Jul 12, 2020
I can't wait to do more courses and dive into Data Analysis World more and more. This course by PwC was an excellent experience and helped me to have a high level understanding of Data and Analytics.
Jan 8, 2021
I'm so glad to join your course, Data Driven Decision Making. I got a lot of knowledge about data decision making and functions of data.I'm really really appreciated to join this course for newcomers.
By Jeremy J W
•Apr 10, 2018
Most of this information is just an introduction and promo for PWC. Cut the material down and incorporate it into the other classes of this specialization. As a stand alone class I don't see the value of the course.
By Suman P
•Mar 18, 2019
Is was disheartening to put 4 weeks of effort in 1 to try and maximize the trial window period and then you don't receive the certificate because peer-to-peer review is an unstructured process and dependent on a 3rd party who has nothing to do with my investment, my time and my performance.
I was trying to evaluate a few Online training options to decide which is the best to recommend to my organization but this has been an absolute deal breaker. The course has been stretched over 4 weeks when it could have been wrapped in a week. All in all a design to stretch the time and hence gain more revenues on purpose I feel - not very pro-customer.
By Victor S
•Feb 21, 2018
Total loss of time.
Why do you call this course Data driven decision making once "Remember you do not have to conduct actual data analysis, you only have to outline your plan." ?
Where is decision making? 4 weeks of PwC promo with 0 REAL PRACTICAL aplication! Just call this couse "Buy PwC services" or "Join the team of talkers"?
Adios Coursera... I was expecting more.
By Yaron K
•Apr 10, 2017
Basically this course was an excellent promotion of PwC as a consultant. A well crafted introduction of buzz-words with very little substance (Unlike the following courses on Excel and presentations)
By Fred S
•Apr 15, 2017
Disappointing. Just brushed the surface of most of the topics, felt a bit too much like an ad for PWC or story telling about client engagements. Content was lacking
By Cem E
•May 10, 2018
Great high-level introduction into what big data is, how data & analytics is impacting business decision making, and how PwC uses data & analytics to improve the quality of work delivered to clients.
By Luis P
•Nov 13, 2017
This is not a course. It is a big fat ad.
By Inessa A
•Jul 12, 2020
I can't wait to do more courses and dive into Data Analysis World more and more. This course by PwC was an excellent experience and helped me to have a high level understanding of Data and Analytics.
By Alexander J F
•Aug 16, 2018
This is a great course in data and analytics for the every day professional. It gives great insight into how data and analytics can support decision making. The mode of delivery of the course is e
By Julia
•Nov 14, 2018
What an excellent laid out course curriculum. Bite size learning, various mediums, understandable concepts applied to real life business cases made for a 100% take away and applied knowledge. We
By Congyi E L
•Dec 2, 2018
This course is all theoretical knowledge, nothing about real practice on analyzing tools. If you want to learn how to use tools, go to some other courses.
By Ann J
•Dec 26, 2017
Content marketing for pwc instead of an actual course
•Jan 13, 2019
it sucks
By Ray Y
•Oct 14, 2016
The reason why I am giving only one star that the course did not covered much information and the time allotted could have been less than 4 weeks. So it was not really worth the money.
By Markus K
•Aug 21, 2017
Course just for PwC internal purposes. Does not give real value for money because most of the students are participating for free (PwC employees)
By Daniel H
•Jul 21, 2017
Waaaay too many recruiting / client pitches / kool aid. I could have edited the course down 50% and learned the same amount.
By Jahongir Y
•Mar 20, 2017
very boring lectures. expected a lot more from something like PWC. Doesn't worth it at all. Didn't learn anything new.
By Mark H
•Jul 6, 2018
How can a course with so many details tell you nothing at all !?!? What a complete waste of time!
By Maryna K
•Feb 5, 2019
Too much theory, no practice. Blah-blah-bla
By Nitesh J
•Dec 27, 2017
More of a webinar than a course.
By Vivian Y Q
•Apr 11, 2017
very little useful information, more like PR for PWC
By Anastasia H
•Sep 19, 2018
non-practical course, concepts are only mentioned
By Carlos B
•Dec 28, 2018
The Data Analytics Framework and overview of approaches, techniques and technologies are so well done that prompted me to learn more and cover gaps in knowledge. The simulation and 3 cases at the end are very important, take them seriously and do them ALL following the framework provided. I would recommend that to do those cases do not hesitate to make assumptions and do a quick wiki search on how a Financial SS, CPG or Manufacturing company work
By Basrihuddin H
•Apr 22, 2020
An excellent course journey for this subject - Data Driven Decison Making, very good content with relevant case assignment and they are paced comfortably to allow me as learner to grasp the knowledge.
By Ralph R F
•Oct 14, 2019
Great course for would be management analyst or those wanting to have a deeper look into the profession. PwC offers a concise and practical methodology useful in today's fast and data rich world.