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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Behavioral Finance by Duke University

4,257 ratings

About the Course

We make thousands of decisions every day. Do I cross the road now, or wait for the oncoming truck to pass? Should I eat fries or a salad for lunch? How much should I tip the cab driver? We usually make these decisions with almost no thought, using what psychologists call “heuristics” – rules of thumb that enable us to navigate our lives. Without these mental shortcuts, we would be paralyzed by the multitude of daily choices. But in certain circumstances, these shortcuts lead to predictable errors – predictable, that is, if we know what to watch out for. Did you know, for example, that we are naturally biased towards selling investments that are doing well for us, but holding on to those that are doing poorly? Or that we often select sub-optimal insurance payment plans, and routinely purchase insurance that we don’t even need? And why do so many of us fail to enroll in our employer’s corporate retirement plans, even when the employer offers to match our contributions? Behavioral finance is the study of these and dozens of other financial decision-making errors that can be avoided, if we are familiar with the biases that cause them. In this course, we examine these predictable errors, and discover where we are most susceptible to them. This course is intended to guide participants towards better financial choices. Learn how to improve your spending, saving, and investing decisions for the future....

Top reviews


Aug 15, 2017

Great course! It allows to understand the twisted logic that run in our heads. Helps to establish the balance between probabilistic truth and illusions that infect our decision-making. Thanks a lot!


May 2, 2018

This course was a very good sum up of Daniel Kahneman's thinking fast and slow. Definitely recommend to everyone who would like to know more about our flaws or would like to refresh your knowledge.

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751 - 775 of 1,057 Reviews for Behavioral Finance

By Hamna M

Aug 27, 2018

This course has really helped understand why people make decisions that they make and how to avoid these mistakes in investment.

By Shruthi B

Oct 3, 2020

More extensive examples to understand the biases. More feedback on the quizzes.Only week 1 quiz had feedback with explanations.

By Petr K

Nov 16, 2024

It would be nice if you will add more video lectures, for some people it's much more comfortable to get information this way.

By C M M C

May 17, 2020

Very helpful though it is short and rather confusing in search of better understanding, and to grasp concept of each theory.

By João F F F

May 29, 2021

Curso muito bom e com excelente conteúdo, porém algumas questões dos testes estão com falha, e destacam a resposta correta.

By Nesrin B

Jan 8, 2021

Thank you, it's a very nice course for beginners but I would like to prefer more details and tips about Behavioral Finance.

By Andres C

Apr 22, 2020

Its great to find courses on this topic. Lectures are interesting. Maybe the third week seems like it is incomplete. Thanks

By Basem C

Oct 18, 2016

Very useful especially as an introduction to Behavioral Finance. Week 2 would have been better to be split over two weeks.

By Hugh K

Jun 4, 2020

This course is an excellent overview of Behavioral Finance, in particular, the investor biases which reside in all of us.

By Ian M

Sep 23, 2018

The content of the course was very interesting. My one critique would be not providing explanations for the quiz answers.

By Roberton G

Jun 3, 2018

It only had the answers or the test correction on the first test.

After the course we could receive the answers by e-mail.

By M- B O

Feb 8, 2021

Great course and a good insight on the topic, but it didn't have many lectures, it was mostly just PDFs that you read.

By Juris S

Dec 17, 2020

A good course before Standford game theory. Which I could recommend for everyone who is interested in human behaviors.

By MBS04 M M

May 30, 2020

This course help me to remove many biases in decision make. I hope that in future I used this information in best way.

By Anita R

May 19, 2020

I really loved it. I liked the examples given especially and the course material. Its really worth to do this course.

By Ertuğrul Y

Nov 15, 2020

It was very theoretical, and some videos had no Turkish translations. visuality could be added even more. thank you.

By Ken Z

May 22, 2020

I enjoyed learning from the leaders in behavioral finance. Well worth the time and structure to complete the course.

By Ahmet M U

Mar 11, 2022

it was very beneficial. I understand mostly financial behaviors, our biases, and some trouble situations. Thank you

By Saurabh R

Aug 21, 2018

The quizzes could be more numerical and have more relevant questions. Convert some of the readings into animations

By Nandini G

Aug 2, 2021

i got to learn alot from this course and would recommend people to take this course especially finance students.

By Le R U

Feb 7, 2023

Good informative course offered for free. I would recommend taking this course to anyone interested in finance.

By Noah P

Jul 9, 2021

Great course, in particular i find the material useful, the exams are written in a frustrating manner though.

By Vanshika K

Nov 19, 2019

Good Course too much to learn, but should have included a little more video lectures along with the readings.

By Edwina D

Aug 29, 2016

3 weeks was a bit of a rush to get everything done, but the course was very informative and met expectations.

By Sagar P

May 1, 2020

Too good. Lot of technical aspects were tried to explain. Still i feel explanation would have been provided.