Jan 5, 2021
This course requires some background knowledge of mathematics, and the exercises require some hard work. It's interesting, engaging, and has a lot of knowledge on offer!
Oct 22, 2017
Fantastic course. Fascinating material, presented at a reasonably fast pace, and some really challenging assignments.
By Roberto K
•Apr 13, 2017
After more than 20 courses taken in Coursera (mostly in Math, Ecomonics and Computer Science), this is, by far, the WORST course I have ever taken. The content is fine but it very badly designed as MOOC. I am droping this course after the first week.
On the Peer Graded Assignments it became very clear that most students simply did not have enough math background for the course. I peer reviewed 4/5 assignments and on most of then I graded zero. The problem is that these same students will peer review your assignments. Therefore, you dedicate your time and you will be evaluated by people that do not even know what the correct answer is, what is the point on this? I felt as being part of bad experiment...
Given this a MOOC with thousand of students enrolled, the organizers must implement a fair format to grade the students. It is very clear Peer Graded Assignments format that was implemented is not a option, it put your grade on other's hands.
This will simply repel any student that want to take a serious course and would really undesrtand the course content.
This was a recurrent complaint on the forum, but nothing real was done. I logged a message on the forum, but the TA and organizers never replied.
Curiously this problem is not happening on the course "Introduccion to Enumerative Combinatorics" that implemented a better format to grade the students.
I am not sure if Coursera could do anything about, I just hope Coursera take this feedback seriouly and try to implement higher standards to prevent courses like this.
By Deleted A
•Jul 6, 2018
The lectures online have little to nothing to do with the course material. Way too much informarion that is unnceesary and not nrealy enough practidcal examples. When the book for the ocurse was purcheesd it was a bit of help, but once again the video lectures neevr once mentioned it, or even guided to where to find the material we would need to review for the test. A complete waste of time. I leanred more scouring the internet and Youtube for material that was relevant to the course. And peer reiewed homework is a joke. Haveing hundres ofother people who also do not understand what is going on rating my homework is an absolute joke. Hands down the worse course I've ever taken. There were even parts of the Transcript that simply read ( INAUDABLE) .
By Alex K
•Sep 28, 2017
Poor presentation of material. Peer reviewed material with no solutions given and no explanation or solutions to any problems. The instructor is teaching this as a review course instead of for people who are taking this for their first time. You cannot learn in this course. Very poor. Remove this course its a waste of time.
By Brandon G
•Jul 6, 2018
The video lectures have nothing at all to do with the quizzes. Even the books barely help, and the instructor ( I use that term very generously ) does not provide any guide whats so ever as to where we should be reading, and absolutely no preparation for the quiz. After trying the quiz for days, I was able to learn more by searching on Youtube than I was in these video lectures. Worst course I have ever experienced. If you paid for this, please get your money back.
By Palak M (
•Dec 5, 2018
The course is most pathetically setup. Most of the people are not able to go beyond Week 1 because of the missing lectures and the Quiz, which is set on the content which is never talked about or explained. Ridiculous course.
By Michael M
•May 28, 2019
horribly set up class, minimal actual instruction, very little explanation on how to learn missing concepts, no solutions for quiz or homework problems given
By Bahaa I
•Oct 23, 2018
The instructor is summarizes the content too much. I've been always in need to lookup Youtube for further and simpler detailed instruction. The content is too short (Duration of every lecture) comparing to such an important and wide field
By Adam X
•Jun 24, 2018
Imagine that I have 0 math background. Is it possible for me to catch up with the videos? probably. Is it possible for me to do the quizes? 0% possiblity
By Yi L
•May 19, 2019
have to ready online materials and watch other related videos on youtube in order to pass the quizzes
By Nishant P
•Oct 23, 2017
Fantastic course. Fascinating material, presented at a reasonably fast pace, and some really challenging assignments.
By Abhay G
•Dec 5, 2018
This course is good to comprehend relation, function and combinations.
By Jeremiah K
•Apr 26, 2017
Course materials are poorly prepared and the method of peer review of proofs in fundamentally flawed. Hopefully, once there are some teaching and explanatory materials available and an improved scheme for assignment marking, the course will be worth taking. Unfortunately it is a bit of a mess at the moment.
By Deleted A
•Jan 6, 2019
Not enough explanation for a beginner
By Ionut M C
•Mar 17, 2019
The tests are done very poorly and the material is not covered in the video lectures. I even got me the recommended books yet even those do not offer the answers properly. Don't want to be rude, but this course did not receive the attention it deserved.
By Evgeniy Z
•Aug 29, 2017
AWFUL. Weirdly picked themes to explain. No proper tools to grasp topic is given. Bad explanations.
By Brandon Y
•Aug 3, 2020
Just read all the other reviews. Self-explanatory.
By Lei M
•Mar 14, 2017
Very Poor Course Evaluation Mechanism
By 王詩閎
•Feb 3, 2020
a waste of time
By Ke G
•Jun 5, 2017
Other than the issue of peer grading, I took the course of the first week and found the course material is missing and quiz of week 1 needs the materials of week 2.
This is not a preliminary discrete math course. I was trying to learn part of the MIT discrete math course then jump on this course to catch up but I found that the first week's content is about 15 week content in MIT so I guess I will just quit.
In the forum there are people seems can't find enough companies for peer grading and almost no posts after week 2.
By Tatu T
•Sep 15, 2020
First of all, this should be Advanced, not Intermediate. Lessons don't explain enough what we are learning or the theorems in exercises. I could not recommend this course to anyone. If you can finish this, you already have the knowledge and you don't gain almost anything from this course.
By Alon H
•May 3, 2020
This course assumes certain knowledge about mathematical notation that is not taught or stipulated one must have. Typically courses will state what other courses you must have taken prior in order to begin. My assumption was that this is a introductory course to Discrete Mathematics, I unfortunately have not looked at set theory in perhaps 16 years. The notation was unfamiliar to me, and requires me to do my own searching for other courses to explain this (refresh) before I can take this course. I am concerned that this will continue to occur each week, and I simply am unaware what other assumptions the course holds. Again, this is not an issue with the subject matter, or instructor, whatsoever. It is more an issue with lack of disclosure on prior required knowledge.
By J a
•Aug 30, 2021
this course has a lot of prerequisites from the students and i find as mentioned before that with how much information is given i do not trust my peers to grade my hard work and i have no information on what to expect from the quiz or what i am supposed to be learning , now some may argue i can do my own research ? well i can but why would i need the course then!! im sure most of us had a hard time coming with rigorous proofs when there was no base or even a slight attempt to guide the student so unless you are fairly familiar with the subjects already and want to simply further test yourself it is a complete waste of time and effort
By riscook
•Apr 8, 2020
videos are largely useless!
By Izhar A
•Jan 6, 2021
This course requires some background knowledge of mathematics, and the exercises require some hard work. It's interesting, engaging, and has a lot of knowledge on offer!
By Moli Y
•Aug 9, 2017
Short course!! I use it to review my discrete math knowledge.