Don't take this course, seriously. "Slapdash" doesn't even begin to describe how sloppily the material, grading criteria, and project requirements were put together. It's a complete waste of time.
By igor c
•Sep 7, 2023
very good course that summarizes all parts of the specialization, the only flaw is that inserting data for the tables has not been provided and tables not clearly described, otherwise ok, lot can be learned from doing the project
By Emmanuel D
•Dec 21, 2023
Gaining practical skills from this course is really commendable.
By Celine O
•Aug 1, 2023
This course prepares you for the journey ahead!
By Thully K
•Jul 11, 2023
Excellent. The course was so informative.
By Matias L
•May 22, 2023
I've found it really useful.
By Chan H
•May 7, 2023
Robust, useful and rigorous!
By Kipkoech B
•May 26, 2023
i like the project
By Musa M J
•Dec 26, 2023
Course some questions and their answers don't make the most sense and the instructions can be unclear at times. The criteria for awarding points in the peer graded assignment doesn't make sense no it's broken. Still I learnt a lot
By Dang T G
•Feb 28, 2025
The grading rubric didn't match the module instructions. ManageBooking is no where found in the modules, suddenly appears in the grading rubric. The rubric is miserable. You got 1 point if you did everything correct and 5 points if you made a partial mistake. GetMaxQuantity can't always provide 5, if the database is populated differently. The instructions require BookingID for UpdateBooking and CancelBooking, but TableNumber is used in the rubric. What an un-logical requirement. Typos? Tableau is no where found in the rubric. So we did Tableau for nothing. How can the many-many relationship exist between Menus and MenuItems? Many-many relationships are not practical and real-life databases. As usual, a lot of typos and reckless designs throughout this course. I have seen them in previous courses of this certificate, but this one is the worst one. Can't believe Meta staff released such a low-quality product. Who is going to trust this certificate.
By Jimmy P
•Jan 1, 2025
The content was decent for learning but the assignment for the final project is incredibly poorly written and put together. Figuring out what to do was guess work at best with the wording in 3 different paragraphs completely contradicting the other. Then there's the peer review where the points system is completely none sensical with the highest marks awarded for when a user fails to do the exercise. Extremely disappointed.