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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing by Northwestern University

1,769 ratings

About the Course

In this class you will learn the basic principles and tools used to process images and videos, and how to apply them in solving practical problems of commercial and scientific interests. Digital images and videos are everywhere these days – in thousands of scientific (e.g., astronomical, bio-medical), consumer, industrial, and artistic applications. Moreover they come in a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum - from visible light and infrared to gamma rays and beyond. The ability to process image and video signals is therefore an incredibly important skill to master for engineering/science students, software developers, and practicing scientists. Digital image and video processing continues to enable the multimedia technology revolution we are experiencing today. Some important examples of image and video processing include the removal of degradations images suffer during acquisition (e.g., removing blur from a picture of a fast moving car), and the compression and transmission of images and videos (if you watch videos online, or share photos via a social media website, you use this everyday!), for economical storage and efficient transmission. This course will cover the fundamentals of image and video processing. We will provide a mathematical framework to describe and analyze images and videos as two- and three-dimensional signals in the spatial, spatio-temporal, and frequency domains. In this class not only will you learn the theory behind fundamental processing tasks including image/video enhancement, recovery, and compression - but you will also learn how to perform these key processing tasks in practice using state-of-the-art techniques and tools. We will introduce and use a wide variety of such tools – from optimization toolboxes to statistical techniques. Emphasis on the special role sparsity plays in modern image and video processing will also be given. In all cases, example images and videos pertaining to specific application domains will be utilized....

Top reviews


Oct 6, 2018

This course is much simpler and easier to understand for those who wanna get and set their goals towards the image engineering field. Really enjoy much doing this course. THank you everyone !!!


Jul 17, 2018

Very informative and comprehensive course in image processing. Many examples are presented throughout the course, which make the content tangible and help to better sink-in the material.

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251 - 275 of 356 Reviews for Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing

By Vummanaboina B 1

Aug 2, 2022


By pavan r

Apr 5, 2022


By Vital P R

Feb 12, 2022


By Neha G

May 20, 2021


By pavan k

Jan 5, 2021



Nov 17, 2020


By kiran k r m

Mar 25, 2019


By K K s

Jun 19, 2018


By sai s

Jun 12, 2018


By Nguyen P N D

May 20, 2023


By Đặng T A

Nov 3, 2024



Nov 5, 2024


By Keita Y

Oct 7, 2019

Broad topics in image and video processing are covered and it was very useful to grasp what kind of techniques are being used in this field. Although most of the subjects were presented in a very comprehensive manner, some contents (maybe advanced ones) still have rooms for improvement.

For the home work assignments, most of the programming problems were too easy (the one in week 12 was challenging, so other weeks could have had problems with equal difficulty.) Also, some problems' statement seemed somewhat ambiguous. If read carefully, the meaning is clear, but since people from all over the globe are taking the course, it might be helpful if they were written in more clear way.

Lastly, maybe because the course was uploaded several years ago, the activity of the forum was very low, which spoiled one of the benefit of using MOOC.

By Akshay B

Jul 15, 2017

The course content is great. The professor has delivered the material in a simple and straight forward way. There are many results which we can utilize straight away and experiment with. The only drawback was that the quizzes were theoretical,with just one problem dedicated to programming. To get more benefits out of this course certainly we have to do some extra reading Nevertheless it was a great introductory course. Will surely recommend it to others.

By 轩辕行

Aug 17, 2020

I think week 3 is the most important topic in image/video signal processing and the maths is really important here. I would say that despite image recovery is taught in 2 weeks, the focus is bit lost and touched too many topics without going deeper for a specific one.

I probably would suggest to have Laplacian pyramid and similar stuff just after frequency analysis, it will help student to understand better in later applications.

By NafizAbeer

Mar 15, 2018

Best suited for the beginners. Anyone who has no experience with signal processing except the mathematical representation of any signal can enjoy this course. The programming problems are easy for those who have basic knowledge of the software (MATLAB). Last two modules (Segmentation (week 11), Sparsity (week 12)) are the most exciting ones (for me). Finally, the course lacks the resources for further studies.

By Kenneth L

Aug 29, 2016

Very good overview of theory, specific algorithms, and some practice of application in MATLAB. There's a lot of material to cover and the videos are longer, requiring self-pacing throughout the individual lectures. Some of the weeks are very challenging. Extracurricular study, practice and implementation helped in areas where I had yet to encounter supporting material and/or prerequisites.

By Sajad S

Jul 3, 2018

This course has all basic methods on image processing but has a few examples to demonstrate each of them. So it's rather difficult to understand all the materials.It's necessary to research further on each method. In other words it's better to pass some graduated courses like information theory or digital communication to understand it better.

By black s

Jan 23, 2017

Well worth the time. Topics are clearly explained most of the time. I was getting a bit lost in the math towards the very end (last couple of weeks), but even though details were hazy, I think the general concept was conveyed well. The labs could be a bit more insightful for a few of the weeks but were overall good.

By Mandar D

Feb 28, 2017

Really a great course, with focus on the concepts and mathematics of image processing . More academic type course rather than a hands on one. Less weight given to video processing. I wish there was a bit more programming and practical assignments to accompany this compendium of DSP knowledge .

Thanks alot!

By shiva k r

May 10, 2018

It was getting tougher as the course went on. As I am an undergrad Student who has just completed my B.E from India, some of the concepts were totally new to me. May be people studying higher courses and undergoing specialization in this subject might understand them. Overall a very good course.

By Corrado S

Jul 14, 2020

The hardest course I took on coursera. Even though I find the course contents very informative, the material was in my opinion insufficient to complete all the assignment with the highest grade. I do not find the course to be self contained. It was anyway great as introduction to the topic.

By Yixiong J

Nov 11, 2019

Though some of the parts still require a lot of extracurricular readings, this course is nice and the professor is truly an expert in this area. If you have enough patience and pay efforts to finish it all, it will build a strong foundation for the further study of image processing.

By Mithila I

Feb 22, 2017

Good course, could have provided more examples and more elaboration regarding the fourier transform. Good instructor who is knowledgeable about this field. Might be better to introduce tutorials that go through selected problems step by step. Thanks very much and all the best.

By yaser t

Apr 29, 2018

I have enjoyed this course very much because it is part of my specialist in Electronic and Communications Engineering . Regardless of some concepts and equations that did not reach them clearly, But in the end the amount of benefit is great. thank you