Jun 1, 2020
This course really changed my perspective in how to create visualization not just using Tableau but in every visualization application. I'm very happy I could take it and learned from it.
Apr 6, 2021
Great coverage of chart types and creating them. Step by step instruction with the "why" element helped me understand how to pursue the chart and understand why I would want to use it.
By Stephen D
•Apr 11, 2023
It was fun but there could be more exercises involved
By Radosław K
•Jan 30, 2018
Theory, theory and once again theory ...
By Gail N
•Mar 24, 2017
Content is excellent, support is not.
By Nino M
•Jun 30, 2019
More practice would be helpful
By Luis G
•Jan 2, 2018
very subjective section.
By Ted L
•Jun 12, 2020
I enjoyed visualization until I took this course. This is the worst Coursera course I have taken so far. Though course contents were good, the course was super disorganized. Tableau version used in videos was from several years ago, so it can be confusing if you try to follow along with current version. Many reading materials mentioned in video could not be found in Resources area, but showed up in quizzes; same goes for other sample data (such as Anscombe Quartet data). Week 3 video referred to Cholera map presented in a prior week, but that material was not presented in week 1 or 2. Quiz answers referred to wrong modules to review. Finally, steps for Tableau Desktop installation provided in the course no longer works (and took a lot of googling to find the right method). Overall, the bad product experience took so much away from the course materials, I would not recommend this course.
By Kelly D
•Sep 29, 2017
I was initially disappointed by the focus on design principles with a limited emphasis on implementing these principles in Tableau. However, I realized that the structure of this course and its focus on Gestalt Principles and leveraging pre-attentive attributes were valuable. The problem was that each weekly module concludes with a quiz, but there's only one peer graded assignment for the whole class. That assignment includes instructions like "use one of the 9 design principles in a visualization that…". If the course was restructured so that there were a peer graded assignment to build a tableau visualization at the end of each weekly module it would have been much better.
By Ioana B
•Jun 11, 2021
Too much theory, but overall it can be applied. But for this course I would remove peer review because people are subjective. They added the grades as per their tastes in color. If you like colorful stuff or very strong colors, that doesn't mean they have to be used inside the viz. I don't find it fair to receive a low score because somebody likes red instead of blue.
By Norma L
•Feb 12, 2022
This course may as well have been called Design Principles of Visualizations, as doesnt really include almost any practical teaching about tableau. Dont get me wrong, is nice to understand this principles, but it's a bit dense and quite boring, would greatly improved if doing it a bit longer but with much much more application into tableau
By David S
•Jan 7, 2017
No Feedback from quizes, it doesn't even show you what you have answered, makes it very tedious to study the material. I like the questions during the video, that is an addition that ought to be used more often, because it forces you to remember and learn faster.
By Thomas L
•Aug 29, 2019
Some concepts were explained poorly (e.g. Gestalt principles, pre-attentive attributes). Peer review was frustrating - easy to fail the week 4 assignment due to the 5-point rating scale for some parts, which invites reviewers to deduct points arbitrarily.
By Levent A
•Jan 7, 2022
The instructor doesn't come across as knowledgable or as an expert in this field, repeating sound bites and elementary ideas without being able to go beyond the introductory phrases. And this was a recurring theme in all of the modules.
By Jennifer C
•Feb 16, 2018
A lot of the material covered in this session was common sense. I also didn't learn any valuable skills that will help me design Tableau dashboards
By Mike M
•Aug 2, 2017
The peer graded assignment is far to volatile in this context. It should either be graded binary (done / not done) or done by staff....
By Bryant R
•Nov 2, 2017
It feels like the video tutorials were rushed and hard to follow this time.
By Luis M M J
•Jan 25, 2017
All it's about visual design. I was expecting more deep on tableau usage.
By Jarratt M
•Jan 2, 2023
Not really a Tableau course, and more a generalized data viz course
By Pritish M
•May 6, 2020
Week 4 was too theoretical and boring
By Juan C V
•Jan 3, 2024
too much theory and no practise
By Parsa S F
•Jul 19, 2022
Not so much practical stuff
By Adilla A
•Dec 24, 2023
Quite boring
By The N S
•Apr 8, 2021
he is going sooooo fast with the practical part as if he is explaining to someone who has an analysis experience if so I would've take this course and he doesn't e plain the equations he is adding I felt that I issued a course in the middle before this course very disappointed and feel really not smart enough
By yaoyaoholiday
•May 4, 2019
Too much psychology theory part. I want to learn Tableau rather than how System I or System II works in my brain. I read Kahneman's book when I have leisure time, but I don't want to do such multiple choice problems in a computer class.
By Altan S
•May 17, 2023
This course supposed to come with access to a 6-month, license for Tableau Desktop but it is impossible to get. I have been trying to get the license for a month but no luck. So disappointed.
By Muhammad S
•Sep 18, 2019
This is completely theoretical. It would be better to include some practical work at the end of every week. It's completely boring. Try to include practical contents.