Sep 12, 2018
great content ever had on online. I love this course very much because this course helped me to make how to make story with a data. Thank you coursera. Keep it up!.
Jun 12, 2019
This a chance for you to practice a visualization project by Tableau with full flow. Because it is a chance, so let do it as good as possible for your mastering.
By Lara K
•Dec 5, 2021
I took this as part of the 5-course Tableau specialization. I accepted the reasoning behind the peer-grading system for the first 4 courses but was quite disappointed that this capstone project course was also peer-graded only, with no instructor review or feedback. The lack of instructor input makes the certificate I earned pretty worthless. I did learn a lot through this 5-course specialization, and rated the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses well, but I wouldn't recommend this one as a standalone course.
By Jennifer B
•Oct 19, 2023
Another terrible course in this specialization. Unmaintained course with links that no longer lead to relevant material. 100% peer graded, so meaningless.
By 30_Sakshi K
•May 9, 2024
i applied for financial aid now they want me to upgrade and pay to complete final course and get specialization certificate that very unhelpful
By Shubham
•Dec 30, 2021
Very poor custumization
By Darwin N
•Oct 3, 2019
Not meet my expectation
By Eduardo (
•May 10, 2022