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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Visual Analytics with Tableau by University of California, Davis

1,831 ratings

About the Course

In this third course of the specialization, we’ll drill deeper into the tools Tableau offers in the areas of charting, dates, table calculations and mapping. We’ll explore the best choices for charts, based on the type of data you are using. We’ll look at specific types of charts including scatter plots, Gantt charts, histograms, bullet charts and several others, and we’ll address charting guidelines. We’ll define discrete and continuous dates, and examine when to use each one to explain your data. You’ll learn how to create custom and quick table calculations and how to create parameters. We’ll also introduce mapping and explore how Tableau can use different types of geographic data, how to connect to multiple data sources and how to create custom maps....

Top reviews


Aug 19, 2017

Through this course learner can efficiently learn about dual layer maps, dual axis, creating calculated fields and many more. Thanks for such a great platform to learn and for great instructors.


Aug 8, 2021

This course, which I completed as part of UC Davis' Data Viz Specialization, was clearly presented and involved a lot of hands on assignments that helped to increase confidence and skills.

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1 - 25 of 360 Reviews for Visual Analytics with Tableau

By Luca N

Jun 17, 2017

Disappointing. Very disappointing. Here is why:

1. This comes as course 3 in a specialisation of 5. I'd expect to find here more advanced contents than in the previous 2. Instead, it goes in the opposite direction, i.e. concepts are more superficial than in previous courses. I expect a Specialisation to dive deeper as one moves on, instead with this course it looks likes it’s just going horizontally.

2. The course title reads “Visual Analytics with Tableau”, but actually in most cases it reduces to a series of suggestions / best practices on how to use basic components of Tableau, not on how to do Visual Analytics. It did touch on something related to visual analytics though, e.g. table calculations, but it didn’t go any farther than just giving a definition, and provide a small example.

3. The course duration is incredibly short. The contents delivered with this course could stay in one module only, in terms of quantity.

4. Space for practice is virtually absent, despite the speaker continuously repeats that practicing is important. There are vague suggestions on doing practice, but no clear tasks or exercises. Why did you remove the optional questions of previous courses? Furthermore, previous courses provide many resources, e.g. blogs to read, vizzes to analyse, … Why did you remove this as well?

5. The technical quality is disappointing too, and does not stand to the high level of the previous courses. There are clear signs of multiple editing. The transcription is not always appropriate. Intros and conclusions are often repeated twice!

As an initial course, and if it didn’t have the technical issues, it would have been a nice and fair course. But in the middle of a Specialisation, it’s a disaster.

By Mark A

Mar 10, 2018

This series is facilitated by a different Instructor, who is quite knowledgeable, but is not a qualified teacher, and the quality control is completely absent. In summary, the instructor is more demo'ing Tableau than TEACHING it (very different methods/approach). Some examples:

Instructor word for word repeats himself on SEVERAL occasions (as in, reads a line from the script, then reads the same line again). This is particularly noticeable in Course 3, Week 3, where every lecture he does this. The Filtering lecture he repeats himself verbatim 3 times within a one minute span (check the transcripts).

During one of his lectures, the instructor is describing a particular chart (area chart), but the chart he's showing is a different one (line chart).

The assignments regularly ask students to do things that have not been taught, requiring outside research (i.e. google). The AGG(Profit Ratio) stands out as one of the more frustrating aspects, in both Week 1 and 4.

Some of the assignments have incomplete details on what is needed to finish (specifically compared to what's displayed in the supplementary image). Students have to go out to the forums to read what students from prior sessions have posted to figure out what is required (lack of quality control)

Throughout the series of courses, the same source data is used (Sales Superstore Dataset). On one of the assignments (Course 3, Week 2), it references the same dataset (by name), but the file contains different data elements. The assignment details do not tell students it's different information (with the same file name), and reading the forums, can be seen as a regular issue for students (for over 10 months). There's no reason for this NOT to be highlighted in the Assignment. Same for Week 4, while Profit Ratio is included in the dataset, it doesn't Agg(Profit Ratio), as displayed.

The lectures are less than half as long as prior lectures (by the primary instructor), as the instructor doesn't give nearly enough detail. For calculated fields, the instructor literally reads off a list of the available formulas (that a student could read on their own) and that's the entire lesson (same applies to several lectures). At most, he talks about one example, but rarely displays it on screen. This is what I mention above, demo'ing versus teaching, just showing that Tableau has a particular feature, not adequately teaching its possible/various uses. There are plenty of demo videos out there (offered by Tableau), learners taking these courses are looking for more than that.

