By Yogiraj R
•Jul 3, 2020
Poor. I don't know who has given this course 4 or 5 stars, I wouldn't give it even 1 star. Probably the professor's students were told to rate this lecture series which is where those 4 and 5 stars are coming from. She's just basically reading off powerpoint slides. The quizzes asked in between videos are totally irrelevant to what had rather had not been spoken or discussed before. She just throws around T, a, b, ne, no; all sorts of jargon without any sort of prior explanation of what sort of Greek she's talking.
I learnt a lot more about displays from the Texas instruments 5-10 minute videos than this entire course series. Had I not gone over the Texas instruments videos before, all of this would have felt like ancient Egyptian to me.
By Mohamed F
•Apr 22, 2020
The course will introduce to many display technologies but it targets the working principle only, which is not bad in order to get introduced to many kinds of displays. However, I think that the working principles explaining can be better.
By R. G
•Jun 17, 2020
informative course thank you
•Jul 17, 2020
By mugdha d
•May 13, 2020
A good course including basic information of Electroluminescent Display, Plasma display panels. OLED display would have been incorporated in the course. A good experience.
By Arash A
•Sep 7, 2022
The course is good and the material presented is useful, however, it seems the lecturer does not have the required confidence during presentation.
By hari h
•May 15, 2020
By Guillaume V
•Feb 25, 2023
I enjoyed this specialization. I learned a lot (lasers, CCD, polarization).
One reading assignment is the first 4 chapters of Coldren's book Diode lasers and photonic IC, which is a very nice book.
Thanks to professor Juliet Gopinath.
By Peng-Bo X
•Jan 3, 2024
Hope the class can tell more about current LCD , OLED , uLED basic technology