Aug 3, 2019
Great course with a lot of new information, not just about dogs but even domestication of other species, including humans. The predictability of aggression in humans would be an interesting next topic
Nov 13, 2017
An excellent introduction to the world of dog cognition. Anyone who is interested in working with dogs, or just learning more about their new adopted family member should definitely take this course.
By Janina R
•Sep 12, 2015
Very interesting course. The quizzes were challenging, which was good, and I liked that there was a final exam, too. The lecturer was maybe a bit too "wordy" and could have cut to the point faster without repetition but he was being enthusiastic about his topic, so that is forgiven. Overall, a good course!
By Sarah B
•Dec 12, 2022
I decided to take this course because I follow Dr. Hare's work in the Duke Canine Cognition Center and the nonprofit service dog organization Canine Companions on social media. I had dogs growing up and currently have a dog, so I can't wait to try Dognition with her!
Thanks so much for your work, Dr. Hare!
By Dhany K
•Aug 9, 2022
It was definitely a nice course, I've learned new information regarding the theories about cognition, the theories behind it, its application (like in apes), and also the core material which was about dog cognition. It's a good course for those who are new to animal psychology, or simply just dog lovers.
By Shelamay M
•Oct 17, 2020
As a dog lover, I found this course really interesting. I learned so much about dogs, their evolution, and how one simple movement can mean a lot of things to them. Thank you, Dr. Hare, for being enthusiastic in sharing your knowledge in this entire course. It is highly recommended to citizen scientists!
By Nicole M B
•May 2, 2020
A great basic science course focused around man's best friend. Highly enjoyable lectures, and the "citizen science" aspect is fun too. The material is presented in a really accessible way, and is a fun introduction to genetics, evolution, cognition, and a number of other topics through the lens of dogs.
By Natasha O
•Dec 15, 2015
This was an amazing course! The format was fantastic and easy to follow and Dr. Brian hare was an engaging speaker, which the videos wonderful to watch. I also really liked that it was self-paced because then I could really try out the Dognition exercises with my dog and have the time to read the book.
•May 2, 2020
I Enjoyed This Course so Much, So many things explained elaborately which helped a lot to understand the overall topics, and thanks for the so many resources and reference given for extra knowledge gathering, thanks to our lecturer and all the fellow mates for being helpful in the discussion section,
By Iván F R
•Feb 8, 2018
I found this course very interesting in order to know more about myself by knowing more about our relations with other species. I think the concept of self-domestication and the physiological changes it produces in the individuals has been the most surprising thing I've learned thanks to this course.
By Jarrod B
•Jan 23, 2016
This is an extraordinary course. I'm currently enrolled in school to become a Veterinary Assistant, and this course (along with Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods' "The Genius of Dogs," has been a wonderful learning experience. I definitely recommend this for anyone working with dogs and dog owners. Cheers.
By Yasmine S
•Aug 28, 2017
Absolutely LOVED this course. Fascinating studies on how dogs and other animals as well as humans have evolved and the many different branches of intelligence. There was not a single dull moment in this course and the professor was brilliant. Can't recommend this course highly enough. Thank you!
By Ashley S H
•Apr 8, 2018
Best online course I've taken regarding canine science. Starts off a little slow, but by "week 3," I was hooked. The information presented is exciting and relevant. And, the course left me with a greater hunger for knowledge, which I believe is the hallmark of an excellent learning experience.
By Rebecca N
•Mar 30, 2018
This was a fantastic course. I'm so impressed with the learning style, mixing the book (The Genius of Dogs) with the online course made understanding and retaining the information so much easier. It's genuinely impacted how I will be training my current dogs and future dogs. Thank you so much.
By Erica K T
•Nov 28, 2015
I Have just finished the course and loved it! Brian Hare is great, and is an honor to see his lectures. I work with dog cognition and emotional sense, so i've read a lot of Brians papers. This course is amazing and I indicate to everyone who study animal behavior or just love dogs (or both).
By Eloi A
•Sep 11, 2021
This course is amazing. I'm a veterinarian and I learned a lot of things. I'm very excited about dognition. This is the best course I've taken in behavioral science and my life, and the way I see my best friends won't be the same after that. Congratulations and thank you so much for that.
By April M H
•Jan 15, 2019
Excellent Information, Great Professor, and Superior Knowledge for a better understanding of Man's Best Friend. Worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY of the $49.99 or whatever the compensation was for teaching & explaining this information on a university level. Thanks Again Mr. Hare, Duke University
•Feb 18, 2016
It was a great course for all dog lovers! The content was so interesting with types experiments and games to better understand our pet dogs. Also the scientific findings are so suprising for us to really know who our dogs are. Go through this, your dog-knowing journey will be wonderful!!
By madelynne h t
•Oct 4, 2020
Thank you so much for providing this educational opportunity to learn a bit more about the history and psychology of our closest companions: dogs! It let me learn so much about our most beloved pet animal in the household! It was the perfect pace of short, easy, and thought-compelling.
By Astrid T
•Sep 14, 2016
The course itself was fantastic. I had read Dr. Hare's book previously and was a part of the Beta Test of dognition. But this was even better. It helped me gain an even better understanding of the subject. I can only highly recommend it to anybody interested in dogs and their behavior.
By Diane M
•Aug 30, 2020
This has been a great way of surviving lockdown due to coronovirus in the UK!
Enjoyed the way the course was presented and have found the book to be a good supporting resource.
I have been training dogs since the mid 1970s (am now aged 68) and this has given me a new way of thinking.
By Krys M
•Oct 25, 2023
I did find the first few lectures a little dry, but I'm glad I stuck with it; the domestication/feral selection research segment was fascinating! There was some important clarification of common misunderstandings around canine psychology, and I've been inspired to do further study.
•Oct 11, 2023
Pensé en encontrar ideas sobre la comunicación de perros a humanos y entre perros, cómo nos entienden, después de detectar características de mi perro, que hacer?, como describir mis observaciones para que sean fuente de información sin algun sesgo como puede ser en antropomorfismo
By Гришаева Е
•Nov 30, 2021
Огромная благодарность платформе Coursera за возможность пройти замечательный курс Брайана Хейра на русском языке. Курс был очень полезен в плане понимания когнитивных способностей собак, а также других животных. Да и в плане понимания эволюции человека курс также был познавателен.
By Yash P
•Aug 9, 2020
I have always loved dogs. This course truly helped me better understand the animal I feel the deepest connection to. The course content was perfectly split up and engagingly delivered by the professor, Dr.Brian Hare through the use of humour to instill the facts in learners' minds.
By Leah A M
•Aug 29, 2016
This was excellent! As a professional dog trainer, I really value the information I got from this course. Yes I also bought his book but It is a really good resource. You can get it used at a lower cost. I have been recommending this course to my "want to know more" clients.
By Jeannette R
•Apr 9, 2016
Excellent start to the course. Looks like it is going to be really hands on with the different tests you can do with your own dog/s. I can't wait to get started and find out all about my dog's psychology. Just wondering how different it will be to my pre-conceived perceptions.