Some of the quizzes have questions about details not covered in the lectures. Most of the time you can extrapolate, but it's guessing rather than having been taught specific information.

Almost every lecture video starts with a recap of the prior video and ends with a foreshadowing of what's next. On 3 minute videos, there's no need to spend over a minute on that; most students are likely going from one to the next in quick succession.

Instead of saying things like "try and explore on your own", offer optional practice assignments or specific configurations to try. As a learner, I want to practice these things, to figure out various options and functionality, guidance on variations are much more helpful than content-less prompt to explore on our own.

I have mixed feelings about the example visual being provided with the assignments. Without them, I likely would not have been able to produce anything compared to what is being asked. With them, I found myself just looking at it and copying the layout/configurations to make sure I got it right. I didn't feel the lectures adequately prepared me for most of the assignments (without the finished product in front of me).

By Larry C

Mar 13, 2017

The videos for this course seemed to be 30% recap of the prior lesson, and 20% restatement of what was learned. Some even duplicated their own content in the restatement. The material covered was simply running through each of the menus in Tableau. Again, this material may be of use, but would be better as a primer for the class rather than presented as useful, paid content. Terribly disappointed.

By Saptarshi B

Sep 11, 2017

This course is at best OK. Only covers the bare minimum. But what is very frustrating is that the assignment instructions are very poorly worded. It is confusing and the expectations are not clearly led out. This results in the students have to interpret what the author wants. Overall this left a very bad taste. It does not meet Coursera standard or what is the standard in other courses.

By kartikey d

Jul 1, 2019

Assignment exercises have missing instructions and even after so many threads about it, no actions have been taken by instructors. Moreover, less emphasis is on teaching practical applications of the tableau. Overall I think it's a very basic course with bad assignments.

By Michael H

Jul 24, 2020

I was probably closer to a 3.5. I think this course was the weakest out the three I've taken so far in the UC-Davis Tableau specialization. There just wasn't a lot of material taught. The video lectures are incredibly short (2-3 minutes) and the final 30 seconds of each is spent with an overly repetitive recap of what's been learned so far. When you only give instruction for 1-2 minutes, it seems unnecessary to have the recap. In terms of the content presented, I expected more in-depth examples and explanations. If you are teaching calculated fields, spend some time going over the syntax and provide multiple examples. Show us what happens to the output if you alter segments of the syntax. Overall, I'm finding this Tableau specialization spends too much time on visualization theory and not enough time on actual Tableau buttonology. I want to learn the "ins and outs" of the software, so I can make it do what I want it to do. I feel many of the Free tutorials on the Tableau website provide better instruction on the actual mechanics. On top of that, too many of the exercises are fraught with unclear directions, inconsistent data files (why do the superstore datasets keep changing?), and in several instances, students are asked to perform a task that doesn't get introduced until a later chapter. It makes everything seem hastily put together. Many of the discussion forums have pointed out these problems, but seeing as none of have been fixed and students are still writing about the same issues 3 years after first pointing them out, I'd say there is no active participation from the course creators or lecturers. I'm learning, but if your goal is to learn the software, there are better, cheaper options.

By Florent B

Jan 20, 2017

The content is essentially a subset of the information available in the free tutorials on Tableau's website. And a pretty small subset with that; the total length of the course is less than most of the MOOCs I have taken have for one week.

By Amrita G

Aug 20, 2017

Through this course learner can efficiently learn about dual layer maps, dual axis, creating calculated fields and many more. Thanks for such a great platform to learn and for great instructors.

By Mark D

Apr 21, 2017

I enjoyed the hands-on aspect of this course. I learned more about using Tableau from it that the prior courses in the specialization. I give this 3 of 5 stars for 3 reasons:

1) My classmates and I think that the instructor left one video out the course which is necessary to answer one of the quiz questions.

2) The instructions for at least 2 of the peer-graded assignments are incomplete. The grading criteria requires features that aren't mentioned in the instructions. As a result you need to alter and resubmit the assignments in order to meet all the grading criteria.

3) The instructor repeats himself in the course videos. He's present a summary of the video while displaying a Tableau screenshot and then repeat the same summary while displaying a Presentation slide. I feel that more time should have been spent reviewing the Tableau features and eliminate the repetition of the material.

By Fares G

Jul 21, 2019

The first two courses in the specialization were all theory and hardly included any hands-on Tableau instruction. So I was really looking forward to this third course to get some practical experience with Tableau. But after all that theory in courses one and two this was a disappointingly quick and cursory look at Tableau. I was expecting something like this from course 1 with each subsequent course getting deeper into Tableau functionality. The theory is important, but if this is supposed to be a Tableau specialization then the balance needs to be reversed - 80% practical Tableau instruction and 20% theory rather than the other way around!

