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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Design Principles: an Introduction by University of California San Diego

1,339 ratings

About the Course

What makes an interface intuitive? How can I tell whether one design works better than another? This course will teach you fundamental principles of design and how to effectively evaluate your work with users. You'll learn fundamental principles of visual design so that you can effectively organize and present information with your interfaces. You'll learn principles of perception and cognition that inform effective interaction design. And you'll learn how to perform and analyze controlled experiments online. In many cases, we'll use Web design as the anchoring domain. A lot of the examples will come from the Web, and we'll talk just a bit about Web technologies in particular. When we do so, it will be to support the main goal of this course, which is helping you build human-centered design skills, so that you have the principles and methods to create excellent interfaces with any technology....

Top reviews


Nov 21, 2019

The course was simple and crisp yet covered it all - interaction, visual and usability. Liked the duration of the videos followed by reading material that covered the highlights of the topic.


Mar 16, 2016

The basic principles of design and their philosophies were covered well in this course, and it was taught in a quick, efficient manner. I liked undergoing this course and would recommend it.

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26 - 50 of 183 Reviews for Design Principles: an Introduction

By Shirley W

Oct 9, 2019

I have always been impressed by Mr. Klemmer's concise but vivid explanation over the topic of HCI. This is an introductory lecture, indeed, but it for sure a good guide for sailing off into the wider sea.

By Nipun V

May 3, 2020

It is a fundamental course for everyone who is into the field of digital design. It clears the basics of design thinking with real-life examples and show the application of the same in the digital world/

By Prathma V

Nov 21, 2019

The course was simple and crisp yet covered it all - interaction, visual and usability. Liked the duration of the videos followed by reading material that covered the highlights of the topic.

By Nakul S

Mar 17, 2016

The basic principles of design and their philosophies were covered well in this course, and it was taught in a quick, efficient manner. I liked undergoing this course and would recommend it.

By Yuliya R

Nov 29, 2019

The course was quite useful. Brief introduction to the basic understanding of fundamental principles of understanding what user wants and how to collect an honest feedback from him/her.

By Piu S

Sep 29, 2015

Very interesting. The assignments test the learning are and more related to what we see around us. It is a test of our perception on interactive design. This is very helpful.


Feb 23, 2025

Me pareció un curso muy bueno; sin embargo, siento que el apartado del mundo en miniatura se debió añadir un video aparte, porque en el que se explica no se deja muy claro.

By Maria P

Jun 3, 2019

Really good and professional content! There was a small mistake in one of the assignments but it doesn't really matter now. There were a lot of people ready to help you.

By Syed H S A

May 3, 2020

This course is an amazing start for your journey in Design thinking. You will learn things that you somehow knew exist within your surroundings but never understand it.

By hsu y

Jan 18, 2017

This course give me more information and knowledge about how to do design and the basic design principle ! It's simple and helpful get starting of design.

By Peer D

Aug 15, 2016

I love it , 5 Stars, but -

1) Please ad the functionality to zoom into posted pictures!

2) Please more further reading material or videos linked


By Dipanshu S

Jun 25, 2018

A very insightful introductory course on design principles. It also provides a lot of useful external resources to further deep dive into the topic.

By Karen H

Oct 5, 2017

I liked particularly the course about running web experiments with A/B testing and learning a lot about comparing data with chi-square testing.

By Ninfa N O

Jan 30, 2020

I love it! The last week was a little difficult and I have some troubles understanding the Chi-square table. But i think was pretty great.

By Esma İ A

Oct 21, 2020

It was summary of how we perceived interfaces and how is the back stage of designing user interface. Thanks to everyone who contribute!

By Guillermo

Apr 19, 2021

I really liked the course. The course focuses more on the comparative part and analysis of the results that is what I was looking for.

By Mariam K

Mar 16, 2021

Very informative and fun. Good mix of practical examples and theory, made me wish every university course I've taken was like this

By Vipin S

Sep 25, 2017

Awesome learning throughout the course. Lectures and professor are great to learn from. It was easy to understand everything.

By Sam D

Feb 8, 2018

I liked this course - new ideas and formalisation of techniques... a nice mix of hard and soft skills in the assignments.

By Traci B

Jun 11, 2018

I really enjoyed this segment of the course, it made me pay more attention to the not so mundane things around me!

By Svetlana M

Nov 16, 2015

After this course my interest in web design is increased and all material was very useful. I liked examples too.

By Mário S G F

Jul 1, 2020

Learn new concepts of using Design, and new skills to improve or design almost any work you can do in the area.

By Ig O

Apr 28, 2022

Greatest course I've seen across different domains. Very insightful. And boosts your confidence in UX domain

By Kate Y

Feb 13, 2016

Very interesting course. Lots of information is considered. Lots of example that makes everything clear.

By Dalton W

May 25, 2020

It's an interesting subject and Dr. Klemmer takes it to the next level - a wonderful learning experience.