Dec 28, 2019
it would have been nice if the instructor has included the instructions for truffle+ganache installation for local machine. Truffle works great on a native machine over vm! thanks!
Apr 28, 2021
A very helpful course filled with practical knowledge on the way to become a successful blockchain developer, moreover when the open source material on this domain is abysmal.
By Rohini B
•May 12, 2020
By Rishabh D
•Mar 17, 2022
By Markus M
•Feb 21, 2020
Setup and structure of the course and the content is really excellent and helped me understanding how to build Dapps on the back of smart contacts.
HOWEVER: following the course in order to build the "ballot" Dapp with the truffle ide etc in week 2 has been an extremely frustrating part. And i have been through a lot of pain and wasted hours with outdated software versions, grader issues etc in other Coursera courses earlier! A pitty really! Fair enough - it wasn't made part of the final project. Still: It is the reason for a 4 stars rating instead of 5!
By Guzmán L
•Sep 16, 2020
Good introduction to Dapps. You test your smart contract and then build a webapp. I don't give five stars because it is a bit old. I read some other articles and blogs and nowadays things are a bit more easier. Also programming tasks have some issues as they are not compatible with some technologies. Nice introduction to start with, but have to search around for updated work
By Muhammad Z M
•Jun 30, 2020
The course content was good and all but the end project was very bad. First of all, ethereum.ova was shipped with truffle 4.0.4 or whatever, which was not working correctly. I had many issues with it other then truffle init not working. Secondly in Part 2 was to write test.js while we were not taught about it in enough detail
By Ivan M
•Jun 28, 2020
Is a very good course for learning new tools and the workflow of how to develop DApss end to end. Needs to be updated to include newer versions of Truffle, Solidity, etc. And the course resources should reflect this updates to make it easier and more compatible when it comes to the course projects.
By Balakrishna C
•Apr 11, 2020
The course gives a great foundation to build a blockchain based application. The content some how seems to be old for there are many more technologies and methodologies coming up now. some items like Oraclize are depricated. Nevertheless, it is a great course.
By Ryan S
•Dec 27, 2020
Good information taught throughout the course and the only downside was that some technological compatibilities were not kept up to date, which can sometimes take away from the current scope of the module. Learned a lot with figuring some of it out though!
By Meharab L
•May 8, 2020
this course is far better then any other course that i can find in the internet in 2020 but this course need to be updated with time . because solidity, truffle and web3 is constantly updating . so old language/framework/library are becoming deprecated .
By Fabio T
•Dec 11, 2018
It's a very good course, not giving 5 stars only because a couple of questions were really context-dependent and it's hard to answer them correctly without searching through the precise wording of the lessons.
By Sohini S
•May 30, 2020
Very insightful if you have a basic understanding of the blockchain technology. Totally recommend for blockchain newbies looking to up their game. Thanks coursera and keep recommending badass courses. CHEERS!
By Tapan B
•Dec 1, 2020
Great course especially if you follow the readings religiously. Only thing is the exercise and snippet are outdated, but that helps in exploring so you don't do copy paste :)
By Gabriel M
•Jan 12, 2019
It has a good content and it's quite challenging to create the Dapp, I think it's a good introduction for anyone to have an idea about how to build a Dapp from the scracth
By Nishant V
•Dec 23, 2021
Excellent overview of D-APPS and Smart contract testing. However, the project VM experience could be vastly improved. The VM is very slow to load and execute commands.
By Gaurav K
•Aug 6, 2022
The course is completely outdated, and most of my time was wasted on figuring out a legacy bug rather than learning. Thankfully the discussion forum helps out a lot!
By Mitesh V
•Jul 3, 2020
Beautifully designed content with just one concern, data is to outdated makes a lot of errors denying some good hands over the real handson else everything is fine.
By james r
•Mar 6, 2023
Good course. Handy having the downloadable app for the code, although I took the opportunity to install truffle and get things working on my own terminal.
By Shubham P
•Nov 4, 2019
The testing part was not clear as the cases defined in the assignment and the hints provided doesn't sound familiar to me. Overall the course was great!
By Harsh A
•Dec 12, 2021
Although course needs an upgrade in videos because it is very old and since than alot has changed but all the concepts are explained very well
By Varundeep M
•Aug 6, 2020
The Course Practical materials are old and don't work properly. It will be really helpful if the instructors update the Ethereum.ova VM
By Phạm H P
•Feb 3, 2022
course is good, but the code use in this course is quite old now. I think instructor should replace these code and demo
By Gonçalo D
•Oct 26, 2021
Good course, but the programming exercises should be have a bit less help, just to force us to search and hit problems
•Jan 9, 2022
Overall very nice! Some of the coding examples in the course are out of date, specially the example with MetaMask
By Fedor G
•Aug 16, 2020
Javascript interactions were not described at all, but the final test is not that complex, so i guess that is ok
By Marco M
•Sep 17, 2019
Interesting course, too bad for the virtual machine that didn't build. I have been fooling around with windows.