By Katherine M

Mar 13, 2020

This is one of those courses where I didn't get much more out of it than if I had done it on my own. It's helpful for showing the capabilities of Tableau, but not for explaining them. The instructor merely reads what is already in the Tableau menu vs. explaining it--not terribly helpful. The practice is also not very helpful because you don't learn why you're doing certain things. It's easy to just check the boxes, but not to understand what you're doing and why. This course was not one of the better ones.

By Svetlana L

Feb 25, 2017

This course is not well designed, there are multiple mistakes in the videos, assignments, etc. The content is covered after you already had to apply it in an assignment in a previous lesson. The tests are also not well made. The instructions to peer-reviewed assignments are not clear and will not bring you to the correct result which is shown during peer review. No involvement from the faculty, no one to answer questions.

By Suhaimi C

Feb 4, 2021

Great course and content. Got enough practice on peer assignments. Really like charting guidelines. Highly recommend this course to get your data visualization to the next level.

By Richard V

Apr 25, 2018

The course was well organized and easy to follow. It provided good examples. However, I felt that I could have learned more, there was only few video material every week and in the beginning a lot of time was used to explain conceptual things like which chart to use when. I think, probably for some users this is very helpful, but I would have wished to learn more techniques and skills in tableau, maybe

By Kelly D

Sep 29, 2017

This course is just a very basic walk-thru of the Tableau interface. At some points in the lecture videos the instructor literally clicks on menus in Tableau and just starts reading all the options. It should probably just be combined with the 1st course in the program. The peer reviewed assignments are the best part of the class. They are good opportunities to work through examples in Tableau, but they are set up with instructions to essentially recreate an existing visualization - kind of a paint by numbers approach to learning.

By Han X

Nov 14, 2017

Was expecting to learn much more in this course. Quite disappointed as the video content was so bad that instructor was simply repeating and reading out the same words. There should be more demonstration on table calculations and formula, in the end each video is just 2-3 mins

By Manasi M

Aug 17, 2017

The assignments are inconsistent with the videos. Videos are barely informative and there should be opportunity for practice before proceeding to the assignment.

By Lydia D

Mar 21, 2018

Tests material it did not teach. Has assignments that require knowledge of business and sales.

By Ahmed T

Mar 23, 2018

Simply reading not explaining

By Rohit B

Apr 8, 2020

I am very happy with the course content and how it was delivered. I attended (or so far, only audited) the first 2 modules and found them rathe challenging to follow. I was even put off a little bit at the uneven pace at which first 2 courses went. This course, however, goes to absolute fundamentals of visualisation and Tableau software features. I would highly recommend the course to anyone who wants to learn Tableau.

Suggestions for improvement:

1) The first 2 courses cover on certain concepts that may be more advanced than this one. So ideally, the sequence of courses should be course 3, followed by 1 and 2. But it's just my thoughts!

2) Some of the exercises (map specific) are designed with US in mind. Note that if you are in another country (like me), the default locale settings will not create the US map by default and you will need to manually override locale in Tableau. It may be worthwhile specifying this to students during the videos.

By Vinodhini S

May 5, 2020

I am a non IT person, during the quarantine, i came here to learn about Tableau, jus to give a new start to my career. From course #1 the videos slowly made me dive into the the fundamentals and head us deeper and questions in each video made us to be alert and be prepared to answer, which i missed in later courses. The assignments were at basic levels. I recommend this course for a new start or enrich your knowledge in Visual presentation

By José A R N

Nov 6, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this course to get new knowledge about Data Visualization and better understand the Tableau technology and your practical applications.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by the Teachers.

Congratulations to Coursera team and Teachers.


Jose Antonio.

By Todd T

Jul 18, 2017

This week of instruction was excellent as it combined insightful techniques for developing and improving visualizations with reading assignments which provided a lot of valuable information. Everything from this week was directly transferable to current projects on which I (or my team) are working. Well done.

By A

Mar 11, 2018

Course content is good. Clear explanation and Practical examples.


After enrolling I saw there were so many questions (peer review) which Coursera wouldn't let me attempt/access. If Coursera is not going to let students access stuff, they should let students know that before they enroll.

By Ismail S

Jun 13, 2020

This was wonderful experience to revive my knowledge on tableau.The trainer was very clear, direct and eloquent to convey his message. The animations and visuals were quite fascinating in the lecture.Overall it was quite satisfying display of knowledge and expertise by coursera.