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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society by University of Pennsylvania

341 ratings

About the Course

This is a course aimed at making you a better designer. The course marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Weekly design challenges test your ability to apply those ideas to solve real problems. The course is deliberately broad - spanning all domains of design, including architecture, graphics, services, apparel, engineered goods, and products. The emphasis of the course is the basic design process: define, explore, select, and refine. You, the student, bring to the course your particular interests and expertise related to, for instance, engineering, furniture, fashion, architecture, or products. In prior sessions of the course about half of the participants were novices and about half had prior professional design expertise. Both groups seem to benefit substantially from the course. All project work is evaluated by your peers -- and indeed, you will also be a peer reviewer. This format allows you to see an interesting collection of projects while getting useful feedback on your own project....

Top reviews


May 14, 2020

An excellent course. The process from A to Z of designing an artifact was just amazing. I feel like I learned a lot in this course. It's a great course for anyone looking for learn more in this field.


Jun 27, 2020

Thank you teacher!I have seen the world with different eyes after participating in this course: more curious and always ready to find gaps and think of a way to improve the design problem.

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1 - 25 of 126 Reviews for Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society

By Silvia M


Apr 10, 2020

The class is interesting, but the main problem with the assignments is that you have people with little to no experience that end up reviewing your work every single time.

For instance for the second week's drawing assignment, a lot of people who didn't have talent or knowledge about the basics of drawing submitted their work. They didn't even follow the tutorials or the instructions given and because this the quality of their drawings was very low.

Based on what they uploaded, I left them an honest feedback and I tried not to mess their final score too much. Now some of these people (I do remember their names, that's how bad their work was) are not grading me correctly and I really don't understant why. I graduated from art school.

With all due respect, I believe that the instructor of this course should be the one who grades some of the assignments.

I'm trying to unenroll from this course but I'm having a hard time, it wouldn't let me.

By Nischay S


Mar 3, 2019

The absolute perfect course for anyone looking to make a career in or change careers to Design. Great modules and assignments. Every bit of this course is extremely useful. Thank you.



Sep 14, 2017

excellent for learning the steps to follow to design anything like product or to find solution in the form of product or service i.e. artifact to any problem

By Jair A F D


Mar 3, 2017


By Md A R


Apr 6, 2020

It's very Boring course. I don't even want to continue it anymore. So much big lectures and there is no twists. If there is an option to rate it 0, I would do that.

By Raj S


Oct 3, 2020

Thank you for this course, I am so happy I have taken this one. I have learned the underlying principles of design which I think will prove to be beneficial in the coming future. I would highly recommend this course to anyone whos interested in design and is looking forward to developing an in-depth background in the fundamentals of good design. I would also like to extend my thanks for the generosity of the course-era.

By Juachi O


Jun 18, 2017

A great introduction to product design and its processes. Easy to understand and apply and the assignments made for great learning. Looking forward to improving my knowledge and grateful for such a great introduction.

By Nasim S


May 14, 2020

An excellent course. The process from A to Z of designing an artifact was just amazing. I feel like I learned a lot in this course. It's a great course for anyone looking for learn more in this field.

By jatin s


Feb 15, 2017

Collection of practical knowledge in the designing thought process, which is very hard to quantify.

Amazingly put and taught.


By Deleted A


Oct 9, 2020

Great course, love it!



Jul 4, 2020

It's boring

By Aakash T


Jun 3, 2020

It is the worst course ever.

It shows palgirism when I set my dedication project to them for the purpose of Certificate at that time. It is a worst course ever I will not want to do after all when I want unenroll it , it does not unenroll. Its really a worst course ever.

By Thymus V


Mar 5, 2022

Course badly managed, not to say neglected.

By Sherfe S


Aug 17, 2017

I have learned how to come up with some ideas of making a design from some gaps in my daily life. I learne how to make a fundamental information of the design by asking myself '5 Whys'. Ask some people's expect and some needs of the design, in order to make some basic needs. I learned the drawing rules and steps. Useing dcomposition to make some different chioces of the same part of the design, then combine different ways of differnet part to make many concept sketch. Then use some user needs to identify whether the sketch is good or not. Follow the shetch to make the fundamental and refied prototype. finally give the dsign a name by follow the different

By Jeremy R


Apr 25, 2017

Excellent course. The material is very interesting and Mr. Ulrich is extremely engaging. His passion for design comes through in this course in a way that holds your interest and gets you into the lesson. The flow is excellent from week to week and the assignments are clearly laid out. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who might think that they may be interested in learning about the design process.

By Abdelrahman I


Oct 4, 2016

I liked the videos and the way of instructions, they were really helpful

I just have a small note.. some of the other learners write assignments in a really bad language which isn't understood or they write it in another language/ not English ,, and others write assignments that don't relate to the videos.. and i have to review some of these assignments and spend much time just to be able to pass the week

By Sara A


Jul 25, 2020

Amazing Contents! The guideline is perfectly articulated, making it impossibly easy to design and prototype an artifact. I was amazed by my own and also my peers works throuhjout the course. And even if you're not interested in product design, you'll learn a great thinking process that is useful in every area of life.

By Lilian Z


Jul 20, 2017

Love this course, it's combination of the real life experience and theory. The way Mr. Urich instructed the class made it really easy to understand and learn. The structural and organized week by week assignment/practice definitely helped us to understand deeper what was learned in the class. Highly recommended!

By priyanka k


Jun 4, 2020

It is a great course to take you through the entire design process of finding a solution to a problem. Prof. has a simple and straight forward approach which is easy to understand. I would recommend it to anyone not from design background too as it makes you sensitive towards the objects around you!

By Mariana C


May 23, 2020

Really enjoyed taking this course, learned a lot about Design basic concepts and I recommend it for those who are interested in Design. This was my first online course and I like the way it’s organized and presented. I thank Coursera for this great opportunity.

By Saurav K J


Sep 19, 2017

Very good course for the beginners in designing. I did this course a year back and since then, I have used this knowledge for designing robot, quad-copters, formula student cars. The approach of your designing will be improved after this course.

By unnati s


May 25, 2020

This course has helped me change my perspective. All the tutorials are very well articulated. the instructor has done a great job. i have learnt so many new tools techniques and words during this course. i will love to see more of this by Karl.

By Tiago


Aug 14, 2017

Really a very good course with a lot of techniques and several ways to analysis and evolve your project. You will learn how to planning, filter, evolve, build and mensure the adequacy of your project to better fit the needs of your target.

By Kiandokht M


Jul 24, 2020

It was one of the best courses that I have enrolled in Coursera. I really enjoyed watching each video two or three times. thanks to Prof.Karl T. Ulrich who explained the process of artifact design in the best way that was possible.

By Thao P T


Jun 28, 2020

Thank you teacher!

I have seen the world with different eyes after participating in this course: more curious and always ready to find gaps and think of a way to improve the design problem.