Oct 5, 2015
This is the first course I am taking in The valuable instructors of Duke University designed and created a masterpiece for learners. Thank you so much guys. Greets from Istanbul, Turkey.
Aug 17, 2019
Very insightful and helped me learn about the basics of computer science. Now I'm able to better understand the jargon of computer science and can discuss with others or even review codes. Thank you!
By Deleted A
•Mar 25, 2021
I don't want to learn only the basics and just stick to it, I wanted to move to advanced stuff too. More than possible in a month. This course wasted way too much of my time, until now I have only learned how to barely use JavaScript on their platform using their libraries. I don't understand the obsession with the Green Screen Algorithm. Trying to unenroll now or I'll waste two more weeks of my life.
This is probably good for an absolute beginner with lots of free time.
By William R
•Mar 5, 2021
I thought the course did a good job in week 1 with HTML and CSS but thats where it stopped. The course was not very clear about Javascript and often said what parts did without explaining why. They also severely underestimated the amount of time each week would take on the description as it says 5 hours per week but each week was roughly 7 hours. The Duke LearnToCOde site was also not very good. I did enjoy working on Codepen.
By G V
•Oct 17, 2015
Waaay too basic and simple for a comprehensive principles course. One or two concepts is not enough to gain an understanding. The power behind online learning is that if it takes you three views to understand it all, you have the luxury. Please beef up the videos and the assignments. The assignments had no feedback mechanism so I could easily plow through them without any knowledge of whether I did them right.
By Adrian W
•Mar 15, 2018
The focus on image manipulation is confusing and makes code really hard to debug, especially when referencing external sources for functions. Simple text output and arithmetic would be more helpful. The graphics theme seems like a bit of a gimmick. My assignments are all buggy and I can't fix them because the source functions used to generate the images are beyond my skill level.
By Alina S
•Oct 16, 2015
Actually it's rather hard to understand how JavaScript works if you'd never learnt it before this course. And all this comments like "write a programm before start the quiz" hold me up to ridicule, because as a beginner I don't understand logic of writing.
HTML & CSS are simple, so there's no problem here.
By gaurav s
•Jan 5, 2016
Very very basic course. Learned about HTML ,CSS in initial classes. Then it was completely JavaScript. But there was no details about how to use JavaScript for web programming. Projects and Quizzes are kind of ok difficulty.
I will recommend this course for the people who are not aware of programming.
By Hamza S
•May 16, 2020
Instructors should write codes on professional code writing softwares such as brackets or visual studio and not on their own made softwares. We wont use your softwares to work professionally but rather use other softwares. The codes written on codepen does not work on other platforms.
By Dave T
•Sep 13, 2016
I'm confused as to why there was so much emphasis on domain knowledge rather than a good, solid foundation of basic principles. I'm also failing to see how much of this is going to be applicable to future installments of this course. As a starter for a Java course I am worried.
By Chase E
•Apr 17, 2020
Would have benefited from more fundamentals. Course goes into making things quickly, but fails to thoroughly explain the concepts behind what is happening. Fine for a quick crash course on web development, but not recommended as a foundational introduction to programming.
By Abdulrahman A
•Feb 7, 2022
the course content was ok, I thought it was more detailed and explained in a way that made sense once you want to start the assignments, I found my self almost lost in this course due to the lack of lectures and no help from mentors whatsoever !!! really dissapointed
By Justin K
•Apr 20, 2017
The course contents are pretty good, but the suggested time to complete each week's assignment is misleading. I spent on average 2 hours for each assignment that suggested 10 mins to complete. I end up spending way to much time on this course than I planned to.
By Konrad D
•Jan 22, 2016
okay for an intro, not the most boring content. It is a bit aweful that the insist on you using their libraries and programming environments. You spend perhaps 20% of your actually practicing coding, and the rest is wasted in libraries you will never use again
By Tanja P
•Sep 21, 2016
I really enjoyed the first two weeks. When it came to JavaScript I couldn't follow, so much information was missing and lessons were not clear anymore. I understand that the goal was to teach the most in a short time but this was not the right approach.
By Andrea L
•Aug 12, 2021
The presenters in this course are so painful to listen to. I finally just have to drop the course, because they are clearly not natural instructors/presenters. It's very distracting. The course also just isn't very well written.
By Artem I
•Dec 20, 2015
First two weeks of the course were ok, but after that it became something like JavaScript clap-trap, oriented to playing with images. I wanted to know how to make web-pages, I didn't get that information from this course.
By Jee y J
•Jun 12, 2017
This course could be better with more explanation on founding fundamentals. Basically, the whole course was based on just imitating codes without understanding what are the actual meaning of each code.
By 20_ S
•Jun 1, 2020
I think it would be better if the lessons are taught by only professor instead of 3 or 4. Afterall , to many cook spoil the broth. Still i would like to say professors are really good.
By Shantanu M
•Oct 18, 2019
Not a great course for JavaScript especially, i really did not like the fact that they just skipped classes completely and we were forced to learn their pre-buit classes and functions.
By Jake T
•Aug 5, 2021
Good to learn JavaScript, HTML and CSS. However, I do not understand how this is relevant to this specialisation: Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals
By Takanori K
•Nov 24, 2015
Final assignment is too difficult to do for beginners. It's crucial for them not to pass the course unless getting a certain score on the final assignment.
By Svitlana K
•Jun 1, 2016
All the modules but last are really interesting and informative. The last week's module is very poorly explained, a beginner cannot really understand it.
By Aseem G
•Apr 16, 2016
Good course but I dont like how you have to finish each module within a week it would be better if you could finish everything in fourweeks
By Paul V
•Dec 8, 2015
The lecturers are speaking very fast. Some times at the code practice it is not understandable how to solve the problem.
By Carlos T C
•Sep 27, 2021
it is a beginner course, but not taught as a beginner course making it difficult to learn as a beginner.
By Daniela B
•Oct 13, 2021
For my level of experience which is zero, everything is explained too quickly. I didn't like it at all.